Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
April 14, 2008
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 4/14/08
* Coalition Proposes Fair Share Clean Water Funding Plan to Meet Cleanup Mandates
This week a coalition of environmental, farm, businesses and municipal groups announced the Pennsylvania Fair Share for Clean Water Plan to help wastewater plant ratepayers and farmers finance improvements needed to address Chesapeake Bay and statewide water quality improvement mandates while preserving economic opportunity for future homeowners and businesses.
* Fact Sheet: Pennsylvania Fair Share for Clean Water Funding Plan
The Fair Share Plan proposes a state-funded $170 million plan in 2008-09 to help communities and ratepayers in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and farmers statewide achieve mandated nitrogen and phosphorus pollution reductions while accommodating future economic development and providing more options for farmers, wastewater treatment plants, and future homeowners and businesses.
* New Report Shows PA Has Nearly 16,000 Miles of Streams Not Meeting Standards
The 2008 Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report and impaired streams listing shows that Pennsylvania has nearly 16,000 miles out of the 85,399 miles assessed and 38,357 acres of the 74,616 acres of lakes assessed do not meet water quality standards.
* On the Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced
Here’s what’s coming up on the Senate and House agenda for next week, as well as the voting session schedule through June 30.
* Senate/House Bills Moving
The following Senate and House bills of interested were moving this week—
* Senate Passes Legislation to Reform County Conservation Districts
The Senate this week passed Senate Bill 1020 (Wonderling-R-Montgomery) to update the 1945 law creating Pennsylvania’s county conservation districts.
* House Committee Moves Deep Mine Safety, Tables Plastic Bag Ban
The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee amended and reported out legislation updating the state’s Bituminous coal deep mine safety law and tabled legislation that would ban the use of plastic bags at retail stores.
* House Transportation Committee Holds Hearing on Diesel Idling
The House Transportation Committee this week held a hearing on Senate Bill 295 (Browne-R-Lehigh) that would limit the time diesel-powered commercial vehicles could idle their engines.
* House Passes Challenge to Allegheny National Forest Oil & Gas Drilling Rules
The House this week unanimously passed House Resolution 693 (Rapp-R-Warren) that challenges new regulations imposed by the U. S. Forest Service to limit the development of private oil and gas rights within the Allegheny National Forest
* Earth Day News
April 22 is Earth Day and to help celebrate, PA Environment Digest will set aside this special section to highlight Earth Day-related programs, projects and events. Send your stories to: .
* Earth Day - Wildlands Conservancy Celebrates Earth Day In the Lehigh Valley
In celebration of Earth Day, the Wildlands Conservancy will host and participate in numerous events throughout the Lehigh Valley promoting environmental stewardship.
* Earth Day - Join the Philadelphia 5K Run for Clean Air & Earth Day Celebration
The 27th Annual 5K Run for Clean Air will take place in Philadelphia on April 19 starting at 9:00 a.m.
* Earth Day - Bethlehem Holds Week-Long Earth Day Celebration April 21-25
Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan is leading the celebration of Earth Day 2008 in a week- long series of events dedicated to teaching the importance of environmental stewardship to Bethlehem’s public and private school students April 21 to 25.
* Earth Day - Want to Volunteer for a Great PA Cleanup! In Your County? Look Here!
Help celebrate Earth Day 2008 by volunteering to be part of a Great PA Cleanup! in your county. Go to the Great PA Cleanup! website and find a litter cleanup event near you.
* Earth Day - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Speaks at California University of PA April 16
The American Democracy Project at California University of Pennsylvania welcomes environmental activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on April 16 as part of a national initiative by the AASCU's American Democracy Project, The New York Times, and Center for Deliberative Democracy.
* Earth Day Online Video Feature - Why Promote Hands-On Environmental Education?
Our nation’s future relies on a well-educated public to be wise stewards of the very environment that sustains us, our families and communities, and future generations.
* Lancaster County Recognizes Floodplain Restoration Publication With Award
The Lancaster County Planning Commission recognized LandStudies, Inc. with one of seven 2007 Smart Growth Leadership Awards for its publication, “Floodplain Restoration.”
* Fish & Boat Commission Awards Education Grants
Sport fishing, boating and aquatic resource education programs for today’s youth received a boost this Spring with the Fish and Boat Commission awarding educational grants totaling more than $50,000.
* Nine PA Communities Receive EPA Brownfields Grants
Nine communities in Pennsylvania received part of the $74 million the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awarded this week in brownfield revitialization grants.
* Outdoor Lighting Workshops for Municipal Planners In April, May
The departments of Environmental Protection and Conservation and Natural Resources, in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Outdoor Lighting Council, are sponsoring three Outdoor Lighting workshops this Spring for municipal planners.
* DEP Partners With 43 Groups to Recycle Fluorescent Bulbs
The Department of Environmental Protection is partnering with 43 counties, townships, environmental groups and small businesses statewide to set up compact fluorescent collection programs.
* Reminder: Students Urged to Apply for Sue Wiseman Scholarship
If you are a Pennsylvania resident, age 16 – 21, who has made an environmental impact or improvement in your community, there is still time to apply for the PA CleanWays Sue Wiseman Scholarship.
* EPA Launches Environmental Indicators Gateway Website
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week launched the Environmental Indicators Gateway website to provide enhanced public access to environmental and health information generated by EPA.
* Allegheny National Forest to Offer Certified Weed Warrior Program for 2008
People interested in becoming a Certified Weed Warrior for the Allegheny National Forest are invited to participate in a training session on April 17 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Slater Room in the Warren Public Library.
* Manada Conservancy Holds Native Plant Sale May 3
Celebrate spring with The Manada Conservancy’s volunteers at their 8th Annual Native Plant Sale on May 3 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Meadowood Native Plant Nursery, 24 Meadowood Drive, Hummelstown, Dauphin County, rain or shine.
* Western PA Environmental Awards Dinner May 28
The Pennsylvania Environmental Council and Dominion will host the Western Pennsylvania Environmental Awards dinner on May 28 in Pittsburgh.
* The Deep and Tangled Roots of Pennsylvania’s Ginseng Industry- May 15
The May 15 Rachel Carson Forum on the Future of the Environment will feature a presentation by Eric Burkhart, Instructor and Program Director with Penn State’s Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center, on Pennsylvania’s Ginseng Industry.
* Game Commission to Begin Accepting DMAP Applications for Deer Hunting
Landowners looking to enroll in the Game Commission's Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP), which is designed to help landowners manage deer on their properties, have until July 1 to submit an application.
* Peregrine Falcon Banding Event – View it Live May 22
The Department of Environmental Protection and Game Commission this week announced that its annual Peregrine Falcon banding event will be held from 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m., May 22 in the Rachel Carson State Office Building’s auditorium in Harrisburg.
* Brian Hill Takes Position With Richard King Mellon Foundation in Pittsburgh
Brian Hill, President & CEO of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, is taking a new position with the Richard King Mellon Foundation as Program Officer effective May 5.
* PA Bar Association Honors Former DEP Counsel for Distinguished Service
The Pennsylvania Bar Association this week presented its 2008 Award for Distinguished Service to the Profession to former DEP Assistant Chief Counsel Dennis Strain.
* Help Wanted: CBF Seeking Susquehanna Watershed Education Program Educator
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation seeks an educator/assistant manager in Harrisburg for the SWEP mobile canoe program.
* Governor's Advisory Council Seeks Candidates for Game Commission Board
The Governor's Advisory Council for Hunting, Fishing and Conservation is seeking a qualified candidate to represent southwestern counties in District 2 on the Pennsylvania Game Commission's board of directors.
* Grants & Awards
This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for grants and financial assistance as well as nominations for awards and other recognition programs. NEW means from last week—
* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state
* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
* Regulations
The Environmental Quality Board, Department of Environmental Protection and Game Commission all gave notice of regulation changes this week. Details follow.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published final guidance on evaluating wasterwater discharges in intermittent streams, notice that a general permit for erosion control is available for oil and gas exploration and an updated list of those certified to perform radon-related activities (Pa Bulletin pg. 1776) . The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources published revised fees for camping activities within State Parks.
* Calendar of Upcoming Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. NEW indicates new from last week. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .
* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Association
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association.

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