Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
May 22, 2023 - Issue #983
* 51 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA

Here are 51 new stories in the PA Environment Digest about individuals, groups, local governments, farmers, businesses, watershed groups and many more working all across Pennsylvania to restore and protect the environment and show others the beauty that surrounds us.

* Weekly List Of PA Environment & Energy Articles & NewsClips By Topic

PA Environment Digest Put Links To The Best Environment & Energy Articles and NewsClips From Last Week Here By Topic.

* Olympus Energy Shale Gas Driller Expresses Fear Municipalities Will Use Their DEP Compliance Record With Hundreds Of Violations To Help Make Local Land Use Decisions On Oil & Gas Infrastructure Projects

During a May 10 Commonwealth Court hearing, an attorney for Olympus Energy LLC said the hundreds of notices of violation issued by DEP to the company should not be admissible in local land use proceedings because they do not prove the company’s shale gas drilling operations have an adverse impact on the environment “beyond the normal that would be expected from any oil and gas development.”

* Pine Creek Headwaters Protection Group Asks DCNR To Protect State Forest Land From Seneca Shale Gas Drilling Well Pad, Comply With PA Supreme Court Decision, Protect Recreation, Wildlife

On May 18, Tioga Publishing reported the Pine Creek Headwaters Protection Group issued the following letter to Cindy Adams Dunn, Acting Secretary of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources--

* Citizens Voice Editorial: PA Supreme Court Reaffirms Environmental Quality Is A Right Not A Luxury In Shale Gas Drilling Ruling

The following editorial first appeared in the Citizens Voice on May 17, 2023--

* House Environmental Committee Meets May 23 To Consider Bills To Help Prevent The Routine Abandonment Of 561 Conventional Oil/Gas Wells A Year; Authorize Streambank Fencing

The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee is scheduled to meet on May 23 to consider legislation to restore DEP’s authority to review conventional oil and gas well plugging bonding amounts to help prevent the routine abandonment of 561 conventional oil and gas wells a year, authorize streambank fencing and designate Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week.

* PA Oil & Gas Weekly Compliance Dashboard - May 13 to 19: Struggle To Plug Tatonka Oil Co. LLC’s Nancy 13 Conventional Well Leaking Gas, Production Wastewater Since 2018; Citizen Complaint Finds ‘Bubbling’ Gas Well

On May 17, 2023, a DEP followup inspection at a Tatonka Oil Co. LLC conventional well site known as Nancy 13 in Deerfield Township, Warren County found it to be still venting natural gas to the atmosphere.  [DEP inspection report]

* PA Oil & Gas Industrial Facilities: Permit Notices/Opportunities To Comment - May 20

The following DEP notices were published in the May 20 PA Bulletin related to oil and gas industry facilities.  Many of the notices offer the opportunity for public comments.

* Environmental Groups Launched Effort May 4 Asking For Update On Studies Of Health Impacts Of Oil & Gas Industrial Facilities, So Far No Response

On May 18, the Physicians For Social Responsibility PA, Environmental Health Project, Center for Coalfield Justice, FracTracker Alliance and the Mountain Watershed Association Youghiogheny Riverkeeper said they have not yet heard from the state Department of Health or the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health on the status of studies of the health impacts of oil and gas industrial facilities.

* Zefiro Methane Corp. Acquires PA-Based Plants & Goodwin Well Plugging Firm To Create Methane Emission Offsets

On May 17, Marcellus Drilling News reported Zefiro Methane Corp. announced it has acquired a majority ownership stake in McKean County-based Plants & Goodwin for the purpose of plugging orphan and abandoned oil and gas wells to create methane emission offsets.

* House Environmental Committee Holds May 22 Hearing On Hydrogen Hubs & Climate Change

The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee is scheduled to hold a May 22 hearing on hydrogen hubs and climate change.

* PUC Alerts Consumers To Electricity Price Changes Coming June 1-- From 20.7% Increase To 17% Decrease; Driven By Price Of Natural Gas

On May 17, the Public Utility Commission alerted consumers that on June 1 most electric utilities will be adjusting electric generation prices charged to non-shopping, or default service, customers – and reminded them they have options to #SaveinPA this summer, including shopping with competitive electric generation suppliers (EGSs) and exploring energy efficiency and conservation measures around their home or business.

* PUC Adopts Changes To LIURP Regs For Comment On Electric, Natural Gas Utility Programs To Provide Weatherization, Energy Use Reduction Services To Low-Income Customers

On May 18, the Public Utility Commission adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Order proposing amendments to current regulations for the Low-Income Usage Reduction Program (LIURP) and requesting public comment.

* PUC Starts Formal Process For Drafting Policy Statement On Electric Vehicle Charging Rate Design, Following Recommendations Of Working Group

On May 18, the Public Utility Commission formally began the process of drafting a policy statement on electric utility rate design for electric vehicle (EV) charging, following the review of comments submitted by concerned parties and the recommendations of the Commission’s EV Charging Rate Design Working Group.

* NRDC: PJM Interconnection Delays In Queue To Approve Renewable Energy Projects Threatens State Transition To Clean Energy; PJM Has Approved 35,000 MW Of Renewables Not Yet Connected

On May 18, the Natural Resources Defense Council released a new report illustrating how the PJM Interconnection plans to speed up the queue for new generation projects will likely be insufficient for states committed to renewable portfolio standard requirements.

* EPCAMR: PA Solar On Mined Lands Statewide Summit July 19 In State College

The Eastern PA Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation will host a PA Solar On Mined Lands Summit on July 19 at the Ramada Conference Center in State College from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

* Heinz Endowments Awards Nearly $11.1 Million In Grants For Environmental Health, Food Insecurity, Education, Housing

On May 18, The Heinz Endowments announced the award of nearly $11.1 million in grants to support programs that strengthen children and families, focusing on areas including food insecurity, education, housing, and environmental health. 

* State Agencies Hold Small Business Resources Fair May 17 In Beaver County To Help Community Recover From Impacts Of Norfolk Southern Train Derailment

On May 15, the Shapiro Administration announced it will hold a Small Business Resource Fair on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 in Darlington Township, Beaver County.

* EPA Announces Proposed Rule Requiring Cleanup Of Inactive Coal Waste Impoundments, Disposal Areas For Comment

On May 17, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced a new proposed rule for comment that would hold companies accountable for controlling and cleaning up now inactive impoundments and historical coal ash disposal sites created by the disposal of coal combustion residuals (CCR or coal ash), which can cause serious public health risks and leak into groundwater.

* Western PA Conservancy, BHE GT&S Award 15 Watershed Improvement Grants Totaling $39,484

The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy and BHE GT&S a Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company recently awarded 15 grants, totaling $39,484, to 15 different local environmental organizations in nine different counties across Western Pennsylvania as part of the 2023 Watershed Mini Grant Program.

* Stroud: High School Student’s Research Shows Salt Pollution of Fresh Water Has Tripled in 20 Years

By Diane Huskinson, Stroud Water Research Center

* Stroud: Property Owners, Farmers Bringing Eastern Brook Trout Back To Red Clay Creek

By David Wise, Stroud Water Research Center

* Help Wanted: Interfaith Partners For The Chesapeake Bay - Outreach Coordinator Lancaster County

The Interfaith Partners For The Chesapeake Bay is seeking qualified candidates to fill the position of Outreach Coordinator in Lancaster County.

* PA Resources Council Announces June Schedule Of Traveling Glass Recycling Bin Locations In Allegheny County

The Pennsylvania Resources Council Traveling Glass Recycling Bin Program provides a free recycling service that rotates through a variety of locations in western Pennsylvania. 

* DCNR Conservation & Natural Resources Advisory Council Meets May 24 On Revised Climate Action Plan, Cultural Resources Program, More

DCNR's Conservation and Natural Resources Advisory Council is scheduled to meet on May 24 to hear presentations on a revised DCNR Climate Action Plan, the Cultural and Historical Resources Program and other updates from the agency.

* DCNR Celebrates Induction Of The Snyder-Middleswarth Natural Area, Snyder County Into The Old-Growth Forest Network

On May 15, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Acting Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn celebrated the induction of the Snyder-Middleswarth Natural Area in Bald Eagle State Forest into the Old-Growth Forest Network (OGFN).

* Shapiro Administration Announces Support For First National Marine Sanctuary In PA - Lake Erie Shoreline In Erie County; Encourages Others To Support

On May 18, the Shapiro Administration announced its support for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's draft proposal for a national marine sanctuary in Lake Erie.

* NRCS-PA Accepting Applications For Funding For Regional Conservation Partnership Program Entity-Held Easements In The Kittatinny Ridge Conservation Landscape

Agricultural landowners and owners of non-industrial private forestland can once again apply for funding for USDA NRCS RCPP Entity-Held Easements in the RCPP Project lead by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture entitled “Kittatinny Ridge Conservation Landscape.”

* Land Conservancy Of Adams County Partners With Smith Family To Preserve Nearly 10 Acres Of Meadow, Woodlands, Historic Home

The Land Conservancy of Adams County, partnering with landowners Walter and Jeannette Smith in Franklin Township, permanently preserved nearly 10 acres of rural land south of Arendtsville.

* May 19 Take Five Fridays With Pam From PA Parks & Forests Foundation

The May 19 Take Five Fridays With Pam is now available from the PA Parks and Forests Foundation featuring articles on--

* Governor’s Invasive Species Council Celebrates Pennsylvania Native Species Day At North Creek Nurseries, Chester County

On May 18, the Governor’s Invasive Species Council underscored the importance of sustaining native plants, insects, and animals on land and in our waters during a visit to North Creek Nurseries to celebrate the second annual Pennsylvania Native Species Day.

* Pinchot Institute For Conservation, U.S. Forest Service Sign MOU Enhancing Long-Term Partnership

On May 17, John Donahue, Executive Director of the Pinchot Institute for Conservation signed a master agreement with USDA Forest Service Chief Randy Moore.

* Environment & Energy Educational Opportunities For Students & Adults

Opportunities to learn more about environmental and energy issues affecting Pennsylvania for students and adults--

* DCNR State Parks Environmental Education Highlights PA Native Species Day, DEP EE Grants Open In August, Summer EE Activities

DCNR’s State Parks May Environmental Education newsletter highlights spring and summer educational activities and programs, including--

* Elk County Conservation District, 9 Other Districts Partner To Host Regional Forest Landowners Workshop June 17 In Ridgway

The Elk Conservation District will host a Regional Forest Landowners Workshop on June 17 at the Elk County EMS & 911 Center in Ridgway from 9:00 a.m. to Noon.

* Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professionals Training Aug. 29-30 In Lancaster; Find A Professional Near You

The Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professionals will host in-person Level 1 Certification Training in Lancaster August 29-30.

* News From PA House & Senate

The information you need to follow legislation in the House and Senate- starting with articles and NewsClips from last week--

* The Feds

Articles and NewsClips about federal actions impacting Pennsylvania--

* EPA Announces Completion Of Groundwater Treatment Plant At Chem Fab Superfund Site In Bucks County

On May 19, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the completion of the groundwater treatment system at the Chem Fab Superfund Site in Doylestown, Bucks County, thanks to $2.9 million under the Federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) to expedite the cleanup.

* Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events

Click Here for a list of public participation opportunities and a calendar of events.

* Grants & Awards

Click Here for grants, awards, recognition programs and contest deadlines.

* PA Bulletin Public Notices

Highlights of the environmental and energy notices in the May 20 PA Bulletin--

* Stories Invited - About PA Environment Digest

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Supporting Member PA Organization For Watersheds & Rivers; PA Outdoor Writers Assn.; PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the PA Organization for Watersheds & Rivers, PA Outdoor Writers Association, PA Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

Previous PA Environment Digests