Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
July 26, 2004
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 07/26/04
* Who Said Summer Break?
Who said summer break? The State Planning Board is given a mission, deep mine safety legislative initiative announced, EPA watershed grants, green building workshops, wildlife project grants…
* Guaranteed Energy Savings Bill Signed into Law
House Bill 1996 (Adolph-R-Delaware) was signed into law by Gov. Rendell which provides school districts and local governments with new options for saving energy through guaranteed energy savings contracts.
* Will PA’s Growing Greener Proposals Follow New Jersey’s Toxics Fee?
Gov. Rendell proposed funding his Growing Greener II proposal with a variety of new fees on household waste, waste from businesses and chemicals reported under the federal Toxic Release Inventory. Prior to this month no other state had a similar line up of fees.
* Deep Mine Safety Legislation Announced
DEP Announces Mine Safety Legislative Initiative as Follow Up to Quecreek
* PECO Gives $232,000 to Philadelphia Housing Authority for Solar Energy
PECO Energy has provided the Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) with a grant of $232,100 for installation of photovoltaic solar energy systems at 22 homes in the Grays Ferry Estates under construction in Southwest Philadelphia and the Lucien E. Blackwell Homes in West Philadelphia.
* U.S. EPA Awards $1.15 Million Grant for Schuylkill Action Network
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced a $1.15 million grant this week to support the continuing efforts of the Schuylkill Action Network to address water quality issues in the Schuylkill River Basin in southeastern Pennsylvania through EPA’s Targeted Watershed Program.
* More Regional Water Resource Regional Committee Meetings Scheduled
The Department of Environmental Protection is continuing its series of regional water resource committee meetings in each of Pennsylvania’s six major river basins—Great Lakes, Delaware, Lower Susquehanna, Ohio, Potomac and Upper/Middle Susquehanna. Public participation is key to developing a plan to make the state a leader in water resource management and conservation.
* Rendell Announces State Planning Board Members, Mission
Gov. Rendell this week announced the reactivation of the State Planning Board. This advisory board, comprised of cabinet secretaries, state legislators and citizens, has a mission to monitor trends and issues of concern to the Commonwealth, gather input from state and local officials and citizens and develop reports and recommendations for the Governor and the Legislature on improved state policies and programs.
* Alternative Fuels Grants Due
Apply Now through Oct. 1 for Alternative Fuels Grant
* U.S. EPA Proposes Berks County Site for Superfund List
On July 22 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency proposed to add a site contaminated with arsenic, copper and lead in Heidelberg Township, Berks County to the federal Superfund National Priorities List.

* Wanted - Tire Recycling Ideas
DEP Seeks Ideas for Waste Tire Recycling, Reuse
* Building Green Tools for Materials, Energy, Interiors and More Online
Interested in learning more about how to use green building techniques in your next construction project? Try the GreenerBuildings Tools and Resources webpage. Here are just a sampling of the resources available—
* Green Building Activities in Pennsylvania, Courtesy Green Building Alliance
Alliance Building Breakfast – Green Roofs: Join GBA for breakfast on July 28th for an ABB on green roofs for your building project. This program will discuss: 3Rivers Wet Weather grantee projects; Regional green roofs: Epworth Manor & Heinz 57 Building; Maintenance and performance of existing local examples. Moderator: Joan Blaustein, Three Rivers Wet Weather Speakers: Jim Taylor, IKM Inc.; Ken Dengler, Garland Roofs; John Markey, The Huntley Group
* Grants for High-Priority Wildlife Projects Announced
The Pennsylvania Game Commission and Fish and Boat Commission recently have approved 10 projects that will benefit some of the Commonwealth's most troubled wildlife and fish species under the State Wildlife Grant Program.

* Taking Positive Action - Custom Castings Saves $$$
In the spring of 2002, the owners of Custom Castings Northeast Inc., a company that manufactures formed pillars, columns and other architectural shapes, applied for and received a Small Business Pollution Prevention Assistance Account loan. The company which is located in Bigler, Clearfield County, used the loan to improve the P2/E2 efforts of its operation by installing new and more efficient spray equipment in order to significantly reduce the amount of overspray in their manufacturing process.
* Taking Positive Action - DCNR Recognizes Hiking Group
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources this week honored the Tarkill Group, a group of hiking enthusiasts dedicated to improving a state forestland trail in Pike and Monroe counties as DCNR’s “Group Conservation Volunteer of the Year.”
* Watershed Clips
A sampling of NewsClips from across the state on watershed issues.
* Regulations
The latest on proposed and final regulations, August Environmental Quality Board meeting agenda.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
Four draft guidance documents and one final document were released by the Department of Environmental Protection this week.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming workshops, conferences and meetings, plus links to other calendars.
* Contributions Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - .

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