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Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
June 12, 2006
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 6/12/06
* DEP Says It Lacks Link From Power Plant Mercury Emissions to Deposition Areas
The Department of Environmental Protection told a Senate Committee this week it has no studies showing a link between mercury emissions from local power plants and so-called mercury “hotspots” or studies documenting direct health impacts on Pennsylvania citizens caused by mercury emissions from power plants.
* On the Senate, House Agenda
Here’s what will be on the Senate and House agenda when they return to session on June 12.
* House Committee Hears Game Commission Funding Needs
Game Commission Executive Director Carl G. Roe told the House Game and Fisheries Committee this week that uncontrollable parts of his budget will mean revenue shortfalls in the coming year without an increase in revenue.
* Senate/House Bills Moving/Introduced
Several environmental bills moved this week. Here’s the rundown….
* Opportunities for Native Plants Topic of Next Environmental Issues Forum
The Joint Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee, invites members of the General Assembly and the public to “Going Native,” a presentation on the many opportunities to use native plants in stream buffers, roadside plantings and other projects, at the next Environmental Issues Forum on June 12 in Harrisburg.
* Fish Commission Awards Youth Fishing Education Grants
Youth sport fishing and aquatic resource education programs received a boost this week with the awarding of $50,000 in grants from the Fish and Boat Commission.
* DCNR Hosting Environmental Careers Camps for Students
The first of two summer residential camps for high school students interested in pursuing environmental careers will begin June 18, at Kings Gap Environmental Education and Training Center near Carlisle, Cumberland County.
* PA CleanWays Holds Teacher Environmental Education Workshop June 24
PA CleanWays is holding an Environment and Ecology Curriculum for Intermediate Students Workshop for teachers on June 24 at St. Vincent College in Latrobe, PA.
* DEP Soliciting Proposals for Recycling Market Development Grants
The Department of Environmental Protection is soliciting proposals for Recycling Markets Infrastructure Development grants for equipment associated with increasing the use of recycled content in products.
* Falcon Watch and Rescue Program to Begin Next Week
Volunteers and online viewers can keep a close eye on the Peregrine falcon nest located on the 15th floor ledge of the Rachel Carson State Office Building in Harrisburg next week as five resident young nestlings make their first attempt at free flight.
* Monongahela River Basin Recovery Featured At Next Rachel Carson Forum
The next Rachel Carson Forum on the Future of the Environment on June 15 will feature a program on the restoration of the Monongahela River fish community of southwestern Pennsylvania. The forum will take place at noon in the Rachel Carson building auditorium, 400 Market St., Harrisburg.
* Adams County Watershed Academy Holds Stormwater Workshop June 21
A free workshop entitled, “Better Stormwater Management Through Site Design” will be held by the Adams County Watershed Academy on June 21 at the Adams County Agriculture and Natural Resources Center in Gettysburg.
* Volunteers Wanted for June 17 Conestoga River Cleanup
Rep. Sturla (D-Lancaster) this week invited community volunteers to help local environmental organizations clean up the Conestoga River from 8:30 a.m. to noon Saturday, June 17.
* Northwest River Sojourn Highlights Wild and Scenic Allegheny River
The 42-mile stretch of the Wild and Scenic Allegheny River from Tionesta to Kennerdell will be the site of this year’s annual River Sojourn in northwestern Pennsylvania, from July 6 through July 8.
* Millmont Dam on Penns Creek to be Removed
Work began this week on a project to remove the Millmont Dam on the Penns Creek near the village of Millmont in Union County. The work is being done by Lycoming Supply Inc. of Williamsport at a cost of $25,984.
* Audenreid Tunnel Treatment System Dedication June 17
The Catawissa Creek Restoration Association, Columbia and Schuylkill Conservation Districts and many partners are inviting the public to join them in celebrating the completion of the Audenreid Mine Tunnel Acid Mine Drainage Treatment System June 17, from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
* Watershed Groups Can Find Free Technical Help from the Consortium
Are you a watershed group looking for free help? The Consortium for Scientific Assistance to Watershed program is available to provide free technical assistance.
* Funding for Watershed Conservation and Research Projects Available
The Fish America Foundation offers grants of up to $15,000 to nonprofit organizations for projects that directly enhance water quality, habitat, and sport fish populations that have regional or national implications.
* June Issue of EPA’s Watershed News Is Now Online
The June issue of EPA’s Watershed News is chock full of great information of value to watershed groups. Here’s a sampling of this month’s contents—
* DEP Extends Deadline for Comments on Stormwater Manual/Model Ordinance
The Department of Environmental Protection extended the deadline for comments on its draft Stormwater Management Manual and Model Ordinance until June 27.
* Game Commission Mining Lease Helps Flight 93 Memorial, Wildlife
Game Commissioners this week approved a deep mining support lease with the Amfire Mining Company of Latrobe that will help buffer the national memorial to those Americans who perished on Flight 93 near Shanksville on September 11, 2001, and benefit wildlife.
* 4,989 More Acres of Farmland Permanently Preserved
The Farmland Preservation Board this week added 49 farms and 4,989 acres to the roll of farmland permanently preserved in Pennsylvania.
* Advisory Committees on Deer Management Endorsed by Game Commission
The Board of the Game Commission this week directed that Citizens Advisory Committees be formed at the Wildlife Management Unit level around the state to obtain stakeholder input on deer management goals.
* Williamsport Company Honored for Environmental Excellence Award
Environmental Protection Secretary Kathleen McGinty this week honored Wirerope Works Inc. in Lycoming County for a project that eliminated 100 percent of the company’s lead emissions.
* Fill’er Up Soon at Air Product’s Hydrogen Fueling Station at Penn State
The only hydrogen fueling station currently located in Pennsylvania is on Penn State's University Park campus where efforts are also underway to develop a mixed vehicle fleet, including two cars, a bus and vans, to demonstrate the potential of the new "gas."
* Philadelphia Building Named to 2006 Top 10 Green Projects List
The American Institute of Architects has again selected a Pennsylvania building – the Philadelphia Forensic Science Center-- as one of its top 10 examples of sustainable architecture and green design solutions.
* IRS Issues Guidance on Tax Benefits for Energy-Efficiency Improvements
The U.S. Internal Revenue Service issued guidance on how commercial building owners or leaseholders can qualify for a federal tax benefit by making their buildings more energy efficient.
* Roger Fickes Retires as State Parks Director
Roger Fickes, who has been Director of the Bureau of State Parks since 1992, will retire this year after a life-time of service to the Commonwealth.
* DCNR Appoints Marylander as New Director of State Parks
A veteran of Maryland's State Forest and Park Service has been appointed director of Pennsylvania's Bureau of State Parks.
* See & Hear - Influencing Behaviors Using Social Marketing In Your Watershed Webcast June 28
EPA’s Watershed Academy will hold another of its online webcasts on June 28 entitled, “Influencing Behaviors Using Social Marketing” from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state.
* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
* Regulations
The Department of Environmental Protection, Fish and Boat Commission and Independent Regulatory Review Commission all published notices related to environmental regulations. Here’s the rundown…
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published a new Radon Certification guidance document for comment this week and extended the comment period for the Stormwater Manual and Model Ordinance to July 14.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .

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