Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
August 10, 2009
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* Governor Signs Bridge Budget, Conference Committee Talks Going No Where

* Get Daily Updates On PA Environment Daily Blog, Twitter

* Submissions For Growing Greener Anniversary Grants Due August 20

* On the Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced

NOTE: Due to the unpredictable nature of the Senate and House Committee schedule, meetings will be scheduled and cancelled quickly. The Calendars and Committee schedules this week are only a snapshot in time. 

* Senate/House Bills Moving

The following bills of interest saw movement this week-- 

* Sen. Brubaker Testifies Before U.S. Senate On Chesapeake Bay Restoration Progress
Sen. Mike Brubaker (R-Lancaster) offered testimony to the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Water and Wildlife Management this week to detail the success and limitations of the Federal governments Chesapeake Bay Restoration Program. He was the only Pennsylvania official presenting comments.

* Record $21 Million Settlement For Environmental Damages At Palmerton Zinc Site

* Fish & Boat Commission Awards Grants for Sinnemahoning Watershed Restoration
The Fish and Boat Commission this week announced more than $1.36 million in grants to develop and implement projects that benefit fishing, boating, and aquatic resources within the Sinnemahoning Creek Watershed in Cameron, Elk, Potter and McKean counties.

* REAP Farm Conservation Tax Credit Nearly Reaches $10 Million In First Week
The State Conservation Commission this week reported it has in hand over $9.6 million in applications for Resource Enhancement and Resource Protection (REAP) farm conservation tax credits, nearly exceeding in the first week of applications the hoped-for appropriation of $10 million.

* Instream Habitat Restoration Begins On Former Site of McCoy-Linn Dam, Centre County
On August 3, the final instream restoration work began on Spring Creek at the former site of McCoy-Linn Dam. The site is located between the towns of Bellefonte and Milesburg about one mile upstream of the confluence with Bald Eagle Creek.

* Triangle Park New Stormwater Management Practices Ribbon Cutting

* DEP Works To Address Increasing Total Dissolved Solids Levels In Monongahela

* $93 Million In Stimulus Funds Given To PA For Water Infrastructure Projects
Funds from the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act have helped Pennsylvania dramatically increase the amount of money available for repairs and upgrades to failing sewer and wastewater treatment systems, while helping ratepayers in struggling communities better manage the costs for improved water services.

* $500 Investment Helps Elk County Community Improve Water Quality, Save Money
A $500 investment recommended by the Department of Environmental Protection wastewater outreach technical assistance staff will save an Elk County community approximately $30,000 a year in energy and chemical costs at its wastewater treatment plant while improving water quality by reducing the total nitrogen discharged from the facility.

* What's So Special About Hopewell Big Woods Environmental Ed Workshop October 7
K-12 classroom and home school teachers, environmental educators, and scout troop leaders will all benefit from the “What’s so Special about the Hopewell Big Woods?” Educators’ Workshop, to be held at the French Creek State Park Office, 843 Park Road, Elverson, Pa on October 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

* Trails To Devil’s Pool Targeted For Restoration By Friends Of The Wissahickon
The Friends of the Wissahickon will begin work on trails leading to Devil’s Pool in Wissahickon Valley Park in August as part of their ongoing Sustainable Trails Initiative.

* Fish & Wildlife Service Sponsors Student Outdoor Photo Mosaic Project
Students 13 and older can be part of a unique online Outdoor Photo Mosaic Project sponsored by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

* Rodale Institute Announces Tree As A Crop Environmental Strategic Partnership
Rodale Inc., NewPage Corporation, and the Rodale Institute this week announced the ‘Tree as a Crop’ environmental initiative designed to educate farmers and small forest landowners about the environmental, social, and economic rewards of properly growing and harvesting trees.

* Philadelphia To Host Region's Largest Green Building Conference October 14-15

* Pittsburgh Mayor Issues RFP To Begin Greening Of City Hall
Mayor Luke Ravenstahl announced this week the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability and Energy Efficiency have issued a Request For Proposals for qualified contractors to conduct an energy audit of the City-County Building.

* Harrisburg Area Community College Solar Project Tops Off Harrisburg Midtown Development

* Duquesne Light And UPMC Team Up To Power Down Energy Usage
UPMC will soon see reduced energy consumption and lower energy bills, thanks to a partnership with Duquesne Light Company, as part of the new energy efficiency and demand response initiatives under Act 129 that DLC is implementing throughout Allegheny and Beaver counties.

* PA Companies Receive $40.6 Million In Stimulus Funding For Electric Vehicle Development
U.S. Department of Transportation Deputy Secretary John Porcari visited East Penn Manufacturing Co., in Lyon Station, Berks County, this week to award the company a $32.5 million grant under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that will help accelerate America’s manufacture and deployment of electric vehicles, batteries, and components.

* Columbia Gas To Help Customers Find Hidden Savings Through Home Energy Audits
This year, Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania is offerng its Energy Efficiency Program to homeowners who want to maximize those savings when it comes to their energy bills.

* Applications For Federal Renewable Energy Business Tax Credits Available Online
Pennsylvania businesses pursuing renewable energy projects that qualify for federal tax credits are encouraged to apply for a direct refund from the federal government.

* PUC Removes Barriers To PPL Competition, Allows Purchase Of Energy Credits
The Public Utility Commission this week finalized measures designed to remove barriers to a competitive retail electric market in the PPL service territory. Also approved was a settlement of PPL plan to offer its customers a Voluntary Alternative Energy Program and allow them to purchase Alternative Energy Credits to support the development of alternative energy.

* PUC Tentatively Approves Partial Settlement In PECO Fluorescent Light Bulb Program

* PPL Electric Utilities Proposes A Smarter Grid For Harrisburg Area
PPL Electric Utilities is proposing a $38 million project that would pilot the use of “smart” technology to strengthen reliability, save energy and improve electric service for 60,000 customers in the Harrisburg area.

* PECO Announces Plans For Advanced Smart Grid

* DEP Opens New Mine Rescue Station In Indiana

* Northampton County Receives Brownfields Stimulus Grant From EPA
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 3 this week announced Northampton County has been selected to receive $300,000 to provide loans and subgrants to help carry out cleanup activities, redevelopment projects, and create jobs for local residents living near brownfields sites.

* Pittsburgh Recycling Event Set For August 15
Whole Foods Market is teaming up once again with the City of Pittsburgh, Abitibi, and the Pennsylvania Resources Council to provide individuals with the opportunity to recycle paper and do their grocery shopping all in one trip on August 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Whole Foods Market, 5880 Centre Ave., Pittsburgh.

* DEP Opportunity To Bid On Mine Reclamation Project In Clearfield County
The Department of Environmental Protection this week published notice of an opportunity to bid on a mine reclamation project in Clearfield County.

* Opinion- Natural Gas Severance Tax Proposal Fair For Gas Industry, Landowners, Taxpayers
By Rep. Camille George
* Feature- Forest Wildlife Gets Break From Gypsy Moth Caterpillar Collapse
By Joe Kosack, Wildlife Conservation Education Specialist, Game Commission
* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for grants and financial assistance as well as nominations for awards and other recognition programs.  NEW means from last week— 

* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state--

* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
* Regulations
The Environmental Quality Board meets August 18  with an agenda that includes: proposed regulations changing wastewater treatment Total Dissolved Solids standards and hazardous waste listing requirements, to review a rulemaking petition to redesignate Lycoming and Roaring Branch Creeks (Lycoming and Tioga counties) and proposed changes for presenting rulemakings to the Independent Regulatory Review Commission.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
No new policies were published this week.
* Calendar Of Events

Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars.  Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. NEW indicates new from last week.   Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page 

* Stories Invited

Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - 

* PA Environment Digest Family Of Websites

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

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