Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
February 26, 2007
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 2/26/07
* Let's Pick It Up, PA!, New Effort Promotes Litter-Free School Zones
Gov. Rendell this week invited schools and community groups to join the 4th Annual Great Pennsylvania Cleanup, a statewide effort to remove litter and trash from roadways, parks, riverbanks and open spaces.
* On the Senate/House Agenda/Bills Introduced
Here are some upcoming activities by Senate and House Committees….
* CBF, Partners Invite Participation on Streamside Conservation Program
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is mailing 30,000 post cards to streamside property owners in southern central Pennsylvania to invite them to participate in the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program.
* PA Trout Unlimited Endorses REAP Tax Credit Bill to Restore Aquatic Habitat
The Pennsylvania State Council of Trout Unlimited, which represents more than 12,000 anglers across the Commonwealth, expressed their support for the proposed Resource Enhancement and Protection Act (REAP) that would give tax credits to farmers and other property owners who install best management practices that restore and protect aquatic habitats.
* DCNR Adds Three Watersheds to PA Rivers Conservation Registry
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources this week announced it has approved watershed conservation plans for three watersheds in the Commonwealth and added them to the Pennsylvania Rivers Conservation Registry
* DEP Invites Comments on Proposed TMDLs for Stoneycreek River, Mahoney Creek
The Department of Environmental Protection invites public comments on proposed Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Plans for two watersheds—
* Spend Your Summer Paddling On a PA River Sojourn
The 2007 PA River Sojourn season is fast approaching. There will be 13 sojourns featured in the 2007 season, starting in early May.
* Manual Aids in Maintaining Slippery Rock Watershed AMD Treatment Systems
Treating acid mine drainage using passive treatment systems means a minimum of operation and maintenance, right? When compared to conventional chemical treatment systems, the answer is a resounding, “yes.”
* How Should New Federal Mine Reclamation Money Be Spent to Solve PA Problems?
The Western Pennsylvania Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation has created an interactive, visual tool to help understand how federal Title IV mine reclamation funding might be applied toward Pennsylvania's abandoned mine problems.
* St. Margaret Mary Students Have Trout in the Classroom
Science teacher Mary Frances Bowman has introduced her sixth and seventh grade students at St. Margaret Mary School in Penbrook, Dauphin County, to Trout in the Classroom, a program developed by national Trout Unlimited to teach students about coldwater conservation.
* New Manager Hired for West Branch Restoration Efforts, Get Symposium Agenda
Trout Unlimited has hired Rebecca Dunlap as Project Manager for the organization’s West Branch Susquehanna Restoration Initiative. For the last two years, Dunlap served as Aquatic Ecologist for the ClearWater Conservancy in State College.
* Black Bass Workshop Set for May 4 in Erie
Anglers are invited to register for the 7th annual Pennsylvania Black Bass Workshop to be held May 4 at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center in Erie and sponsored by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and Fish and Boat Commission.
* ClearWater Conservancy Offers Grants for Millbrook Marsh EE Programs
The CleanWater Conservancy announced it has grants available to schools to send students to the Millbrook Marsh Nature Center for outdoor environmental education programs. The grants were made possible with the support of the Dominion Educational Partnership, State of the Art and the State College Kiwanis.
* Westmoreland Conservation District to Hold Forestry II Workshop March 31
If you’d like to know more about how to sustainably manage a woodlot, the Westmoreland Conservation District “Forestry II” workshop on March 31 can give you some good, practical insights.
* Volunteers Needed for Habitat Improvement Project in Schuylkill County
Game Commissioner Gregory J. Isabella is urging local sportsmen to join him and Game Commission personnel from the Southeast region office for a day of border-edge cutting on State Game Land 229 in Reilly Township, Schuylkill County.
* Governor’s Outdoor Conference Set for March 18-20
Nominations for individuals and organizations who would like to attend the Governor’s Outdoor Conference are now being accepted. The Conference is being held March 18-20 in State College.
* Attorney General Corbett Using Penalties to Fund Environmental Projects
Attorney General Tom Corbett this week distributed more than $50,000 to benefit public safety and environmental efforts in Greenville, Mercer County, as part of the resolution of a criminal case brought by the Attorney General's Environmental Crimes Section against Texas-based Trinity Industries.
* Environmental Law Forum Set for April 11-12 In Harrisburg
The Pennsylvania Bar Association Environmental Law Section will hold its annual Environmental Law Forum in Harrisburg on April 11-12 under the theme of “Get the Green Advantage!”
* Philadelphia Expands Single Stream Recycling Beginning in March
The City of Philadelphia Streets Department this week announced the expansion of its innovative single stream residential recycling collection method.
* Free Drop-Off Recycling of Refrigerators, Air Conditioners in Pittsburgh
The Pennsylvania Resources Council, Inc. announced a new appliance recycling campaign in partnership with Appliance Warehouse to accept drop-offs of old, broken or unwanted major appliances at its facility.
* Learn About Special Tax Benefits of Donating Land Only During 2007
Interested landowners are invited to get the latest information on time-limited incentives available to landowners who preserve their property only during 2007.
* Landowners Tell Personal Stories of Why They Preserve Their Land
The Pennsylvania Land Trust Association this week unveiled In Their Own Words: 15 Stories of Conservation & Inspiration, a unique compilation of essays written by Pennsylvania landowners who have protected these family lands.
* International Paper, The Conservation Fund Accepting Award Nominations
International Paper and The Conservation Fund are now accepting nominations to recognize two conservation/environmental education leaders with a $10,000 cash award.
* Chamber Annual Environmental Laws and Regulations Conference April 17-18
The PA Chamber of Business and Industry will hold its annual Environmental Conference and Trade Show on April 17-18 at the Holiday Inn in Harrisburg.
* USDA Launches New Website on Renewable Energy Opportunities for Farmers
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has launched a new website to provide one-stop-shopping for technical assistances and grant programs to help farmers participate in expanding markets for renewable energy.
* Global Warming 2007-It’s Time for Action Workshop Set for March 31
Interested in the issue of global warming? Attend a March 31 workshop in Pittsburgh entitled, “Global Warming 2007-It’s Time for Action,” at the Sister Ferdinand Clark Auditorium, Mercy Hospital, 1400 Locust Street, Pittsburgh starting at 9:30.
* Student Interns Wanted: Western PA Conservancy, Ducks Unlimited, DEP
The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy is accepting applications for several 2007 Conservation Internships.
* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state…
* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
* Regulations
The Environmental Quality Board met this week and approved a final New Source Review regulation, proposed regulations making stream redesignations and adopting the Clean Air Interstate Rule and accepted a petition to redesignate the Upper Perkiomen Watershed.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection publish notice of availability for the final training provider manual for water and wastewater system operator training.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .
* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Association
PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association.

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