Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
August 25, 2008
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 8/25/08
* Coalition: Budget Leaves Farmers Behind, Nutrient Trading Vital – Video Blog
While the budget adopted by the state in July included major new funding to improve wastewater infrastructure, it did little to address the needs of farmers required to meet state and federal clean water mandates or to create a Nutrient Credit Trading Bank that would lower the cost of meeting the mandates, according to the Pennsylvania Fair Share for Clean Water Coalition.
* Rendell Names Hanger for DEP Secretary, Cawley PUC Chairman – Online Video
Gov. Rendell this week announced the nomination of John Hanger to be Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection and the appointment of James Cawley to be Chairman of the Public Utility Commission.
* Podcast Feature - EPA Environment Matters Podcast: A Revolution In York County
With the help of the EPA’s Office of Brownfields and Revitalization, the York Revolution baseball team has a new home on the site of a former manufacturing plant.
* On the Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced
The Senate and House committee meeting schedules and floor Calendars are listed here--
* Joint Conservation Committee Newsletter Highlights Prescribed Fire Bill
The August issue of the Environmental Synopsis newsletter published by the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee highlights proposed legislation regulating prescribed fires as a conservation practice.
* Watershed Groups Eligible For $3,000 In Grants At Ohio Watershed Celebration
Recognizing that many watershed groups operate on shoe-string budgets, the organizations sponsoring the September 25 Ohio River Watershed Celebration announced watershed groups attending the cruise will be eligible for $3,000 in grants to use to further the objectives of their organizations.
* Proposals Wanted for Sinnemahoning and Portage Creek Watershed Projects
Applications are now being accepted for $200,000 in the first round of the Sinnemahoning Watershed Grant Program.
* Proposals Sought for Reducing Nutrient, Sediments in Chesapeake Bay Region
The Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund is accepting pre-proposals for innovative nutrient and sediment reduction projects.
* Nominations for Lehigh Valley Charles H. Nehf, Sr. Conservation Leadership Award
Nominations are being accepted for Wildlands Conservancy’s Charles H. Nehf, Sr. Conservation Leadership Award.
* Darby Cobbs Watershed Partnership Map Project Aims to Help Restoration
Participants at a recent Darby-Cobbs Watershed Partnership meeting heard from representatives of the Philadelphia District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers about an innovative web-based project that will undoubtedly be a great resource to stewards of Darby and Cobbs creeks.
* Submit DEP Coastal Zone Grant Applications Now Through October 20
The Department of Environmental Protection is now accepting applications for 2009 Coastal Zone Grants.
* SRBC Releases TMDL Watershed Plan for Conestoga River
The Susquehanna River Basin Commission this week released a report, Conestoga River Watershed Total Maximum Daily Loads Development Interim Report, on the sources and quantities of nutrient pollutants – nitrogen and phosphorus – in the Conestoga River Watershed during low flow periods.
* Celebrate the Landing of the Trout August 30 In Stroudsburg
The Sherman Theatre will host a party for the Stroudsburg community on August 30, with decadent desserts, prizes, a cash bar and the “Catch and Keep” auction of fifteen five-foot tall trout
* Before the Storms: A Southwestern PA Stormwater Conference August 28
The 3 Rivers Wet Weather Project, the Pennsylvania Environmental Council and other partners will hold a conference for local officials entitled, “Before the Storms: A Southwestern PA Stormwater Conference, on August 28 in Oakdale, near Pittsburgh.
* Third Annual Susquehanna River Symposium September 12, 13
The Bucknell University Environmental Center, along with other partners, will again host the annual Susquehanna River Symposium on September 12 and 13.
* Register Now for the Chesapeake Watershed Forum October 2-5
Registration is now open for the third annual Chesapeake Watershed Forum to be held October 2-5 in Shepherdstown, WV.
* DEP Changes Marcellus Shale Drilling Permit To Expedite Reviews
The Department of Environmental Protection unveiled a streamlined process this week to make it easier for the agency to review permit applications by companies seeking to develop the 50 trillion cubic feet of natural gas believed to be stored in the Marcellus Shale geologic formation.
* PA Fly Fishing Museum Celebrates 10th Anniversary With Dinner, Auction Oct. 4
The Pennsylvania Fly Fishing Museum Association will celebrate its 10th anniversary on October 4 with a special dinner and auction at the Allenberry Playhouse and Resort in Boiling Springs, Pa.
* Lycoming Agri-Business Recognized for Sustainable Farming
Susquehanna Smart Fuel, a Lycoming County company that promotes sustainable farming of canola seed for biodiesel, was honored this week by the Department of Agriculture as a pioneer in agricultural entrepreneurship and transition at Ag Progress Days.
* Westmoreland County Sponsors Forestry Workshop September 27
The Westmoreland County Conservation District is sponsoring an introductory Forestry Workshop for landowners interested in sustainable management of trees, woodlots and forests.
* 2009 Schuylkill Watershed Congress Call for Presenters
The Delaware Riverkeeper Network this week issued a Call for Presenters for the 2009 Schuylkill Watershed Congress which will be held on March 7 at the Montgomery County Community College, West Campus, Pottstown, Pa.
* DEP to Hold Meetings, Hearings on State Water Resources Plan
The Department of Environmental Protection and the Statewide and Regional Water Resources Committees this week posted more information on public meetings/hearings on the draft Pennsylvania State Water Plan.
* Penn State Documentary on Deteriorating Water Infrastructure to Air Nationally
Penn State Public Broadcasting (WPSU-TV) is set to premiere nationally a documentary on the looming crisis with the water infrastructure underneath our feet and how communities are trying to meet this challenge.
* 2008 Survey Shows Most Stores Complying with Lead Solder Ban
The Department of Environmental Protection recently completed its annual survey of hardware stores and home centers that sell solder and found 91 percent were in compliance with the Pennsylvania Plumbing System Lead Ban and Notification Act.
* Nature Conservancy Publishes New Invasive Plant Species Brochure
The Nature Conservancy has published a new invasive plants brochure for the mie-Atlantic Region
* Thanks To Clicking A Mouse, You Planted 19,000 Trees in PA State Parks
The Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation this week announced over 19,000 trees were planted in Pennsylvania’s State Parks courtesy of the Odwalla juice company of Dinuba, California. All with just a click of a mouse.
* DCNR Strategic Plan Focus Of Statewide Public Meetings Starting Next Week
A series of six regional meetings will be held to seek public input on how the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is carrying out the goals and actions contained in its strategic plan, Shaping a Sustainable Pennsylvania - DCNR's Blueprint for Action, and what the agency's priorities should be for the future.
* Pittsburgh’s Friends Of The Riverfront Solicits Community Trails Proposals
Friends of the Riverfront is soliciting Requests for Proposals for the Community Trails Initiative; a public/private multi-municipal project to complete a feasibility study and trail development plan encompassing 17 municipalities.
* PA Parks and Forests Foundation Issues 2007 Annual Report
The PA Parks and Forests Foundation this week published its 2007 annual report outlining the steps it took last year to enhance Pennsylvania’s parks and forests and support conservation and environmental education programs.
* EPA Awards Two Student Scholarships
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s mid-Atlantic regional office awarded $1,000 scholarships to two Philadelphia students for their academic and community service achievements.
* USA Gypsum Drywall Recycling Exceeds 10 Million Pounds in Philadelphia Area
In the last year, USA Gypsum has recycled over 10 million pounds of drywall scraps from the Philadelphia metropolitan area; the equivalent to drywall scrap from 5,000 single family homes or over 900 roll off waste trucks diverted from landfill.
* PA Recycling Markets Center Hosts Recycled Products Program In September
The Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center will sponsor a Recycled Content Products Sustainable Growth Program on September19 in Harrisburg.
* PUC to Hold Special Hearing On Energy Prices September 11
The Public Utility Commission will hold a public hearing on September 11 in Harrisburg to increase consumer awareness on rising energy prices, explore ways to reduce energy usage and discuss potential policies and strategies, consistent with the Commission's "Prepare Now" campaign, to help consumers prepare for rising energy prices.
* Consumer Energy Education Plans OK’d For Duquesne, FirstEnergy Companies
The Public Utility Commission this week gave final approval to consumer-education plans for Duquesne Light Co. and the FirstEnergy Companies of Met-Ed, Penelec and Penn Power, related to rising electric prices and resources to help consumers, such as energy conservation, low-income programs and choice.
* Solar Mirror Production Facility To Locate In Allegheny County
Flabeg, a global leader in high-tech glass and mirror applications, announced this week it will locate a facility to manufacture parabolic solar mirrors in Allegheny County.
* Signs Remind Allegheny County School Bus Drivers to Limit Diesel Idling
The Allegheny County Health Department is providing local schools with free signs to remind school bus drivers and others that county air quality regulations place a five-minute limit on diesel school bus idling.
* 2008 Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Award Recipients Announced
Preservation Pennsylvania, in partnership with the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, this week announced the recipients of the 2008 Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Awards.
* DEP Mine Reclamation Bid Opportunities
The Department of Environmental Protection published two bid opportunity notices for mine reclamation projects in East Keating Township, Clinton County and Perry Township, Jefferson County.
* Grants & Awards
This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for grants and financial assistance as well as nominations for awards and other recognition programs. NEW means from last week—
* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state
* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
* Regulations
The Department of Environmental Protection published changes to Marcellus Shale oil and gas drilling requirements and extended the MS4 permits. The Environmental Quality Board published proposed changes to Lake Erie bluff recession requirements. The Game Commission published final field possession of deer regulations. Details below.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources published notice of a proposed land exchange in Clay Township, Butler County.
* Calender of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. NEW indicates new from last week. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .
* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Association/PA Trout Unlimited
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

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