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Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
February 20, 2006
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 2/20/06
* Groups Concerned About State Environmental Funding, Federal Cuts Hurt States
The Pennsylvania Conservation Voters Education League this week laid out an environmental agenda for 2006 that includes no backsliding on environmental funding and makes recommendations in 12 other issue areas.
* On the Senate, House Agenda
The Senate and House hearings on Gov. Rendell’s 2006-07 budget proposal will take center stage over the next few weeks, but there are other things happening on the Hill. Here’s the rundown…
* Senate/House Bills Moving - Introduced
Legislation expanding the tire recycling program was signed into law by Gov. Rendell this week and legislation on clean vehicles, eco-terrorism, water shutoffs, Small Business Centers and alternative fuels tax incentives saw action. Here’s a rundown.
* Senate Passes Clean Vehicle Bill, Requires Clean Air Stakeholder Groups
The Senate amended and passed Senate Bill 1025 (Madigan-R-Bradford) to establish a Clean Vehicle Program that gives automakers two options to comply— use the California II or federal Tier II vehicle emissions standards.
* Alternative Energy Tax Credit Legislation Passes House
House Bill 1964 (Ross-R-Chester), that will help reduce Pennsylvania's dependence on foreign sources of energy by establishing tax credits for alternative energy businesses, was passed unanimously by the House this week.
* House Committee Told Conservation Most Cost Effective Help on Energy Problems
The PUC’s Consumer Advocate and the non-profit Energy Coordinating Agency both told the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee this week that energy conservation is a cost-effective way to help solve the state’s energy problems, but less than 11 percent of the state’s spending supports such programs.
* Joint Committee Hears About Making Railroad Ties from Old Carpet, Waste Plastic
Innovative Rail Concepts of Conshohocken told the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee this week how making railroad ties from old carpet and waste plastic will not only save landfill space, but millions of trees.
* Committee Chair, Member Changes in Senate and House
There were a number of Committee Chair and member changes this week in the Senate and House. Here’s a quick summary—
* DEP Grants Support Landfill LNG, Biodiesel, Clean Energy Projects
The Department of Environmental Protection this week announced the award of over $3.7 million in Alternative Fuel Incentive Grants to support alternative and clean fuel projects.
* EPA Accepting Nominations for SmartWay Environmental Transportation Awards
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is accepting nominations for its first annual SmartWay Excellence Awards for companies and organizations who made significant contributions to protecting the environment through innovations in transportation.
* USDA Opens Application Period for Renewable Energy, Efficiency Grants
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is now accepting applications for its Section 9006 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Improvements Grants Program.
* EPA Offers Community Grants to Reduce Risks of Toxic Exposure
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is now accepting applications to support community-based partnerships to reduce toxic risks until April 10.
* DEP Seeks Members for Environmental Justice Advisory Board
The Department of Environmental Protection is seeking candidates to join the Environmental Justice Advisory Board.
* Stonycreek-Quemahoning Initiative Receives Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show Award
Stonycreek-Quemahoning Initiative received the 2006 Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show Conservation Award along with Edwin VanSant and Ron Fretts who received individual Humanitarian and Youth Mentor Awards.
* Last Call – Deadline for Growing Greener Watershed Grants March 3
The Department of Environmental Protection this week issued a reminder the deadline for applying for the next round of Growing Greener Watershed Restoration Grants is March 3.
* Applications Due Now for Lowe’s Outdoor Classroom Grants
Lowe’s, International Paper and National Geographic Explorer! have teamed up to provide grants of up to $2,000 to help schools build outdoor, hands-on science education programs.
* Five-Star Habitat Restoration Grants Due March 10
Grant applications are being accepted until March 10 for the Five-Star Restoration Grants Program sponsored by the National Association of Counties, the National Wildlife Foundation, Wildlife Habitat Council and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
* EPA Display at Philadelphia Flower Show Features Native Plant Gardening
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will again have a display at the Philadelphia Flower Show showcasing the importance of native plants in gardening today.
* Creek-Friendly Yard Care Workshop Set for February 23 Delaware County
The Springfield and Marple Township Environmental Advisory Councils and the Chester-Ridley-Crum Watersheds Association are sponsoring a “Creek-Friendly Yard Care” workshop on February 23 at 7:30 in Broomall.
* Become a Sponsor of the PA Biodiversity Conservation Plan
In 2001, the PA Biodiversity Partnership began the development of the PA Biodiversity Conservation Plan to develop recommendations and strategies for protecting and conserving biodiversity in the Commonwealth.
* New Webcasts on Source Water Protection, Using EPA’s Watershed Handbook
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is sponsoring a series of free webcasts on issues related to source water protection and using its new Watershed Handbook.
* Aquatic Insects, Stream Ecology Teacher Education Program June 3-4
The Pennsylvania Institute for Conservation Education is sponsoring a teacher education program on aquatic insects and stream ecology on June 3-4 in Lycoming County.
* Tools Released to Help Small Drinking Water Systems
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week released two new tools and a suggested affordability approach for small water utilities trying to balance the demands for quality water with their financial ability to deliver.
* New USGS Web-Based Tool Calculates Groundwater Recharge in Pennsylvania
The U. S. Geological Survey has made available a new web-based tool that helps users estimate groundwater recharge rates for areas throughout Pennsylvania where streamflow data are available.
* EPA Reports on Smart Growth Stormwater Management Best Practices
Using Smart Growth Techniques as Stormwater Best Management Practices” from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reviews nine common smart growth techniques and examines how they can be used to prevent or manage stormwater runoff.
* Delaware Estuary Sponsors New Events, Education Message Boards
The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary has opened two new web-based services for regional environmental groups—an Upcoming Events and Outreach and Education Programs forums.
* $1 Million in Boating Facilities Grants Awarded by Fish & Boat Commission
The Fish & Boat Commission this week awarded more than $1 million in grants to nine municipalities for the development, improvement or rehabilitation of public recreational boat launches.
* Support Watershed Protection - Adams County Fishing/Outdoor Expo March 4 & 5
The Adams County Trout Unlimited and the Watershed Alliance of Adams County are sponsoring a Fishing and Outdoor Expo on March 4 and 5 at the Buchanan Valley Fire Company in Orrtanna.
* Pssssssst! Want to Know When They’re Stocking Trout? Check It Out
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission has posted the 2006 stocking schedule on its website. OK, so it isn’t a big secret anymore.
* PA Chamber Environmental Conference & Trade Show Set for April 18 & 19
The 2006 PA Chamber Environmental Conference and Trade Show will be held in Camp Hill, Cumberland County on April 18 and 19.
* See & Hear - LandSavers – Learn About Biodiversity in Pennsylvania
What the heck is biodiversity? You can find the answer to that question and more by watching a special multi-media presentation on the LandSavers website.
* Feature - Desilting Basin Finds New Life as Wildlife Habitat, Educational Sanctuary
A former desilting basin that was the disposal site for thousands of tons of sediment dredged from the Schuylkill River for decades is being converted into a wildlife sanctuary and environmental education area.
* Quick Clips
Here’s a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state.
* Watershed NewsClips
Read a sampling of NewsClips on watershed topics from around Pennsylvania.
* Regulations
The Department of Environmental Protection is holding a briefing for the Mercury Rule Work Group February 22. The Public Utility Commission published a proposed policy on small water system acquisitions. The Fish and Boat Commission published final changes to the Class A Wild Trout Waters.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published final technical guidance related to the sewage facilities program and draft guidance for comment on aboveground storage tanks and small flow treatment facilities. DEP has also published for comment a draft Coastal Zone Management Program Assessment.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .

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