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Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
October 18, 2004
PDF Version PA Environment Digest 10/18/04
* House, Senate Time Grows Short
The House is due to be in voting session on October 18, and nonvoting 19th and 20th and then break for the election, coming back the same day as the Senate – November 8.
* Members of Green Ribbon Commission to Identify Priorities by Oct. 20
Members of the Green Ribbon Commission this week were given their first assignment by Commission chairs Rep. Bill Adolph (R-Delaware) and Sen. Mary Jo White (R-Venango) — prioritize the programs they would like to see expanded under a new environmental funding initiative and propose a way to pay for it by October 20.
* Chesapeake Bay Foundation Proposal to Benefit Farmers, Environment
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) this week proposed a new program, Farming for Clean Water, to provide critical funding to reduce pollution from agriculture. The new initiative calls for the annual investment of $31 million to help farmers reduce pollution from animal waste.
* Pfizer, Community Show Benefits of Nutrient Trading Efforts
The Pfizer Inc Lititz plant announced this week at a dedication ceremony that the New Street Ecological Park restoration project is officially complete.
* Largest Source of AMD on Quemahoning Creek to Be Eliminated
The single largest abandoned mine drainage pollution source in the Quemahoning Creek watershed, Somerset County will be eliminated in the next several weeks when the Boswell AMD treatment system is brought online.
* Reducing Future Floods
3 Rivers Wet Weather Funds Projects to Help Reduce Future Floods
* Economic Prosperity & Biodiversity Conservation: Planning for PA’s Future
The 2004 Pennsylvania Biodiversity Conference will be held November 9-10 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Harrisburg. The theme of the conference, organized by the Pennsylvania Biodiversity Partnership, is “Economic Prosperity and Biodiversity Conservation: Planning for Pennsylvania’s Future.”
* DEP Revises Increase in Underground, Aboveground Storage Tank Fees
The Storage Tank Advisory Committee’s Fee Subcommittee met for the second time this week to discuss a proposal by the Department of Environmental Protection to increase registration fees going into DEP’s Storage Tank Fund for underground and aboveground storage tanks.
* Applications Accepted Now for Community-Based Restoration Program
American Rivers is seeking proposals for community-based river restoration grants as part of its partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Community-Based Restoration Program.
* Coldwater Heritage Partnership Announces Grant Program
The Coldwater Heritage Partnership (CHP) has announced the opening of the Coldwater Conservation Grants Program to protect and conserve the health of Pennsylvania’s coldwater ecosystems.
* Tulpehocken & Quittapahilla Watersheds Receive Grants
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) announced four grants this week totaling $17,500 for stream restoration, habitat enhancement, and recreational enhancement activities on waterways located in the Tulpehocken and Quittapahilla Creek watersheds in Berks and Lebanon counties.
* Green Power Projects in PA
Learn more about purchasing green power, wind and biofuel projects.
* Impact of Clean Air Designation
EPA Urged to Consider Economic Impact of Air Designations in Pittsburgh Region
* DEP Sets Meetings on Source Water Assessment, TMDL Proposals
The Department of Environmental Protection gave notice of two public meetings this week.
* Information System Grants
EPA Awards Environmental Information Exchange Network Grants
* Truck Idling Grant
PA Receives EPA Grant to Decrease Truck Idling
* EPA Grant Awarded to Penn State for Philadelphia Pesticide Risk Reduction
EPA announced that 13 states and state universities will receive grants to develop programs to reduce the risks associated with pesticide use in agricultural and non-agricultural settings in the United States.
* Hydrogen Grant
Region Gets $9.4 Million to Study Hydrogen Potential
* $1 Million to Digitize Mine Maps, MSHA Donates Quecreek Rescue Capsule
The U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration this week gave a $1 million grant to the Department of Environmental Protection to continue its efforts to digitize old mine maps implementing one of several recommendations made to prevent another Quecreek Mine flooding incident.
* Nominations Accepted for Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards
EPA is now accepting nominations for the 2005 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards. These prestigious awards recognize innovative chemical technologies that incorporate green chemistry into chemical design, manufacture and use – and that have broad applications in industry.
* National Environmental Technology Council Created
EPA has formed a new Environmental Technology Council to apply new technologies to address complex environmental problems. This year, the Council will select at least 10 priority environmental concerns needing new technology approaches.
* Nelson Receives Civilian Executive of the Year Award
Kimberly Nelson, former CIO of the Department of Environmental Protection now CIO of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, was honored as Civilian Executive of the Year by Government Computing News. For more, see the profile of Kim Nelson on GCN.
* PennDOT Releases New Scenic Byway Guide
Just in time for fall foliage trips, the Department of Transportation has issued a new Pennsylvania Scenic Byways guide.
* Taking Positive Action - Businesses for the Bay, PRC Award Winners
Learn how businesses and doing their part to protect the Chesapeake Bay and from this year's winners of awards from the Pennsylvania Resources Council-
* Watershed NewsClips
This week's sampling of NewsClips on watershed issues around the state--
* Regulations
The latest on proposed and final regulations.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
DEP published for comment one new draft technical guidance document:
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, workshops, meetings, plus links to other calendars-
* Contributions Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - .

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