Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
Jan. 24, 2011
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* Gov. Corbett Outlines Themes Of New Administration

Pointing to the unease of Pennsylvania's founders over "government exploitation and excess," Gov. Corbett called on all citizens this week to open this new chapter of the state's history by beginning a new kind of debate which does "not confuse acrimony with passion or partisanship with principle."

* Corbett Names Interim Acting Secretaries For 5 Agencies

* Renew Growing Greener Coalition Lobby Day At The Capitol January 24

On January 24, the Renew Growing Greener Coalition will be hosting a series of events starting at noon at the Capitol in Harrisburg to lobby for the renewal of the Growing Greener Program.  

* Take Advantage Of All The Information Resources From Crisci Associates

* Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced

* House Names Standing Committee Members

* Senate Names Standing Committee Members

* Rep. Harper Reintroduces Energy-Efficient Building Bill

* Get A Sneak Peek At The 2011 Great American Cleanup Pennsylvania Website

Get a sneak peek at the plans for the 2011 Great American Cleanup Pennsylvania by going to the brand new website put together by Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful and its partners.

* Keeping Our Greenways Clean Grade School Publication Now Available

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful recently notified grade schools across the state about a creative new anti-littering publication now available for Grades 4 to 6.

* WREN Community Watershed, Source Water Protection Education Grants Now Available

Looking to make a difference in your community? Want to “go greener” in your town for 2011 with solutions that will help keep Pennsylvania water resources clean and healthy?  

* DEP Soliciting Coastal Zone Land Conservation Grant Proposals

* March 11 Turtle Creek Watershed Workshop On Keeping Rain Out Of The Drain

* March 8 Dirt & Gravel Roads Workshop In McKean County

* Making Conservation Pay, Chesapeake Bay On-Farm Network Conference Feb. 24

* Penn State: Stormwater Management And the Role Of Trees, Forests Webinar Jan. 26

* Spotlight- Promoting Forest Buffers In The Lower Susquehanna

By Matt Royer, Penn State Agriculture and Environment Center

* Central PA Conservancy Guide To Community-Supported Forest Product Businesses

* Grade 6-9 Entries Invited For National Write On! Wetlands Challenge

* Penn State Profs To Benefit From New Product To Frack Marcellus Gas Wells

* Oil & Gas Industry Groups Collaborate On Marcellus Shale Education

* Penn State Will Convert Power Plant To Natural Gas From Coal

* EPA Seeks Applications For Community-Based Environmental Grants

* PA Recreation & Park Society Annual Conference March 19-23

* DCNR Proposes Land Exchange In Adams County


* Bluebird Nest Boxes Help Connect People To Wildlife

If you are interested in connecting with wildlife in your own backyard, beginning January 24, the Game Commission will be selling bluebird nesting boxes at its Harrisburg headquarters at 2001 Elmerton Avenue.

* Game Commission Offers Tree Seedlings For Landowners

* Landscaping For Wildlife Book By Marcus Schneck Offered By Game Commission

* HACC Offers Wildlife Conservation Officer Certification Course

* Emissions Data from Animal Feeding Operations Study Now Available

* FirstEnergy Solutions Offers Low-Cost Electric To Penn Power, Duquesne Customers

FirstEnergy Solutions, a subsidiary of FirstEnergy Corp. is now offering Pennsylvania Power (Penn Power) residential electric customers a fixed price of 6.19 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) on electric generation until December 2012.

* PJM Solar Renewal Energy Certificates Auction Timeline Increases Flexibility

* Joe Brake Named President Of PA Beverage Association

Lehigh Valley resident and executive Joe Brake was named president of the Pennsylvania Beverage Association, the statewide organization representing the non-alcoholic beverage industry in the state.

* Howard Neukrug Appointed Water Commissioner In Philadelphia


* Scott Roberts Joins L.R. Kimball To Work On Marcellus Shale Gas Operations

L.R. Kimball has engaged J. Scott Roberts, P.G., former Deputy Secretary for Mineral Resources Management at the Department of Environmental Protection as an advisor. L.R. Kimball is part of CDI Engineering Solutions, a division of CDI Corp.

* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.

* Quick Clips

* Marcellus Shale NewsClips

* Watershed NewsClips

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

* Calendar Of Events

Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted.  NEW means new from last week.  Go to the online Calendar webpage.

* Stories Invited

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers AssociationPennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

Previous PA Environment Digests