Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
May 16, 2011
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* PA Environmental Council, CBF Propose Changes To Marcellus Shale Drilling Laws

Two major environmental organizations in Pennsylvania have joined forces in submitting a legislative proposal to the Corbett administration and state lawmakers that is designed to help ensure safe and responsible Marcellus Shale drilling and gas extraction in Pennsylvania.

* House Republicans Make Education Priority Over Welfare, Cut DEP $2 Million More

* Google's Was Out Of Service, PA Environment Digest Blogs Not Available

* Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced

* Bills On Governor's Desk

* Senate/House Bills Moving

* Gov. Corbett Signs Bill On Spacing Gas Wells And Coal Seams

Gov. Tom Corbett this week signed legislation into law to establish adequate and safe spacing between natural gas well clusters and workable coal seams.

* Sen. Stack: Local Impact Fee Not the Answer; Pass Natural Gas Extraction Tax

Sen. Mike Stack (D-Philadelphia) and several southeastern Pennsylvania lawmakers this week called on the governor and the General Assembly to enact a natural gas extraction tax that benefits all Pennsylvanians.

* House Democrats Hold Hearing On Marcellus Shale Issues

* Health Of Chesapeake Region Streams Improving, But Many Still Degraded

The U.S. Geological Survey this week reported nutrient and sediment levels in many tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay region have improved over the last twenty- five years.

* York County Joins Effort To Renew Growing Greener Program Funding

Renew Growing Greener Coalition Executive Director Andrew Heath this week applauded the York County Commissioners for adopting a resolution calling for the renewal of Growing Greener, the state’s primary source of funding to help local communities preserve open space and farmland, protect water quality, provide parks and recreation, and clean up abandoned mines.

* Chesapeake Energy Resumes Fracking Operations

Chesapeake Energy late Friday announced it has resumed fracking operations on its 105 Marcellus Shale wells in Pennsylvania after an investigation by the company and the Department of Environmental Protection showed the impact to nearby waterways was minimal.

* EPA Seeks More Information On Drilling Wastewater Disposal

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week directed six natural gas drillers to disclose how and where the companies dispose of or recycle drilling process water in the region.

* Get Caught Up On Presentations To Governor's Marcellus Commission Work Groups

* May 19 WVIA Sponsors: Will Marcellus Shale Bring About Boomtown Williamsport?

* Spotlight - Penn State Extension: Litter And Trash Impact Water Quality

Litter and dumping in Pennsylvania continues to be an issue effecting water quality.

* Five Farmers, American Farmland Trust, Donate 4,023 Nutrient Credits To DEP, Agriculture

* Registration Now Open For June 24-27 Lehigh River Sojourn

The Wildlands Conservancy is now accepting registrations for the 2011 Lehigh River Sojourn to be held on June 24-27.

* DCNR OKs Sinnemahoning Creek Watershed River Conservation Plan

* DEP To Begin Black Fly Spray Program

* Reminder: Waste Watchers Recognition Program Applications Due May 18

The Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania this week reminded potential applicants the deadline for 2011 Waste Watchers Recognition applications is May 18.

* State College Technology Program Receives Recognition For Environmental Accomplishments

* Composting Classes To Be Offered In Monroe County All Summer

* DEP Asks EPA For Waiver From Low RVP Gasoline In Face Of Shortages In Pittsburgh

The Department of Environmental Protection this week asked the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for a temporary waiver of the low RVP (reid vapor pressure) gasoline requirement in the seven county Pittsburgh region due to shortages of fuel meeting the requirement that developed over the last week.

* Governor's Transportation Funding Commission Meets On Transit, Rail Freight May 16

* Saint Francis University Begins Renewable Energy Business Program

* Community Energy, Exelon Sign Agreement For Largest Solar Project In PA

* Renewables, Demand Response, Energy Efficiency Almost 68% Of New Electric Capacity

* Respond Power Rewards: PPL Customers Can Save On Energy Costs

* Spotlight - PA Small Business Center Client Wins Governor's Environmental Award

* iConservePA - Meet The Coolidges, A Family Focused On Low-Carbon Living

iConservePA this week started a new online educational series this week offering suggestions on how to live a low-carbon lifestyle by saving energy, planting smartly and living locally.

* PPL Adjusts Popular E-power Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

* Electric Utilities, Suppliers To Brief PUC On Summer Power Demands June 9

* PJM Electric Grid Ready For Hot Weather Power Demands

* Winners Of PPFF State Park And Forest Awards Honored

* PA Wilds Honors 16 Residents, Small Businesses, Organizations

A small group of business owners, citizens and organizations from across the Pennsylvania Wilds region in Northcentral Pennsylvania have earned awards for their contributions in sustainable tourism development.

* CSI: Pennsylvania - Science At Home And Afield, A New iConservePA Video Series

* Online Workshop May 25 For South Mountain Mini-Grants

* Landowners Have Until June 1 To File DMAP Applications With Game Commission

* Game Commission Advises Drivers To Watch For Deer

* Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area Education Program Schedule Through October

The Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area in Newsmanstown, Pa will be hosting a series of educational, wildlife art and other programs from now through October.  Here's a quick summary of the events scheduled so far.

* Are you a Super Sleuth? Try iConservePA's CSI: Pennsylvania Super Sleuth Sweepstakes!

* Marcellus Industry Group Adds Environmental and Community Outreach Staff

* PA Recyclers Appoint Staff Management Team

* Help Wanted: Science Education Specialist Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens

* Help Wanted: Susquehanna Basin Commission Surface Water Hydrologist

The Susquehanna River Basin Commission is seeking candidates for a surface water mid-level hydrologist position. Click Here for the details.

* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.

* Quick Clips

* Marcellus Shale NewsClips

* Watershed NewsClips

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

No new regulations were published this week. Pennsylvania Bulletin - May 14, 2011

* Calendar Of Events

* Stories Invited

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers AssociationPennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

Previous PA Environment Digests