Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
September 25, 2023 - Issue #1,001
* 92 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA

Here are 92 new stories in the PA Environment Digest about individuals, groups, local governments, farmers, businesses, watershed groups and many more working all across Pennsylvania to restore and protect the environment and show others the beauty that surrounds us.

* Weekly List Of PA Environment & Energy Articles & NewsClips By Topic

PA Environment Digest Puts Links To The Best Environment & Energy Articles and NewsClips From Last Week Here By Topic--

* Senators Santarsiero, Comitta To Introduce Bill Increasing Setback Safety Zones From Shale Natural Gas Drilling Sites From 500 To 2,500 Feet, Based On Latest Science

On September 18, Senators Steven Santasiero (D-Bucks) and Carolyn Comitta (D-Chester), Minority Chair of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, announced they were introducing legislation to increase setback safety zones from shale natural gas drilling sites based on the latest science.

* DEP Issues NOVs To Roulette Oil & Gas LLC For Abandoning Another Conventional Well In Potter County; Roulette Applying For Oil & Gas Wastewater Injection Well Permit

On September 19, 2023, DEP inspected the Contant 1 conventional well operated by Roulette Oil and Gas LLC in Harrison Township, Potter County and issued notices of violation for failure to plug the well upon abandoning it.

* Pennsylvania Oil & Gas Weekly Compliance Dashboard - Sept. 16 to 22 - 2nd Abandoned Shale Gas Well Pad? 5 More Abandoned Conventional Wells; Failure To Comply With Order

From September 16 to 22, DEP’s Oil and Gas Compliance Database shows oil and gas inspectors filed 552 inspection entries.

* Petro Erie, Inc. Appeals 2nd DEP Order Requiring The Operator To Restore The Village Of Reno’s Water Supply Contaminated By A Spill Of Conventional Oil Well Wastewater In Venango County

On September 15, Petro Erie, Inc. filed an appeal with the Environmental Hearing Board challenging a DEP order delivered on August 16, 2023 requiring the operator to restore the village of Reno’s water supply contaminated by a spill of conventional oil well wastewater from wells the company owned in Venango County.  [EHB Docket No. 2023075]

* EPA Approves Permit For Oil, Gas Wastewater Injection Well In Plum Boro, Allegheny County; 30 Days To File Appeal

On September 21, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Mid-Atlantic Region, announced  the issuance of a final permit to Penneco Environmental Solutions, LLC of Delmont, PA.

* DEP Hears Concerns, Some Support From Water Resources Committee On Draft Reg. On Reporting Unauthorized Spills, Releases

On September 21, Water Resources Advisory Committee members gave DEP their initial reaction to a proposed regulation setting notification requirements for unauthorized discharges to waters of the Commonwealth and many of their comments pointed out concerns with the draft.

* PA Oil & Gas Industrial Facilities: Permit Notices/Opportunities To Comment - September 23

The following DEP notices were published in the September 23 PA Bulletin related to oil and gas industry facilities.  Many of the notices offer the opportunity for public comments.

* PUC To Seek Public Comment On Proposed $100,000 Penalty Settlement With Mifflin Energy Corp. For Natural Gas Explosion Destroying Home/Business In Greene County

On September 21, the Public Utility Commission moved to seek public comment on a Joint Petition for Approval of Settlement between the PUC’s independent Bureau of Investigation and Enforcement and Mifflin Energy Corp. related to a 2020 natural gas explosion on Water Dam Road in Waynesburg, Greene County, that injured one person and destroyed a residence.

* Clean Air Council, FracTracker Alliance Sept. 28 Webinar Updates Public On Efforts To Reduce Methane, Other Air Pollution From Oil & Gas Industry Infrastructure - Shale Gas & Conventional Wells

The Clean Air Council is partnering with the FracTracker Alliance to update you on recent efforts to reduce methane, and other air pollution, from the oil and gas extraction industry during a September 28 webinar at 2:00 p.m.

* Susquehanna River Basin Commission Approves 8 Shale Gas Drilling Water Withdrawals - 1 In Exceptional Value Loyalsock Creek, Home To The Hellbender

On September 14, the Susquehanna River Basin Commission approved eight shale gas drilling water withdrawals-- 1 in Exceptional Value Loyalsock Creek.

* Susquehanna River Basin Commission Approves 34 Shale Gas Well Pad Water Use General Permits In Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga Counties

In August, the Executive Director of the Susquehanna River Basin Commission gave his approval to 34 water use permits for individual shale gas well drilling pads in  Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga counties.  (formal notice)

* Game Commission Board OKs More Shale Gas Drilling In Lycoming County, Home To The Hellbender, And Sullivan County

On September 16, the Board of Game Commissioners approved another oil and gas agreement with PA General Energy allowing it to extract oil and gas from beneath a portion of State Game Lands 134 in Gamble and Plunketts Creek townships, Lycoming County and Hillsgrove Township, Sullivan County, provided it confines all of its equipment to one right of way.

* FracTracker Alliance Now Accepting Nominations For 2023 Community Sentinel Award

The FracTracker Alliance is now accepting nominations for the 2023 Community Sentinel Award for Environmental Stewardship.  Nominations are due October 6.

* Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, NERC Final Report On Winter Storm Elliott Says Legislative Action Needed To Establish Reliability Rules For Natural Gas Infrastructure

On September 21, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation released its final report on Winter Storm Elliott in December saying major improvements are needed in the cold-weather reliability of natural gas systems.

* DEP To Increase Monitoring, Develop Surface Water Standard For PFAS 'Forever Chemicals' After Study Shows 76% Of Streams, Rivers Contained At Least One Of These Chemicals

On September 19, the Department of Environmental Protection announced it is ramping up monitoring and plans to develop a surface water standard for PFAS 'forever chemicals' after a DEP/U.S. Geological Survey study found 76% of streams and rivers sampled contained at least one of these chemicals.

* DEP: Widespread Presence Of PFAS ‘Forever Chemicals’ In Fresh Water Leading Shale Gas Operators To Use Contaminated Water In Fracking Operations; DEP Doesn’t Require Routine PFAS Testing

In an April 2023 DEP determination of whether natural gas drilling contaminated a Washington County family’s water well, DEP said the “widespread presence of PFAS” forever chemicals in fresh water may have led to “inadvertently” using contaminated water to frack a shale gas well.

* DEP: York County Moved To Drought Warning; 19 Counties Still In Drought Watch

On September 22, the Department of Environmental Protection announced, after a meeting of the Commonwealth Drought Task Force, York County was moved to Drought Warning and Drought Watch will continue for 19 counties. 

* DEP Invites Comments At Oct. 25 Hearings On NPDES Stormwater Permits For Two Warehouse Projects In Lowhill Twp., Lehigh County

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold public hearings on two NPDES Water Quality Permits for warehouse projects in Lowhill Township, Lehigh County on October 25.

* Register Now! PA Statewide Watershed Conference Oct. 29-30 In Altoona

Registration is now open for the 2023 PA Statewide Watershed Conference to be held October 29-30 at the Altoona Grand hotel in Altoona.

* Celebrate Riparian Buffers Month In October! With Penn State Extension, Chesapeake Conservation Landscaping Council, Penn State Agriculture & Environment Center

By Kristen Koch, Penn State Agriculture & Environment Center

* DEP Announced $38.76 Million In Funding For 6 Abandoned Mine Reclamation Projects In 5 Counties; Next Round Of Applications Due Dec. 2

On September 21, the Department of Environmental Protection announced $38.76 million in funding for six environmental restoration projects of abandoned mine lands in the first of three rounds of the 2023 Abandoned Mine Lands and Acid Mine Drainage (AML/AMD) Grant Program.

* DEP Publishes Final Air Quality General Permit For Installation Of Coal-Mine Methane Enclosed Flares

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the September 23 PA Bulletin  announcing the availability of the new General Permit Plan Approval covering Coal-Mine Methane Enclosed Flares (BAQ-GPA/GP-21).

* DEP Starts Air Monitoring Study Near Rausch Creek Coal Waste-fired Electric Generation Facility, Schuylkill County In Response To Citizen Concerns In An EJ Area

On September 22, the Department of Environmental Protection announced it will start an air monitoring study in the vicinity of the Rausch Creek Coal Waste-fired Electric Generation facility in Western Schuylkill County to evaluate particulate matter in the air.

* DEP Blog: Abandoned Coal Mine Reforestation Initiatives Healing The Land

By: Gregory Lenahan, DEP Deputy Digital Director

* Penn State Master Watershed Steward Coordinator Erin Frederick Honored By Lehigh Valley Business Council

By Brad Kinsman, Penn State Extension Water Resources Educator

* Penn State Extension Future Master Watershed Steward Program Scaling Up

By Brad Kinsman, Water Resource Educator

* Stroud Water Research Center Partner Hillendale Elementary School Awarded U.S. Green Ribbon School Award For Environmental Education, Sustainability In Chester County

By Diana Huskinson, Stroud Water Research Center

* Introduce Students Ages 8-10 On How They Can Be Stream Doctors In The New Book -- Brooke Meets A Stream Doctor

By Jennifer R. Fetter, Center For Agriculture Conservation

* Master Watershed Stewards Celebrate 10 Years Of Making A Difference

By Brad Kinsman, Water Educator, and Erin Frederick, Master Watershed Steward Coordinator

* ClearWater Conservancy’s Deb Nardone Resigns As Executive Director To Step Into The Role Of Executive Director For Foundation For PA Watersheds

On September 21, the Centre County-based ClearWater Conservancy announced the resignation of Executive Director Deb Nardone effective October 25.  Nardone will be taking over the role of Executive Director of the Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds.

* Penn State Research: 87% Of Rivers, Streams Rapidly Warming, 70% Losing Oxygen; Aquatic Life May Be At Risk, Study Finds

By Adrienne Berard, Penn State News

* 17 PA Farmers, Organizations, Businesses Call On Congress To Expand Support For Agroforestry

On September 21, PASA Sustainable Agriculture, along with 16 Pennsylvania-based farmers, organizations, and businesses, released a letter to Chairman Glenn “GT” Thompson of Pennsylvania’s 15th district highlighting the importance of agroforestry practices for the state and urging the House Agriculture Committee’s support for agroforestry in the upcoming Farm Bill.

* ReImagine Appalachia Hails Announcement Of American Climate Corps

On September 20, ReImagine Appalachia released this statement on the announcement of the American Climate Corps to train young people in clean energy, conservation and climate resilience skills.  Click Here to sign up to learn more about how to join.

* PA Municipal League, Sustainable Pittsburgh Host Sustainable PA Annual Conference Set For Nov. 1-3 In Gettysburg

The PA Municipal League and Sustainable Pittsburgh and Sustainable Pennsylvania are hosting the 2023 Sustainable PA Annual Conference November 1-3 in Gettysburg, Adams County.

* PUC Invites Comments On Proposed Policy Statement On Use Of Electric Storage To Enhance Grid Reliability And Resilience

The Public Utility Commission published notice in the September 23 PA Bulletin inviting comments on a proposed policy statement for the use of electricity storage by electric distribution companies encouraging a transition toward a future that accommodates evolving needs of customers and helping to enhance the reliability and resilience of the electric distribution grid in Pennsylvania.

* PennDOT To Hold 6 Regional Outreach Sessions On Electric Vehicle Charging And How EVs Can Best Fit In Your Community

PennDOT wants to hear from you on your community and business needs for electric vehicle charging as part of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program

* Washington & Jefferson College To Host Sept. 27 Webinar On Hydropower From The Three Rivers

The Washington & Jefferson College Center for Energy Policy and Management will host a free September 27 webinar on hydropower as part of its Energy Lecture Series.

* Lancaster Theological Seminary: Re-Imagining A Christian Response To A Changing Climate Oct. 6 Online Program

On October 6, the Lancaster Theological Seminary is sponsoring a special online program-- Re-Imagining A Christian Response To Climate Change from Noon to 1:00 p.m.

* Dickinson College Will Host An Evening With Environmental & Indigenous Rights Advocate Tara Houska On Her Groundbreaking Advocacy Work Oct. 4

Advocate for environmental and Indigenous rights Tara Houska will discuss her work as a tribal attorney, land defender and founder of the Giniw Collective during a special event at Dickinson College.

* EPA And Lincoln University Expand Partnership To Include Department Of Environmental Protection

On September 21, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Lincoln University announced they  re-signed their 2018 Memorandum of Understanding to enhance research, teaching, outreach, career development and stewardship in environmental sciences. 

* PA Resources Council: Registration Open For Weekday Electronics Waste Collection In Allegheny County

Throughout October, the PA Resources Council will collect electronics for recycling on designated weekdays in Allegheny County from registered participants.

* DCNR Experts Offer Fall Foliage Tips; Weekly Fall Foliage Reports Begin Sept. 28

On September 21, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources announced it is making its experts available to serve as regional advisers, offering tips and resources to highlight the some of the world’s most beautiful and diverse fall foliage and to assist residents and visitors experience a colorful autumn in a variety of ways across the Commonwealth.

* DCNR Conservation & Natural Resources Advisory Council Meets Sept. 27 At Tiadaghton State Forest Center, Lycoming County

DCNR's Conservation and Natural Resources Advisory Council will hold its next meeting September 27 at the Tiadaghton State Forest Resource Management Center, 10 Lower Pine Bottom Road in Waterville, Lycoming County from 10:00 a.m. to Noon.

* Sept. 22 Take Five Fridays With Pam, PA Parks & Forests Foundation

The September 22 Take Five Fridays With Pam is now available from the PA Parks and Forests Foundation featuring articles on--

* Cameron County Sinnemahone Triple Crown Gravel Bike Race Results; Ultra Marathon Trail Run Set For Oct. 21

The Cameron County Chamber of Commerce hosted the Sinnemahone Gravel Bike Race Saturday September 23.  More than 80 riders took to the gravel roads in Elk State Forest.  

* Fish & Boat Commission Now Accepting Applications For Erie Access Improvement Grants

On September 18, the Fish and Boat Commission announced it is now accepting applications for Erie Access Improvement Grants. The deadline to apply is December 30.

* PA Environmental Council Now Accepting Applications For Water Trails Mini-Grants

The PA Environmental Council is now accepting applications for 2023 PA Water Trails Mini-Grants.  Applications are due November 3.

* Forbes Trail Chapter Trout Unlimited Host Military Veterans And First Responders At Trout Fishing Event In Westmoreland County

What an incredible day of fishing and camaraderie as over 40 veterans and first responders hooked and landed trout, panfish and catfish! 

* In Memoriam: Thomas Hoffmaster - A Friend To Fly Anglers And Fish

Thomas Stephen Hoffmaster, 86, of Marysville, Cumberland County, traveled to the heavenly trout streams on September 5, 2023.

* DCNR Publishes Final List Of 82 Changes To PA Native Wild Plant Classification List

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources published notice in the September 23 PA Bulletin of final regulations making 82 changes to the Pennsylvania Native Wild Plant Classification List.

* PA Natural Heritage Program Spotlights Conservation Genetics; Rare Plant Mysteries; Be A Good Bee Collaborator; Old Growth Forest Field Work; Moth List Updates

The PA Natural Heritage Program Summer newsletter Wild Heritage News highlights a variety of diverse topics--

* Environment & Energy Educational Opportunities For Students & Adults

Opportunities to learn more about environmental and energy issues affecting Pennsylvania for students and adults--

* PA Assn. Of Environmental Educators Now Accepting Nominations For 2024 Meaningful Watershed Education, PA Environmental Educator Awards

The PA Association of Environmental Educators is now accepting nominations for two awards programs-- Meaningful Watershed Education and the PAEE Annual Awards.  The deadline for nominations is December 15.

* Penn State Extension: In-Person, Virtual Creating A Garden That Welcomes Wildlife Workshop Nov. 11 At Olewine Nature Center, Dauphin County

On November 11, Penn State Extension will host a hybrid workshop in its Home Gardening Series entitled, “Creating A Garden That Welcomes Wildlife.”

* News From PA House & Senate

The information you need to follow legislation in the House and Senate- starting with articles and NewsClips from last week--

* House Environmental Committee Meets Sept. 26 On Cryptocurrency Mining Moratorium Bill

The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee is scheduled to meet on September 26 to consider House Bill 1476 (Vitali-D-Delaware) putting in place a two-year moratorium on issuing permits to electric generating facilities used by cryptocurrency mining operations.

* The Feds

Articles and NewsClips about federal actions impacting Pennsylvania--

* Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events

Click Here for a list of public participation opportunities and a calendar of events.

* Grants & Awards

Click Here for grants, awards, recognition programs and contest deadlines.

* PA Bulletin Public Notices

Highlights of the environmental and energy notices in the September 23 PA Bulletin--

* Stories Invited - About PA Environment Digest

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Supporting Member PA Organization For Watersheds & Rivers; PA Outdoor Writers Assn.; PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the PA Organization for Watersheds & Rivers, PA Outdoor Writers Association, PA Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

Previous PA Environment Digests