Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
July 23, 2007
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 7/23/07
* REAP Conservation Tax Credit Passed, Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund Left Hanging
It took more than a week after the Senate, House and the Governor declared a budget deal to put it in writing and the final result includes the REAP conservation tax credit, but not funding for the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Program. Other issues were pushed back to the fall.
* $10 Million REAP Conservation Tax Credit OK’d, Victory for Farmers, Clean Water
The General Assembly gave final approval to the Resource Enhancement and Protection Act (REAP) that gives farmers tax credits for installing conservation practices and sent the legislation on to the Governor for his action.
* Outline of REAP Farm Conservation Tax Credit Application Process
The Resource Enhancement and Protection Act (REAP) Program will take effect in 90 days from the day Gov. Rendell signs the bill into law and will be administered by the State Conservation Commission.
* On the Governor’s Desk
The following bills reached the Governor’s Desk before summer recess…
* Senate/House Bills Moving/Bills Introduced
Here’s a summary of Senate and House bills moving before they adjourned for the summer…
* Governor Signs “Historic” Transportation Funding Bill
Gov. Rendell this week signed House Bill 1590 (Markosek-D-Allegheny) into law that will make what he said were “historic investments” in Pennsylvania's bridges, roads and public transit systems — nearly $1 billion in average, annual funding for transportation infrastructure and public transit.
* Budget Includes $300,000 to Fund Local Climate Change Action Plans
The state budget approved this week includes a $300,000 line item in the Department of Environmental Protection for a grant program to help municipalities establish greenhouse gas action plans.
* Nominations Invited for Governor’s Environmental Excellence Awards
Nominations are now being accepted for the Governor’s Environmental Excellence Awards to recognize efforts to protect the environment, prevent pollution and save energy.
* American Water Environmental Grants Awarded for Watershed Projects
Pennsylvania American Water announced the five recipients for its 2007 Environmental Grant Program this week who will share $31,615 in grants.
* Know A Water Efficiency Leader? EPA Seeking Award Nominations
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is accepting nominations for the 2007 Water Efficiency Leader Awards to recognize organizations and individuals that demonstrate leadership and innovation in water efficient- products and practices.
* Project Complete in First Phase of DRBC Stormwater Demonstration Project
The Delaware River Basin Commission this week celebrated the completion of the first phase of an ongoing effort to demonstrate how an older site can be transformed (or retrofitted) to properly handle stormwater, a continuing source of flooding and water quality impairment.
* Crawford Conservation Districts Hosts “Pasture Walk” on August 7
On August 7 the Crawford County Conservation District will host a “Pasture Walk” to showcase farm conservation practices.
* Geosynthetic BMPs for Storm Water Management Workshop October 25
The Central PA Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers and ACF Environmental are sponsoring a workshop on Geosynthetic BMP’s for Storm Water Management workshop October 25 at Harrisburg Area Community College.
* PENNVEST Awards $76 Million in Water, Wastewater Loans, Grants
The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority this week approved nearly $76 million in loans and grants to improve water, wastewater systems.
* Water Works Operators Conference Set for State College August 6-8
The PA Water Works Operators’ Association will hold its annual conference in State College on August 6-8 around the theme of “New Ideas & New Opportunities: Working With You Today to Meet the Challenges of Tomorrow.”
* U.S. Senators Casey, Specter Sponsor Bills to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
U.S. Senator Bob Casey announced this week he is co-sponsoring two federal bills that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help limit natural resource damage to Pennsylvania from climate change. The legislation includes many of the recommendations made in the Pennsylvania Environmental Council's (PEC) Climate Change Roadmap for Pennsylvania released in June.
* New CBF Report Says Climate Change Will Impact Region’s Natural Resources
Global climate change is already damaging the region’s natural and cultural resources, according to a new report from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
* Indigo Technologies Recognized at Air & Waste Management Assn. Conference
The Air & Waste Management Association announced this week Indigo Technologies, LLC of Pittsburgh received the J. Deane Sensenbaugh Environmental Technology Award for outstanding achievement in the fields of air pollution control or waste management by a company or individual.
* New Partnership Will Let Harrisburg Teens Explore Regional State Parks
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the City of Harrisburg Department of Parks and Recreation are teaming up to provide 12 teenagers from the city the opportunity for outdoor adventures in nearby state parks July 23 – 27.
* State Court Decision Puts Armstrong County Rail-Trail Back on Track
The Superior Court of Pennsylvania has reversed a 2005 decision to allow the railbanking of the rail corridor for the Armstrong Trail. Adjacent property owners had filed a lawsuit against the Allegheny Valley Land Trust to try and prevent the work.
* Fish & Boat Commission Acts to Improve Access to Lake Erie Tributaries
Utilizing funds generated from the sale of the special Lake Erie fishing permits, the Fish and Boat Commission this week opted to move forward with two property rights acquisitions to improve access to popular Erie County steelhead trout fishing waters.
* Toby Creek’s Bill Sabatose Elected President of Fish & Boat Commission
Commissioners William J. Sabatose and Frederick P. Osifat were elected President and Vice President, respectively, of the Fish & Boat Commission at the board’s summer quarterly meeting this week in Harrisburg.
* Commissioner Judy Schwank Named President of 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania
10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania has chosen Berks County Commissioner Chairwoman Judy Schwank as its new President and CEO.
* Help Wanted: Chief Program Officer, Wildlands Conservancy
The Wildlands Conservancy is seeking a chief program officer to be responsible for oversight and direction of four major program areas: land protection, river protection, environmental education and trail development, working in concert with the organization’s strategic objectives.
* Feature - A Rocky Existence: The Woodrat in Pennsylvania
By Joe Kosack, Wildlife Conservation Education Specialist, Game Commission
* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state
* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
* Regulations
The Independent Regulatory Review Commission approved PUC regulations setting default electric service provider requirements after the caps come off electric rates in 2010.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
Gov. Rendell published Executive Order 2007-3 on Commonwealth Automotive Fleet Efficiency. The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of its reorganization (Pa Bulletin page 3440).
* Calendar of Upcoming Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .
* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Association
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association.

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