Scrapbook Photo 11/04/24 - 108 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
August 2, 2004
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 08/02/04
* Next Digest August 16
The Capitol Building and Administration offices were half empty this week with many folks going to Democratic National Convention in Boston. As a special feature, we included Gov. Rendell’s address to the Convention on energy issues.
* Senate Environmental Committee Sets Hearing on Timber Theft
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee has scheduled an August 25 public hearing in Franklin on the issue of timber theft.
* Joint Committee Holds Forestry Task Force, Aquaculture Meetings
The Joint Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee has scheduled two meetings in upcoming weeks.
* Two Updates on the Growing Greener Environmental Funding Initiative
Please find below two updates on the Governor’s Growing Greener environmental funding initiative put out this week by Rep. William Adolph (R-Delaware, Majority Chairman of the House Environmental Resources Committee and House Democratic Leaders Rep. William DeWeese (D-Greene) and Rep. Michael Veon (D-Beaver)
* Recycling Officials Hold Annual Conference, Concern Expressed for Future
Over 220 enthusiastic recycling officials and recycling and compost industry representatives attended the 14th annual statewide recycling conference in Wilkes-Barre this week organized by the Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania (PROP).
* Watch for Nomination Forms for 2004 Waste Watcher Awards
On August 3 nomination forms will be posted on the PROP website for the 2004 Waste Watcher Awards Program. Nominations are due October 1.
* Controls on Fine Particulate Matter to be Discussed at Air Committee
At the August 10 Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee meeting DEP will be reviewing its position and make a recommendation on how it plans to proceed with issues surrounding the EPA’s designation of 22 counties as nonattainment areas for PM 2.5.
* DEP Offers Comments to EPA on Rule to Reduce Regional Haze
On July 15 DEP submitted formal comments to EPA on a Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) rule designed to reduce regional haze.
* Report Details Impacts of Manure on Bay, Changes in Dairy Feed Recommended
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation this week issued a report recommending new funding for programs designed to reduce nutrient pollution in the Bay by changing the formula for livestock feeds to address what it considers to be the most significant cause of nutrient pollution in the Bay -- manure.
* Chesapeake Bay Program Adopts New Indicator to Track Sprawl
States pledged to slow harmful sprawl by 30 percent when signing the Chesapeake 2000 agreement. To track sprawl, the Chesapeake Bay Program adopted impervious surfaces as its new measurement of "harmful sprawl."
* EPA Region Announces New Approach to Controlling Nutrients
EPA Region 3 unveiled its draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permitting (NPDES) approach for discharges of nutrients in the Chesapeake Bay in a July 16 letter to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
* 20th Anniversary of Pennsylvania Conservation Corps Celebrated
The Department of Labor & Industry this week celebrated the establishment of the Pennsylvania Conservation Corps during the group's 20th anniversary ceremony at the State Capitol.
* State’s 2nd Breeding Bird Atlas Survey Needs Volunteers
The Pennsylvania Game Commission and Carnegie Museum of Natural History are looking for both casual and avid birdwatchers to help monitor nesting wild birds in the 2nd Pennsylvania Breeding Bird Atlas.
* American Forests Seeking Seeds from Historic Trees
American Forests' Historic Tree Nursery needs your help collecting seeds from historic trees. The Nursery grows seedlings from famous and historic trees around the country, including the Tulip Poplar from George Washington's Mount Vernon home and the last surviving Apple Tree planted by Johnny Appleseed.
* Meetings to be Held on Improved Public Access to EPA Rulemaking
To expand public involvement in the regulatory process, EPA will hold a “Forum on Public Access to Federal Rulemaking Through the Internet” in August.
* EPA Adds Corporate Level Recognition to Performance Track
For the first time, EPA is recognizing corporations for environmental leadership under the National Environmental Performance Track program.
* EPA Helps Rural Communities Reduce Asthma Emergency Room Visits
A hundred asthmatic children under the age of 18 in Greene County, Pennsylvania and Monongalia County, West Virginia completed a two-year National Nursing Centers Consortium's (NNCC) Asthma Safe Kids (ASK) program.
* EPA, DEP Partner on Workshops to Advise on Brownfields Funding
In an effort to provide communities with information on how to apply for state and federal funding for Brownfields redevelopment, the EPA Region 3 brownfields team and DEP plan to conduct a series of workshops across the region by the end of the fiscal year.
* Op-Ed: Gov. Rendell Talks About Energy Issues at Democratic Convention
As a special feature, here’s the text of Gov. Rendell’s speech before the Democratic National Convention highlighting energy issues.
* Taking Positive Action - Sun & Earth Products
Sun & Earth Making Mark in Environment-Friendly Products
* Watershed NewsClips
A collection of NewsClips from around the state on watershed issues.
* Regulations
The latest on proposed and final regulations and the Environmental Quality Board Agenda.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published a new general permit this week.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming meetings, conferences and workshops, plus links to other calendars
* Contributions Invited
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