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Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
June 21, 2004
PDF Version PA Environment Digest 06/21/04
* Slots, Tax Reform, But Not Growing Greener Coming Together
The General Assembly is scheduled to be in session again the week of June 21 and the following week. It appears things are coming together on slots, property tax relief and the budget generally. The Growing Greener III initiative (explained below) as a whole isn’t getting much traction, but pieces are.
* Senate Moves 3 Bill Environmental Package, Plus Fireworks Bill
Legislation on environmental education, the PA Senior Environment Corps, creating an Office of Energy and Pollution Reduction at DEP and regulating fireworks all came out of the Senate Appropriations Committee this week.
* Senate/House Move Sewer-Water Project Funding Bills
Both the Senate and House took action on legislation outlining how to spend the $250 million approved by voters for water and sewer projects. In both chambers there is a debate over whether to limit the funding to economic development projects as the Rendell Administration has proposed or to open funding to all projects.
* Alternative Fuels Incentive Bills Positioned for House Consideration
The Senate Bill 255 (Tomlinson-R-Bucks) making changes to the Alternative Fuels Incentive Program (AFIG) and House Bill 121 (Bard-R-Montgomery) offering alternative energy suppliers incentives are in position for further action next week.
* House Committee OKs Energy Savings, Waste Tire Legislation
House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee amended and approved three other bills this week, but withdrew House Bill 2619 (Dailey-D-Washington) from consideration which would require water well driller certification.
* Growing Greener III on Several Fronts, Park Fees Mentioned
There were activities on several fronts on Gov. Rendell’s Growing Greener III spending initiative, but they go in different directions.
* Quick Updates
Here's a quick update on issues in the General Assembly.
* DEP Posts Application for Small Business Advantage Program
The Department of Environmental Protection this week posted the application package for the Small Business Advantage Program which provides up to 50 percent matching grants, up to a maximum of $7,500, to enable a small business to adopt or acquire energy efficient or pollution prevention equipment or processes.
* Storage Tank Indemnification Board Warns Governor of Possible Fee Increases
The Underground Storage Tank Indemnification Board this week sent a letter to Gov. Rendell expressing their concern about repayment the $100 million loan taken from the fund in 2002 to help balance the budget.
* Four River Conservation Plans Finished, Added to DCNR Registry
This week the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources announced the approval and listing of four river segments on the Pennsylvania Rivers Conservation Registry --
* Deer Management Assistance Program Applications Deadline July 1
Eligible landowners interested in enrolling in the Pennsylvania Game Commission's Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP), which is designed to help landowners manage deer on their properties, have until July 1 to submit an application for the 2004-2005 hunting seasons to the Bureau of Wildlife Management in Harrisburg.
* Save the Dates! Recycling, National Women’s Forum, Watershed Conference
Save the dates for these three upcoming conferences.
* Adding Supply Chain Value Through Environmental Excellence

* EPA Brownfields Grants
EPA Awards Brownfields Grants in 42 States, PA Gets Its Share  In Pennsylvania, grants were awarded for projects in: Bucks County, Central City Philadelphia, to the City of Philadelphia, the Johnstown Redevelopment Authority, Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh, West-to-West Coalition, Inc., Monongahela River Valley, PA and York County
* EPA Tracks Environmental Progress in 12 Key Industry Sectors
A new EPA report establishes a performance benchmark for tracking future environmental progress in 12 key industrial and service sectors, including construction, forest products, and iron and steel manufacturing.
* Air Quality Conformity
EPA Adjusts Conformity Regulations to Meet New Air Quality Standards
* Taking Positive Action - Natural Heroes, Students Sampling Water, PA National Guard
Here are three examples of people working to make a positive difference in the environment.
* Chairman of the Ned Smith Center Campaign Offers $100,000 Challenge
C. Ted Lick, Chairman of the Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art’s Educational Building Campaign has offered to match dollar-for-dollar all gifts up to a total of $100,000 raised between now and August 31, 2004, for the Building Campaign.
* New Book Chronicles History of Trout Unlimited and Environmental
A new book on the history of Trout Unlimited in Pennsylvania and the impact its members had on improving the Commonwealth’s environment is now available.
* Watershed NewsClips
A sampling of NewsClips on watershed issues from around the state.
* Regulations
The latest on proposed and final regulations, and the June Environmental Quality Board and Independent Regulatory Review Commission meetings.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
Nothing new this week.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming workshops, conferences and meetings, plus links to other calendars
* Contributions Invited
Send your stories about new and changing state government programs and services to PA Environment Digest to: .

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