Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
March 20, 2006
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 3/20/06
* 228 Events Registered So Far for Great PA Cleanup, How About Yours?
The Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Alliance wants to remind you to register your cleanup event for the third annual Great PA Cleanup! on April 22.
* On the Senate, House Agenda
The Senate is in session the week of March 20 and the House April 3. Here’s the rundown of what’s on the calendars and in committees—
* Senate Committee Schedules Hearing on MTBE, Gasoline Additives
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee will hold a hearing on the impact gasoline additives like MTBE and ethanol have on fuel supplies and the environment on April 5.
* Senate/House Bills Moving/Introduced
Here’s a rundown on the environmental bills that moved this week.
* Joint Committee’s Environmental Synopsis, Annual Report Now Available
The March issue of the Environmental Synopsis published by the Joint Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee and its 2005 annual report are now available.
* Geisinger’s Skip Wieder Receives Susquehanna River Basin Excellence Award
The Susquehanna River Basin Commission this week presented the Commission’s fourth William W. Jeanes, Sr. Award for Environmental Excellence to Homer (Skip) W. Wieder, Jr. for his leadership and dedication to improving water quality and enhancing the quality of life in the Susquehanna River Basin.
* Environmental Advisory Council Network Honors Local Councils
The Environmental Advisory Council Network honored three local councils as part of the ninth annual conference in Southeast Pennsylvania March 11.
* Friend of French Creek Award Winners Announced
The French Creek Project and the French Creek Valley Conservancy this week announced the five winners of the 2006 Friends of French Creek and Bailey Lifetime Achievement awards.
* Erie Access Improvement Grant Applications Due May 15
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission announced this week it is soliciting projects for a new Erie Access Improvement Grant Program. Proposals are due May 15.
* Watershed Group Insurance Sharing Program Renewed for 2006 by POWR
The Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds & Rivers this week announced that its insurance sharing program for watershed groups has been renewed for another year for POWR members.
* Yellow Breeches Watershed Association Celebrates 5th Year Anniversary
This year marks the 5th Anniversary of the Yellow Breeches Watershed Association which supports environmental resource management and stewardship in the watershed.
* Yellow Breeches Creek Water Trail Public Meeting May 5
The Cumberland County Planning Commission and the Yellow Breeches Watershed Association are hosting a public meeting on May 5 to introduce the Yellow Breeches Water Trail Project.
* Pennsylvania Celebrates National Groundwater Awareness Week
The Department of Environmental Protection this week helped celebrate National Groundwater Awareness Week – March 12-18- by making recommendations on how to protect groundwater quality.
* DEP Provides Update on Senior Environment Corps, Citizens Water Monitoring
The Department of Environmental Protection provided the General Assembly with an update on activities of the Senior Environment Corps and other citizen water quality monitoring programs in the Commonwealth.
* Nominations for 2006 Waste Watcher Awards Due May 2
Apply now for the 2006 Waste Watcher Awards sponsored by the Professional Recyclers of PA, the Pennsylvania Waste Industries Association and the Solid Waste Association of North America-PA Chapter.
* Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful 2005 Anti-Littering, Beautification Accomplishments
The Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Alliance published their 2005 annual report this week cataloguing the anti-littering and beautification accomplishments of their partner agencies, businesses and nonprofit groups all over the state.
* How Will You Cope with 25-50% Increase in Electricity Costs? Workshops Can Help
The Department of Environmental Protection and the Electrotechnology Application Center at Northampton Community College are sponsoring half-day workshops this spring to help owners of small and medium-sized businesses reduce energy costs and increase profits.
* Mesa Environmental Seeks Farmers for Alternative Energy Audits
Rep. Armstrong (R-Lancaster) this week announced Mesa Environmental Sciences, Inc. is seeking farmers to participate in free energy audits designed to make recommendations on reducing energy use and determine the feasibility of installing alternative energy sources.
* April 14 Wind Turbine Forum to Explore Impacts of Wind Power in Erie
The Presque Isle Audubon Chapter is sponsoring a Wind Turbine Forum on April 14 that will explore the benefits and impacts of wind farms on the environment and wildlife.
* Applications Being Accepted for Environmental Scholarship
PA CleanWays is accepting applications for the Sue Wiseman Scholarship, a $1,000 scholarship that honors a youth who has demonstrated outstanding commitment and dedication to the environment.
* March 19-25 is Wildfire Prevention Week in Pennsylvania
Warm and drying March winds and a winter of minimal precipitation, have combined to heightens dangers of wildfires and to focus attention on these dangers the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources has designated March 19-25 as Wildfire Prevention Week.
* Game Commission Releases 2005-06 Deer Harvest Estimates
The Game Commission officials announced this week the total deer harvest estimate for 2005-06 seasons is 354,390, down from the previous year's harvest estimate of 409,320.
* Game Commission - LBFC Report Supports Need for Increased Revenues
Game Commission Executive Director Carl G. Roe said this week his agency agrees with most of the findings in the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee's report of the agency's adherence to its strategic plan and the need to address the financial condition of the Commission.
* Three Nominated to Fish and Boat Commission Board
Gov. Rendell has nominated Thomas C. Shetterly, William R. Worobec and Leonard Lichvar to be commissioners on the Fish and Boat Commission board.
* Council Seeks Candidates for the Game Commission Board
The Governor's Advisory Council for Hunting, Fishing and Conservation is seeking candidates to serve on the board of directors for the Game Commission's District Seven, which includes Susquehanna, Wyoming, Luzerne, Lackawanna, Carbon, Wayne, Pike and Monroe counties.
* Help Wanted – Allegheny County PA CleanWays
The Allegheny County PA CleanWays is seeking an executive director to manage all aspects of the organization—fundraising, program management, membership recruitment, staff development, marketing and communications and financial management.
* Help Wanted - LeTort Regional Authority Executive Director
The LeTort Regional Authority is seeking candidates for a part-time executive director for this independent municipal body for the protection of the famous Letort Spring Run watershed near Carlisle, Cumberland County.
* Interns Wanted for Paid Positions with Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Projects
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful is seeking 16 students to fill internship positions at several locations around Pennsylvania to help with community beautification and anti-littering projects.
* See & Hear - Falcon Focus – Learn About Peregrine Falcons, Raptors
Learn all about peregrine falcons and other raptors at the special Falcon Focus video website developed by the GreenTreks Network.
* See & Hear - Sustainable Financing for Watershed Groups Webcast – March 22
EPA’s Watershed Academy will hold an online webcast on Sustainable Financing for Watershed Groups March 22 starting at 1:00.
* Feature - Caring for William Penn’s Great Oak, By Jim Crater
The Great Oak, also called the Saunders Oak, is a very special tree. Identified in the book Penn's Woods written by The Green Valley Association, as one of the William Penn Oaks.
* Feature - Conservation Easement Assistance Helps Land Trusts Conserve 6,153 Acres
The Conservation Easement Assistance Program of the Pennsylvania Land Trust Association has helped land trusts conserve 6,153 acres in 13 counties over the past two years.
* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state.
* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
* Regulations
The Fish and Boat Commission published proposed rules for comment relating to the capture, breeding and handling of reptiles and amphibians.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published two proposed guidance documents relating to clean fill and mine reclamation bonds, issued a final General Permit for processing used restaurant oils, greases and other materials for biofuel and biodiesel and an update to the certified radon testing and remediation firms (Pa Bulletin page 1293)..
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .

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