Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
November 29, 2004
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 11/29/04
* Dust Still Settling from Last Hours of Session
Gov. Rendell continued his call for the General Assembly to come back to Harrisburg Monday and Tuesday before the mandated end of the session November 30. The General Assembly continued to say no, they are finished for the year.
* Recycling Markets Infrastructure, Composting Grant Forms Now Available
Recycling Market Grants: Applications for the 2005 Recycling Markets Infrastructure Development Grants are now available from the Department of Environmental Protection. Applications are due March 4, 2005.
* EPA Region 3 Hosts America Recycles Day Exhibit Through December 31
In celebration of America Recycles Day - November 15, EPA’s Public Information Center in Philadelphia hosted an open house featuring some of the area's promising young designers.
* PECO Energy: More than 9,000 PECO Customers Choose Wind Energy
More than 9,000 local households have chosen to purchase PECO WIND, a new clean, environmentally-friendly wind power option provided by PECO Energy and Community Energy, Inc., an alternative energy marketing group.
* West Penn Energy Fund Releases Documentary on Sustainable Energy
Pennsylvania Energy,” a documentary funded by the West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund and produced by the Penn State Public Broadcasting, is now available on DVD and will be on the web.
* Vanguard, Giant Recognized as Energy Star Leaders By EPA
EPA Region 3 recognized The Vanguard Group in Valley Forge, and Giant Eagle in Pittsburgh, for demonstrating superior energy management and environmental leadership as part of the Energy Star Program.
* Congress Extends Mine Reclamation Fee Through June 2005
Congress has given a reprieveto Title IV of SMCRA (thelaw that funds the reclamation of abandoned mine lands through the collection of a fee on each ton of coal mined in the U.S.). It is alive through a just-passed continuing resolution that keeps the federal government goingthrough December 3rd. It is alsoincluded in a $388 billion omnibus appropriations bill that will enable it through June 30, 2005, which Congress is expected to pass very soon.
* CBF Praises Legislative Efforts to Fund Nutrient Reduction Technology
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) applauded the General Assembly for including provisions in Senate Bill 1102 (Gordner-R-Northumberland) to specifically authorize the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) to use part of $350 million in new water and wastewater funds to finance Nutrient Reduction Technology (NRT) projects at municipal sewage treatment plants.
* Bill Will Benefit Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Education Efforts
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation also applauded the Pennsylvania General Assembly for passing House Bill 2775 sponsored by Rep. Zug (R-Lebanon), a member of the Chesapeake Bay Commission, which creates the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Education Program Act. The bill is now on the Governor’s desk.
* Growing Greener II Advocates Meet to Urge Action
Groups supporting Gov. Rendell’s Growing Greener II environmental spending initiative met in the Capitol this week to discuss the need to continue to put pressure on legislators to move the proposal forward.
* Experts Look for Ways to Improve Feed Efficiency to Protect Water Quality
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Department of Agriculture recently assembled scientists, agricultural industry leaders, environmentalists, farmers, county conservation districts, and representatives of Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to find solutions that maintain or improve production while reducing the pollution impacts from manure and the challenges of managing manure to improve farm profitability.
* Special Water Quality Review Underway in York County
The Department of Environmental Protection is requesting information from citizens, environmental groups and businesses related to its special water quality review underway in the Deer Creek and Little Falls creek area in York County.
* Meeting Reviews the Impacts of Flooding on Lower Susquehanna River
The Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) conducted a public meeting at the Port Deposit Town Hall to review the impacts of Tropical Storm Ivan on the lower Susquehanna region, in cooperation with New York Senator Nancy Jacobs (R-District 34) and Delegate David Rudolph (D-District 34B).
* Reminder: First Children’s Environmental Health Award Nominations Due
To raise awareness and highlight the importance of protecting children from environmental risks, EPA is now accepting applications to launch its first annual Children's Environmental Health Awards.
* New Land Revitalization Website Helps Encourage Reuse of Brownfields
The EPA Land Revitalization program's new website serves as a resource for developers, realtors, state and local governments and other stakeholders interested in redeveloping brownfields sites.
* Early Release of 2003 TRI Data for Facilities, No Trend Info. Available
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week for the first time released the 2003 Toxics Release Inventory reports for individual facilities in their raw form as they were reported to the agency and before it was quality checked.
* EPA Recognizes Federal-Mogul Corp. in Boyertown for Reducing Waste
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency mid-Atlantic Regional Administrator Donald S. Welsh recognized Federal-Mogul Corp. for being the first business in the Boyertown area to enroll in the voluntary national partnership for environmental priorities.
* Celebrate the Birthdays of these PA Environmental Leaders
In November and December we celebrate the birthdays of three extraordinary women who became a part of not only the Commonwealth’s environmental heritage, but made an impact on the national level as well.
* Quick Clips
Here's a sampling of NewsClips on environmental topics from across the state.
* An Advocate for Clean Air: Marking the Passing of Ann L. Meyers
It is my sad task to let you know that Ann Meyers, 47, of Ann Meyers Public Relations, died from an unexpected illness on November 20 in Lancaster. Many people involved in environmental issues will remember her as being part of the team that built the Ozone Action Programs in Pennsylvania.
* Watershed NewsClips
Find out what made news with watershed groups across the state.
* Regulations
No regulations published this week.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of its final guidance this week on filter backwash.
* Calendar of Upcoming Events
Find out what meetings, conferences, workshops are scheduled, plus links to other calendars.
* Contributions Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - .

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