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Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
June 18, 2007
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 6/18/07
* Senate Committee Reports Out REAP Legislation, Coalition Urges Action
The Senate Finance Committee unanimously reported out Senate Bill 690 (Waugh-R-York, O’Pake-D-Berks), the Resource Enhancement and Protection Act (REAP), that would give farmers tax credits for installing conservation practices.
* PA Environmental Council Unveils Stakeholder-Driven Climate Change Roadmap
Nearly 40 recommendations for reducing climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions were announced this week as part of the Pennsylvania Climate Change Roadmap developed with the help of business, farm, energy generation and environmental stakeholders convened by the Pennsylvania Environmental Council.
* On the Senate/House Agenda/Bills Introduced
The Senate and Senate return to voting session June 18. Here’s what’s on the agenda this week--
* Senate/House Bills Moving
Here’s the rundown on environmental bills moving in the General Assembly this week….
* House Committee Reports 3 Bills in Governor’s Energy Package
The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee reported out three of the four bills in the Governor’s Energy Independence Initiative without amendment. The bills include:
* Alternative Energy, Fee/Penalty Use Bills Move Out Of Senate Committee
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee reported out two bills this week, one of the bills in the Governor’s Energy Independence Initiative and legislation on the distribution of penalties collected by the Department of Environmental Protection. They were:
* Freeman Bill to Promote Alternative to Sprawl Passes House Unanimously
House Bill 1280, introduced by Rep. Bob Freeman (D-Northampton) to promote traditional neighborhood development as an alternative to sprawl, was approved unanimously in the House of Representatives and now heads to the Senate for consideration.
* Senate Committee Hears From Electric Generators, Distributors on Energy Policy
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy and Consumer Protection Committees held their second public hearing on energy policy this week taking comments from representatives of the electric generating and distribution industry.
* House Committee Hears Comments on Changes to Electric Competition
The House Consumer Affairs Committee this week held a hearing on House Bill 1201 (George-D-Clearfield) that would make a number of changes to the Public Utility Code to implement, including electric competition, as recommended in the Gov. Rendell’s Energy Independence Initiative.
* Joanne Denworth, Joseph Manko Recognized with PEC’s Curtin Winsor Award
The Pennsylvania Environmental Council honored Joanne R. Denworth and Joseph M. Manko with the Curtin Winsor award at its 37th Annual Philadelphia Dinner this week.
* $21 Million in Natural Resource, Open Space, Recreation Grants Announced
Gov. Rendell this week announced $21 million investment in grants for a variety of land conservation projects in 38 counties.
* Shippenville Farm Regional Winner of 2007 Environmental Stewardship Award
Paul and Beth Wingard of Shippenville have been selected as regional winners of the 2007 Environmental Stewardship Award Program. Their farm, Sunrise Club Calves, is one of seven regional winners nationwide.
* USDA Offers Help With Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans
Pennsylvania farmers and Technical Service Providers will now have an opportunity to work together to develop Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans under a new USDA initiative.
* EPA Spotlights Watershed Restoration Efforts in Bedford, Huntingdon Counties
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s efforts to promote watershed restoration projects were highlighted in a tour of two areas in Bedford County.
* Judge’s Ruling Confirms Public’s Rights on Little Juniata River
A Huntingdon County jurist has confirmed his prior ruling guaranteeing the rights of citizens to have access to the Little Juniata River for fishing, boating and other recreation - a move applauded by the state agencies participating in the case.
* Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy Hosts Sojourn June 30
The Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy, Montgomery County, will host a Perkiomen Sojourn June 30 to allow more people to spend some time on the Perkiomen Creek getting to know her character and personality. The Sojourn will begin at the PWC Headquarters in Schwenksville at 9:00 AM and is expected to arrive at the Lower Perkiomen Park in Oaks by mid afternoon. Pre-registration is required.
* June 16 River Sweep in Western PA Still Needs Volunteers
Residents can still participate in the 18th Annual River Sweep, the largest organized volunteer river cleanup effort in the country, set to take place from 8 a.m. to noon June 16 in Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Washington and Westmoreland counties.
* Clinton County CleanScapes Project Announces Summer Cleanup Schedule
The Clinton County CleanScapes Project has announced Summer Cleanup Events in Clinton and Lycoming counties for dates in June, July and August. Volunteers are needed for each of the events.
* Use It Again, PA! Website Expands Statewide to Promote Reuse of Products
Whether you’re looking for a place to drop off your old computer, a place to buy salvaged Victorian-era doors or a business that repairs watches, the Use It Again, PA! website has you covered.
* Shaver's Creek Environmental Center Birding Cup Raises $11,000
Competitors in the 18th Birding Cup, hosted by Penn State's Shaver's Creek Environmental Center, identified 175 bird species in the Centre Region in a 24-hour period last month. The Common Loons, a team comprised of Dan Ombalski, Dave Brandes, Mike Lanzone and Trish Miller, won the cup by identifying 144 species.
* First West-Nile-Positive Mosquito of Season Discovered in Blair County
State officials this week reported that the first mosquito sample of the 2007 season to have tested positive for the West Nile Virus has been found in Blair Township, Blair County.
* Lancaster County Rolls Out Waste to Energy Message on Transfer Vehicles
A new fleet of Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority transfer trailers will be traveling on the county’s highways and roads. The unique feature is not the trailers themselves, but the message they carry.
* June 21 is “Dump the Pump” and Try Transit Day in Central PA
Commuter Services of South Central Pennsylvania and local transit agencies are urging commuters to “Dump the Pump” on June 21, and to plan to take transit instead of driving alone to work.
* Says Hybrid Vehicle Owners May Qualify for a Premium Discount on Insurance
Pennsylvania motorists who own a hybrid vehicle may be eligible for a discount on their auto insurance premiums, according to the Pennsylvania Insurance Department.
* Feature - Disappearing Habitat, Disappearing Common Birds
A new analysis by the National Audubon Society reveals that populations of some of America's most familiar and beloved birds have taken a nosedive over the past forty years, with some down as much as 80 percent.
* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state
* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
* Regulations
The Environmental Quality Board meets June 19 to consider drinking water, storage tank and air quality regulations (details below). The Game Commission published proposed changes to the agricultural deer control permits (red tag) regulations.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published changes to the list of individuals and companies certified to perform radon-related testing and remediation (PA Bulletin2765).
* Calendar of Upcoming Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .
* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Association
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association.

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