Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
March 15, 2010
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* Video Blog: House Members, Groups Oppose Expanding Natural Gas Leasing In State Forests

Members of the House, environmental and sportsmen's groups this week urged Gov. Rendell to drop his plan to lease more State Forest land for Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling to help balance the budget. Instead, the groups urged adoption of a natural gas production severance tax.

* Did You Know You Can Search Nearly 6 Years Of Digests On Any Topic?

Did you know you can search nearly 6 years of back issues of the PA Environment Digest on dozens of topics, by county and on any key word you choose. Just click on the search page.

* Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced

Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced--

* Senate/House Bills Moving

The following bills of interest saw action this week in the House and Senate--

* Senate Environmental Committee Reports Bills On Gas Drilling, Mine Permit Fees

The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee reported out bills covering oil and gas well drilling, mineral leasing by the state, how mining permit fees are adopted and the disposition of air quality penalties.  The bills include--

* Value Of Stream Buffers To Protecting Water Quality Heard By House Committee

The House Democratic Policy Committee this week held a hearing on the value of forested stream buffers in protecting and improving water quality and reducing water treatment costs.

* Video Blog- CREP Program Promotes Forested Buffers, More Landowner Sign-Ups Needed

* Bill By Rep. Lentz Would Provide Tax Exemptions For Green Buildings From Severance Tax

* DEP Permit Delays, Improving Permit Process Topic Of Senate Committee Hearing March 16

* Senate Committees To Hear Update On Chesapeake Bay TMDL March 17

* House Committee Hears Comments On Marcellus Shale Leasing In State Forests March 18

* Governor's Race

This is another in a series of articles in PA Environment Digest to highlight the positions of candidates for Governor on environment, infrastructure and energy issues.

* PEMA Urges Residents To Prepare Now For Possible Flooding

The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency is reminding residents to monitor local weather conditions as warmer temperatures and rain could cause creeks, streams and rivers to flood.

* Nearly 300 People Attend 2010 Keystone Coldwater Conference

The 2010 Keystone Coldwater Conference, hosted by the PA Council of Trout Unlimited, attracted nearly 300 people concerned about protecting and restoring watersheds throughout the state.          

* Coldwater Heritage Partnership Supports Grassroots Work To Restore Watersheds

The Coldwater Heritage Partnership recently announced the award of more than $42,000 in grants to seven organizations to develop conservation plans to provide a better understanding of coldwater streams, identify challenges and form strategies that engage local communities in addressing these issues.

* PUC Announces Special Hearing April 22 To Examine Marcellus Shale Issues

* Registration Now Open For May 3-4 Marcellus Shale Conference By PEC, Duquesne

Registration for the May 3-4 Conference organized by the Pennsylvania Environmental Council and Duquesne University on issues surrounding Marcellus Shale natural gas development in Pennsylvania is now open.

* Earth Day At 40- Earth Day: Past, Present And Future

* Earth Day: Watershed Alliance Of York Sets Cleanup For March 20

Got cabin fever? Want to get the kids and spouse out of the house? Help cleanup trash and floating debris in the woodland and wetlands of the Susquehanna River and learn what you can do to help protect our Earth. Fun for the whole family!

* Earth Day: Butler, Lawrence PA CleanWays Sponsoring Student Placemat Art Contest

PA CleanWays of Butler-Lawrence Counties is now accepting submissions for its litter and recycling Placemat Art Contest illustrating the impacts of improper waste disposal and illegal dumping on drinking water.  Entries are due by April 30.

* Save The Date: Environmental Advisory Council Conference Set For April 10

The 13th Annual Southeast Environmental Advisory Council Conference will be held at the Abington Friends School in Jenkintown on April 10 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
            The Conference will feature presentations by Delaware Valley  Regional Planning Commission, Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and RiversGreentreks, and of course, presentations by EACs from across the Southeast who showcase their innovative solutions to stormwater management, energy efficiency and land use practices.

* Funding Available To Help Volunteer Firefighters Prevent Wildfires

As spring nears and woodlands begin to dry out, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources announced nearly $667,000 in grants is available to help Pennsylvania’s rural communities better guard against the threat of fires in forested, undeveloped and unprotected areas.

* Pocono Forest And Water Conservation Landscape Scores Some Green

Nearly $100,000 was awarded to 16 organizations in Northeast Pennsylvania by the Pocono Forest and Waters Conservation Landscape Program.

* Firewood Quarantine Revised To Exempt Additional Types Of Treated Hardwoods

* Wayne County Maple Sugar Tour March 20-21, Other Tours Being Held In PA

* Game Commission Offers Project WILD Programs For Educators

* Dominion Foundation Offers $300,000 In Education Grants

* Northeast Audubon Society Offering Student Conservation Camp Scholarships

* Student Scholarships Available For Mine Land Reclamation Careers

* Pitt's Peregrine Falcon Lays First Egg Of Season

The peregrine falcons nesting at the University of Pittsburgh's Cathedral of Learning have again brought in the first egg of the season, typically one week ahead of the falcons nesting on the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg.

* Game Commission Urges Support For Wildlife Housing

* Weis Markets Scores Environmental First In Pennsylvania

* Co-Firing Biomass With Coal Can Help PA Reach Alternative Energy Goal

* EPA Accepting Proposals For 2010 Pollution Prevention Grants

* CHEMSWEEP To Offer Safe Pesticide Disposal In 21 Counties

* Allegheny County Creates Energy Efficiency & Conservation Program For Municipalities

* Appliance Recycling Center Dedicated, Serves PECO, FirstEnergy, PPL Electric Customers

* PUC Releases Winter Edition Of Keystone Connection Report

* New Report: Solar Power Can Reap Benefits For Environment, Energy Security

* DEP Holds Adaptation To Climate Change Meeting March 24

* Applications Sought For Emerging Leaders’ Extraction And Environment Program

* Former PUC Commissioner Pizzingrilli Joins Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney

* Opportunity To Bid On DEP Projects In Huntingdon, Luzerne, Wayne, Wyoming Counties

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of opportunities to bid on a debris boom replacement project in Huntingdon County, a flood project fence replacementin Wyoming and Luzerne counties and a flood project fence replacement project in Wayne County.

* Feature- Watershed Volunteers Create A Legacy Of Cleaner, Healthier Rivers And Streams

Protection of Western Pennsylvania’s rivers, streams and lakes begins at the local level, with residents who care deeply about the future of their water resources.

* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.

* Quick Clips

Here's a selection of NewClips on environmental topics from around the state--

* Marcellus Shale NewsClips

* Watershed NewsClips

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

The Fish and Boat Commission published notice of proposed additions to the Class A Wild Trout Waters list and notice of changes to the classification of other Wild Trout Streams.

* Calendar Of Events

Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted.  NEW means new from last week.  Go to the online Calendar webpage.

* Stories Invited

Send your stories, photos and videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers AssociationPennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

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