Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
November 6, 2023 - Issue #1,007
* 84 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA

Here are 84 new stories in the PA Environment Digest about individuals, groups, local governments, farmers, businesses, watershed groups and many more working all across Pennsylvania to restore and protect the environment and show others the beauty that surrounds us.

* Weekly List Of PA Environment & Energy Articles & NewsClips By Topic

PA Environment Digest Puts Links To The Best Environment & Energy Articles and NewsClips From Last Week Here By Topic--

* House Committee Hearing On Increasing Safety Setback Zones Around Natural Gas Facilities Heard About First-Hand Citizen Experiences On Health Impacts; From Physicians On Health Studies; The Gas Industry On Job Impacts

On October 30 the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee held its first-ever hearing on the health and environmental impacts of the shale gas industry and legislation increasing safety zone setbacks around gas infrastructure.

* Sen. Yaw, Republican Chair Of Senate Environmental Committee, Called Bill To Reduce Shale Gas Industry Impacts On Health, Environment ‘Stupid’

On October 30, the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee held a hearing on the health and environmental impacts of the shale gas industry and legislation-- House Bill 170 (Otten-D-Chester)--  increasing safety zone setbacks around natural gas infrastructure.

* Gov. Shapiro, CNX Natural Gas Company Sign Statement Of Mutual Interests To Monitor Air Emissions At Drill Sites, Extend Safety Setbacks While Data Is Being Collected; DEP To Move Ahead With Some Reg Changes

On November 2, Gov. Josh Shapiro and CNX Resources Corporation President and CEO Nick Deiuliis announced a first-of-its-kind statement of mutual interests that will further heighten the company’s operational disclosures in collaboration with state environmental regulators and the public.

* Pennsylvania Oil & Gas Weekly Compliance Dashboard - Oct. 28 to Nov. 3 - Fire At PA General Energy Shale Gas Well Pad; 5 More Abandoned Conventional Wells; Replugging Shale Gas Well

On October 31, 2023, DEP did an inspection of the Huckleberry shale gas well pad operated by PA General Energy Co LLC in Union Township, Tioga County in response to a notification from the company they had a fire at the well pad.

* Attorney General Henry Announces Criminal Charges Against Equitrans For 2018 Natural Gas Explosion That Destroyed Home In Greene County

On November 1, Attorney General Michelle Henry announced criminal charges against Equitrans, L.P. regarding the energy company’s failure to fix a natural gas leak that caused a house explosion in Greene County in 2018.

* Marcellus Drilling News: Mariner East 2X Natural Gas Liquids Pipeline Being Repaired After Dent Discovered In Chester County During Maintenance Check

On November 3, Marcellus Drilling News reported Energy Transfer was repairing a “dent” in the Mariner East 2X natural gas liquids pipeline in West Whiteland Township, Chester County discovered during routine maintenance checks.

* PA Oil & Gas Industrial Facilities: Permit Notices/Opportunities To Comment - November 4

The following DEP notices were published in the November 4 PA Bulletin related to oil and gas industry facilities.  Many of the notices offer the opportunity for public comments.

* University Of Pittsburgh Studies Of Shale Gas Development Health Impacts To Be Discussed At Nov. 14 Joint Meeting Of DEP Citizens Advisory Council, Environmental Justice Advisory Board

On November 14, DEP’s Citizens Advisory Council and Environmental Justice Advisory Board will hear a presentation from the state Department of Health on studies released in August from the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health on the health impacts of shale gas development.

* PA League Of Women Voters, University Of Pittsburgh Graduate School Of Public Health Nov. 14 Shale Gas & Public Health Conference

The PA League of Women Voters and the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health is now accepting registrations for the 11th Annual Shale Gas & Public Health Conference to be held in-person and online November 14 in Pittsburgh.

* Philadelphia LNG Export Task Force Issues Report On The Best Ways To Increase Exports Of PA's Natural Gas; Minority Report Rebuts Need For LNG Facility, Outlines Impacts

On November 1, the House Philadelphia LNG Export Task Force, chaired by Rep. Martina White (R-Philadelphia), adopted a final report on the best and safest way to increase the export Pennsylvania's natural gas overseas.

* Protect PT Holds Nov. 11 Workshop On Living Near Shale Gas In Westmoreland County

On November 11, Protect PT will hold a workshop on Living Near Shale Gas at the Community Environmental Education Center, 3344 Route 130, Suite B in Harrison City, Westmoreland County from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

* PUC Issues Emergency Order To PA American Water To Operate Troubled East Dunkard Water Authority In Greene County; Lawsuit Filed Alleging Water Tainted By Mine Drainage, Shale Gas Operations

On November 1, the Public Utility Commission issued an emergency order authorizing the Pennsylvania American Water Company to manage and operate the East Dunkard Water Authority system upon receipt of a court order appointing PAWC as a receiver for that troubled water system.

* PUC, Dept. Of Human Services Kick Off Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program Season

On November 1, the Public Utility Commission joined with the state Department of Human Services to mark the start of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for the 2023-24 winter heating season.

* Commonwealth Court Declares RGGI ‘Invalid Tax’ And Enjoins DEP, EQB From Enforcing Its Provisions

On November 1, the Commonwealth Court issued an opinion on the challenge to the final DEP regulation limiting carbon pollution from power plants (RGGI) declaring the rulemaking an “invalid tax” and enjoining DEP and the Environmental Quality Board from enforcing its provisions.

* EQB Invites Comments On Proposed Site-Specific Mercury Standard Related To York County Landfill; Dec. 5 Virtual Hearing

The Environmental Quality Board published notice in the November 4 PA Bulletin inviting comments on and setting a virtual December 5 public hearing on changes to the mercury standard requested by the York County Solid Waste Authority for the discharge to Ebaughs Creek from the York County Landfill.

* PA Watershed Groups Engaged 8,000 Volunteers Contributing Over 44,500 Hours; 35,000+ People Involved In Projects, Education, Hikes, Other Events; Planted 30,000 Trees in 2022

On October 29, the PA Organization for Watersheds and Rivers released its 2022 Watershed Organization Cumulative Impacts Report during its Statewide Watershed Conference in Altoona.

* CBF's Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership: Last Year's Winners Of The Mira Lloyd Dock Diversity Award Work On Completing Environmental Projects

On November 1, the Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership provided an update on the environmental projects the 2022 winners of the Mira Lloyd Dock Partnership Diversity Award-- Brennan Ka’aihue in Cumberland County and Dr. Zeshan Ismat in Lancaster County--are completing with trees and planting supplies provided by the award.

* PA Sea Grant's Tom Cermak Recognized With Great Lakes Sea Grant Individual Achievement Award

Tom Cermak, Pennsylvania Sea Grant Coastal Outreach Specialist was recently honored with the 2023 Great Lakes Sea Grant Individual Mid-Career Achievement Award.

* Berks Nature Releases 15th State Of The Environment Report At Program Attended By Over 300

On November 2, Berks Nature released the 15th State of the Environment Report for Berks County at a special program attended by more than 300 people.

* Chesapeake Bay Foundation: Watershed Renewal Project Accelerates Restoration Work In Halfmoon Creek, Centre County, Pequea Creek, Lancaster County

The Halfmoon and Pequea Creek Watersheds Renewal Project, coordinated by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, is accelerating progress toward bringing impaired streams in the two Pennsylvania watersheds back to health.

* Quittapahilla Watershed Assn. Interns Present Stream Morphology Surveys On Lebanon County Streams

On October 30, interns for the Quittapahilla Watershed Association recently presented their findings from stream morphology surveys and on-the-ground agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) in relation to some of the main tributaries of the Quittapahilla watershed in Lebanon County, including Gingrich Run, Killinger Creek and Snitz Creek.

* Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition: Call For Submissions For Westminster College Student Symposium On The Environment Dec. 4 to 7

Once again the Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition is partnering with the Westminster College Center for the Environment to host the annual Student Symposium on the Environment on December 4 to 7 in Lawrence County.

* NRCS-PA Offers Pennsylvania Producers $15 Million To Plant Cover Crops

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is encouraging agricultural producers and forest landowners in Pennsylvania to participate in voluntary conservation programs and adopt climate-smart practices in fiscal year 2024 as part of President Biden's Investing in America agenda.

* Western PA Conservancy Now Accepting Applications For BHE GT&S Watershed Mini Grants In Western PA

The Western PA Conservancy is now accepting applications for the BHE GT&S Watershed Mini Grant Program to support grassroots watershed groups.  Applications are due December 18.

* Susquehanna River Basin Commission Accepting Applications For Consumptive Use Mitigation Grants; Nov. 15 Webinar

On November 1, the Susquehanna River Basin Commission announced it is now accepting applications for Consumptive Use Mitigation Grants.  The deadline for applications is January 31.

* DEP Sets Dec. 7 Hearing On York County Solid Waste Authority Resource Recovery Facility Air Permit

The Department of Environmental Protection published a notice in the November 4 PA Bulletin inviting comments and announcing a December 7 hearing on a RACT 3 Air Quality Permit for the York County Solid Waste Authority Resource Recovery Facility.  (PA Bulletin, page 6897)

* National Sea Grant College Program Now Accepting Applications For 2 Marine Debris Prevention & Removal Funding Opportunities

On October 31, the National Sea Grant College Program has released two new funding opportunities supported by the Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act related to marine debris prevention and removal.

* Keep PA Beautiful Seeking Nominations For Litter Hawk Youth Award Program To Recognize Students In Grades K To 6

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful is now accepting nominations for the Litter Hawk Youth Award Program, a recognition program for students in Kindergarten through 6th Grade.  The deadline for nominations is January 31.

* Pittsburgh’s Green Building Alliance Receives $500,000 Federal ARISE Grant To Establish A Green Building Product Supply Chain, Manufacturing Hub In Upper Appalachian Region

On October 30, the Appalachian Regional Commission awarded the Pittsburgh-based Green Building Alliance a $500,000 planning grant to establish an economic hub for green product manufacturing in the Upper Appalachian region and create a regional supply chain for the products, services, technologies and construction materials that comprise the green building industry.

* EPA Launches Video Prize Challenge To Showcase Electric Transportation In Action, Entries Due Jan. 23

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently launched  My Electric Ride: An EV Transportation Video Challenge, an exciting prize competition that encourages people to share their personal experiences with electric transportation.  Entries due January 23.

* 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Holds Nov. 9 Open Enrollment Meeting In Somerset County

The World Trade Center Health Program and the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund will hold a November 8 public meeting at the Shanksville Volunteer Fire Department, 625 North St. in Shanksville, Somerset County starting at 6:00 p.m.

* PA Environmental Council In Case You Missed It In October Now Available

The PA Environmental Council’s In Case You Missed It In October features articles on--

* DCNR: Final Fall Foliage Report Shows End To An Extended Period Of Phenomenal Fall Color!

On November 2, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources issued its final Weekly Fall Foliage Report showing an end to a phenomenal fall color season.

* Nov. 3 Take Five Fridays With Pam, PA Parks & Forests Foundation

The November 3 Take Five Fridays With Pam is now available from the PA Parks and Forests Foundation featuring articles on--

* Game Commission Proposes Black Rail As Threatened Species

The Game Commission published notice in the November 4 PA Bulletin inviting comments on the proposed classification of the Black Rail as a threatened bird due to its federally protected status and small, sporadic population in Pennsylvania.

* Wildlife For Everyone Foundation Names Judy Onufrak Interim Executive Director, Alexander Deveney New Board Member

On November 3, the Wildlife For Everyone Foundation announced the appointment of Judy Onufrak to the position of Interim Executive Director and Alexander B. Deveney, Jr. "Sandy" as Board Member.

* Help Wanted: Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership Executive Director

The Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership in Philadelphia and Montgomery County is seeking qualified candidates to fill the position of Executive Director.

* Environment & Energy Educational Opportunities For Students & Adults

Opportunities to learn more about environmental and energy issues affecting Pennsylvania for students and adults--

* DCNR State Parks: Online Growing Up WILD Facilitator Training Starts Feb. 8

DCNR’s Bureau of State Parks is hosting Growing Up WILD facilitator training starting February 8 with an online session from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

* Penn State Extension/PA Sea Grant: Nov. 15 Webinar On Developing A Choose Native Plants Publication For Landscapers And Homeowners

Join Penn State Extension and Pennsylvania Sea Grant for a November 15 Water Cooler Talk on developing a choose native plants publication for landscapers, water gardeners and homeowners from Noon to 1:00 p.m.

* Registration Open For 7-Part Online Tree Tenders Training Workshop Starting Jan. 17 Thru Feb. 28

The PA Horticultural Society and Penn State Extension are offering a seven-part online Tree Tenders Training Workshop starting January 17 and ending February 28.

* Friends Of The Wissahickon Host Nov. 7 Climate Change In Our Watersheds Fall Valley Talk, In-Person, Online In Philadelphia

The Friends of the Wissahickon welcomes Marc Peipoch, Ph.D. to discuss Climate Change in our Watersheds, at its second fall Valley Talk on November 7 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Valley Green Inn in Fairmont Park, Philadelphia.

* Energy Efficiency Alliance Of PA/NJ Hosts Nov. 8 Webinar On Results Of Latest National Energy Literacy Survey

The Energy Efficiency Alliance of PA/NJ will host a November 8 webinar discussing the results of the latest National Energy Literacy Survey starting at 2:00 p.m.

* Pike Conservation District: What Happens When Stormwater Management Goes Wrong?

By Chris Metzler, District Engineer

* Protecting Clean Water Together Series: Keeping The Gunk Out Of Your Water Supply

By Carol Hillestad for the Brodhead Watershed Association

* News From PA House & Senate

The information you need to follow legislation in the House and Senate- starting with articles and NewsClips from last week--

* On The Governor’s Desk

The following bill was given final action by the Senate and House and now is on the Governor’s desk for his action--

* The Feds

Articles and NewsClips about federal actions impacting Pennsylvania--

* Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events

Click Here for a list of public participation opportunities and a calendar of events.

* Grants & Awards

Click Here for grants, awards, recognition programs and contest deadlines.

* PA Bulletin Public Notices

Highlights of the environmental and energy notices in the November 4 PA Bulletin--

* Stories Invited - About PA Environment Digest

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Supporting Member PA Organization For Watersheds & Rivers; PA Outdoor Writers Assn.; PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the PA Organization for Watersheds & Rivers, PA Outdoor Writers Association, PA Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

Previous PA Environment Digests