Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
March 28, 2005
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 3/28/05
* House Returns, Anniversary Remembered, Passing of a Friend
The House returns to voting session next week and tentatively plans to discuss bills related to conservation easements, funding security upgrades to infrastructure, local government help to watershed associations and other odds and ends.
* Environmental Forum Features Presentation on Anti-Litter, Beautification
The Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee April 12 Earth Day Environmental Issues Forum will feature a presentation by Julia Marano, Executive Director of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful.
* Environmental Legislation Introduced in the House and Senate
Here’s an updated list of environmental legislation introduced in the House and Senate so far this year attached to this webpage. Check out these recent bills—
* Celebrate Watershed Month “Protect Our Watersheds, Protect Our Future”
For the fourth consecutive year, May will be celebrated as Watershed Awareness Month to encourage Pennsylvanians to learn more about their local watersheds and participate in environmental activities to enhance their natural surroundings and communities.
* March 21-25 National Flood Safety Awareness Week
NOAA's National Weather Service, Susquehanna River Basin Commission and other organizations this week marked National Flood Safety Awareness Week, March 21-25.
* West Branch of the Susquehanna Named DCNR’s River of the Year
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources this week named the West Branch of the Susquehanna River as Pennsylvania's River of the Year for 2005 to celebrate the waterway's rebound from a troubled past to a promising future.
* Final TMDLs Available for 17 Streams in 12 Counties
The Department of Environmental Protection announced the availability of final Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) Plans for all or parts of 17 watersheds in 12 counties (PaB 1936). They include:
* Citizens’ Toolkit to Prevent Illegal Dumping in Parks, Forests Now Available
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and PA CleanWays now have available a new tool kit, 'Tools for Change,' for citizens interested in cleaning up and preventing dumpsites in state parks and forests throughout the Commonwealth.
* PA CleanWays Sponsors Teacher Workshops on Environment, Ecology in June
PA CleanWays is sponsoring an environment and ecology teacher workshop on June 25 designed to encourage students to become more aware of their world, understand the impact of individual choices and actions, and to encourage them to implement change.
* Small Businesses Invited to Workshop on How to Get Technology Funds
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will host a one-day workshop on April 6 to teach small businesses how to win contracts under EPA’s Small Business Innovation Research program. The agency’s environmental technology needs also will be explained.
* Grants for Wind Projects Available, Apply By March 31
The Sustainable Development Fund has announced the availability of approximately $2 million in wind energy production incentive grants to support new wind projects in Pennsylvania that will begin commercial operation by December 31, 2005.
* Biomass Energy Project Grants Available from USDA, Deadline May 6
The U.S.Department of Agricultural announced the availability of $14.3 million in grants for value-added agriculture business ventures, with priority consideration to applications that dedicate at least 51 percent of the project costs to biomas energy.
* Small Business Pollution Prevention, Energy Saving Grants to Reopen July 1
The Department of Environmental Protection announced this week the application period for its next round of Small Business Advantage grants should reopen July 1.
* PA Offers $500 Rebates on Hybrid/Clean Fuel Vehicles
The Department of Environmental Protection announced it will offer a $500 rebate for residents who purchase hybrid, bi-fuel, dual-fuel or dedicated alternative fuel vehicles in 2005.
* PA Green Power Partner
PA Becomes EPA Green Power Partner
* PA Land Trust Announces Keynote Speaker for Land Conservation Conference
Martha Marks, President of Republicans for Environmental Protection, will be the keynote speaker for the 3rd Annual PA Land Conservation Conference sponsored by the PA Land Trust Association.
* Earth Day 2005 – Special Events Scheduled
Starting this week the PA Environment Digest will start to provide a sampling of Earth Day 2005 events scheduled all over Pennsylvania, plus links to more activities. If you would like to see your event highlight, just email: .
* Free Backyard Composting Workshops, Composting Bins
The Penn State Cooperative Extension Service and Master Gardeners Program are again offering free workshops on backyard composting.
* BP Announces Joint Development Program for Renewable Plastics
BP and Metabolix, Inc. of Cambridge, Massachusetts have agreed to a joint development program to develop renewable and biodegradable plastics.
* Lancaster, EPA Turn Brownfield into Roberto Clemente Park
Brownfields assessment grant funding from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 3 enabled the Lancaster County Planning Commission to turn a contaminated, dilapidated park in the City of Lancaster into a refurbished and modern community resource.
* Workshops Set for Auto Recyclers Interested in Recycling Mercury Switches
Six workshops are being held across the state to interest auto recyclers in recycling mercury switches found in cars and other vehicles.
* First Egg! And Not From the Easter Bunny!
Sharp-eyed watchers of the FalconCam were rewarded this week with the first egg produced by the Peregrine Falcons nesting on the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg.
* For the Birds—Bluebirds and Snow Geese
Here are two stories about birds and birdwatching that caught our eye this week.
* Help Wanted - Recycling Markets Center Director
The Recycling Markets Center, a non-profit organization associated with Penn State University, is seeking candidates for Executive Director.
* Environmental Career Camps for Students
DCNR Seeking Students for Environmental Career Camps
* Student Artists Invited to Submit Work
Young Artists Invited to Submit Work About Chesapeake Bay’s Rivers
* Taking Positive Action - PNC Bank Takes Environment into Account
Creating a bank that is both friendly to customers as well as the environment is no small feat. But PNC Bank in Pittsburgh, with nearly 800 bank branches and 23,000 employees nationwide, has made integrating its business practices with environmental responsibility a top priority.
* Penn State/EPA Tout Benefits of Green Roofs
Working under an EPA Office of Research & Development and Regional Applied Research Effort Program cooperative agreement, researchers at Penn State University reported preliminary findings that green or vegetated roofs reduce pH in rainwater and, to a lesser extent, nitrates.
* Remembering the Accident at Three Mile Island – 26 Years Later
The accident at Three Mile Island nuclear power plant on March 28, 1979 is one of those events that you remember where you were and what you were doing when it happened. Just like September 11 or the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7.
* 3 New Historical Markers Remember People, Places in PA Environmental History
The Historical and Museum Commission this week announced the placement of 27 new blue and gold historical markers. Three of those markers commemorate people or places in Pennsylvania’s environmental history—
* In Memoriam: Fred Taylor
This week we learned of the passing of Fred Taylor, long-time counsel to the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee for the Republican Caucus.
* Quick Clips
Here's a sampling of NewsClips from around the state ona variety of environmental issues--
* Watershed NewsClips
A collection of NewsClips on watershed issues.
* Regulations
The Department of Environmental Protection published two notices correcting formal policies previously published in the PA Bulletin dealing with the Water Quality Toxics Strategy and the Independent Regulatory Review Commission published its disapproval notice of the explosives regulations.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of a proposed General Plan Approval/Operating Permit for Landfill Gas-Fired Simple Cycle Turbines. Comments due in 45 days.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars.
* Contributions Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .

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