Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
February 6, 2023 - Issue #968
* 46 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA

Here are 46 new stories in the PA Environment Digest about individuals, groups, local governments, farmers, businesses, watershed groups and many more working all across Pennsylvania to restore and protect the environment and show others the beauty that surrounds us.

* This Week’s Examples Of Going The WRONG WAY On Environmental, Energy Issues

Below are examples of going the WRONG WAY on environmental and energy issues from last week’s articles and NewsClips-- 

* Weekly List Of PA Environment & Energy Articles & NewsClips By Topic

PA Environment Digest Put Links To The Best Environment & Energy Articles and NewsClips From Last Week Here By Topic.

* EDF: Conventional Gas Wells In Allegheny National Forest Leaked Over 6 Billion Cubic Feet Of Natural Gas In 2019; Conventional Operators Seek To Block Methane Limits

On January 26, the Environmental Defense Fund and Taxpayers for Common Sense released a new economic analysis which found oil and gas companies operating on U.S. public and tribal lands wasted over $500 million worth of natural gas in 2019— 157 billion cubic feet— the most recent year of data available that is reflective of the industry.

* Pennsylvania Oil & Gas Weekly Compliance Dashboard - Jan. 28 to Feb. 3

From January 28 through February 3, DEP’s Oil and Gas Compliance Database shows oil and gas inspectors filed 640 inspection reports that resulted in reporting 23 violations of environmental regulations-- 7 violations by the conventional oil and gas industry and 11 violations by the unconventional shale natural gas industry.

* PA Oil & Gas Industrial Facilities: Permit Notices/Opportunities To Comment - Feb. 4

The following DEP notices were published in the February 4 PA Bulletin related to oil and gas industry facilities.  Many of the notices offer the opportunity for public comments.

* Environmental Groups File Notice Of Intent To Sue Shell Chemical For Air Pollution Violations At Its Petrochemical Plant In Beaver County

On February 2, the Environmental Integrity Project and Clean Air Council filed a notice of intent to sue Shell Chemical Appalachia for repeated violations of air pollution permit limits at its petrochemical plant in Beaver County.

* Attorney General Files Criminal Charges Against Dallas Area Authority, Luzerne County For Dumping Millions Of Gallons Of Untreated Wastewater Into Toby Creek

On February 1, Acting Attorney General Michelle Henry announced charges against the Dallas Area Municipal Authority in Shavertown, Luzerne County for allegedly discharging untreated sewage into Toby’s Creek.

* Fish & Boat Commission Takes No Separate Enforcement Action In The Valley Brook Country Club Pesticide Runoff Case That Killed 122,586 Fish In Chartiers Creek, Washington County

On February 3, the Fish and Boat Commission said they took no separate enforcement action in the case of pesticide runoff from the Valley Brook Country Club that killed an estimated 122,586 fish in Chartiers Creek, Washington County.  It was decided DEP would take the lead on any penalties assessed.

* Gov. Shapiro Issues Order Directing Agencies To Set Deadlines For Permit Reviews, Requires Money-Back Guarantee If Deadlines Not Met; A Similar Program Started At DEP In 1995

On January 31, Gov. Josh Shapiro signed Executive Order 2023-07 to improve the Commonwealth’s licensing, permitting, and certification processes, beginning a comprehensive review of how long it takes agencies to process applications and how workers and businesses apply online.

* Master Watershed Steward Program Statewide Accomplishments In 2022

By Holly Smith, Master Watershed Steward Coordinator, Adams, Cumberland & Franklin Counties

* PASA Sustainable Agriculture Announces 2023 Pasabilities Awards Recipients

The PASA Sustainable Agriculture Association recently honored several agriculture, community, and business leaders who serve as examples for advancing sustainable agriculture through innovation and collaboration.

* National Fish & Wildlife Foundation Now Accepting Proposals For Delaware Watershed Conservation Fund Grants

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is partnering with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to open the sixth request for proposals for the Delaware Watershed Conservation Fund.  Proposals are due March 16.

* DEP Invites Comments On Stream Redesignation Reports On Slab Cabin Run, Centre County And Lycoming Creek, Lycoming County

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the February 4 PA Bulletin inviting comments on draft stream evaluation reports for Slab Cabin Run in Centre County and Lycoming Creek and Lycoming, Tioga and Sullivan Counties.

* Register Now For 2023 Watershed Congress - March 25 In-Person, March 27-31 Online

Organizers of the 2023 Watershed Congress are now accepting registrations for the in-person session to be held on March 25 at the Montgomery County Community College in Pottstown and for the online programs March 27-31.

* Save The Date: Choose Clean Water Conference May 23-24 In Harrisburg

Mark your calendars!  The 2023 Choose Clean Water Conference is set for May 23-24 in Harrisburg at the Hilton Hotel. 

* Tulpehocken Creek Watershed Association Reviews Accomplishments, Seeks New Members In Berks County

The Tulpehocken Creek Watershed Association, a program of Berks Nature, located in Berks County, is actively recruiting new members to assist in our multidimensional environmental activities.

* Penn State’s Center For Critical Minerals To Receive $2.1 Million Grant To Build Pilot Plant To Recover Rare Earth Elements, Other Critical Minerals From Acid Mine Drainage

By Jimi Werner, Penn State News

* Penn State Extension: Climate Risk And Private Water Wells

By Beth Yount, Master Watershed Steward Coordinator In Philadelphia

* Pike Conservation District: Link Between Forests & Healthy Watersheds; Environmental Ed Grant Application Period Open

The February newsletter from the Pike County Conservation District puts a spotlight on the link between forests and healthy watersheds as part of their forestry month focus.

* Game Commission, Ducks Unlimited Partner To Improve 1,600 Acres Of Wetland Habitats On 61 State Game Lands

On February 1, the Game Commission and Ducks Unlimited announced they have partnered to improve 1,600 acres of wetland habitats on 61 state game lands across Pennsylvania.

* PA Environmental Council In Case You Missed It In January Now Available

The In Case You Missed It In January is now available from the PA Environmental Council featuring articles on--

* DEP/PROP: Study Shows Growth in K-12 Students' Recycling Knowledge; 1988 Recycling Law Updates Needed

On January 31, the Department of Environmental Protection and the Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania collaborated on a School Recycling Study Survey that shows Pennsylvania K-12 students have increased their knowledge and awareness of recycling over the past fiscal year.

* PJM Interconnection Electric Grid Operator Issues Cold Weather Alert, Conservative Operations For Feb. 3–4

The PJM Interconnection, the regional electric grid operator that includes Pennsylvania, has issued a Cold Weather Alert and declared Conservative Operations throughout the PJM footprint for February 3–4 in anticipation of frigid temperatures.

* Postponed: PennDOT National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Grant Applications

On February 3, the Department of Transportation announced it has postponed the opening of the grant application period for the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Grant Program.  It was to have started February 24.

* PennTAP: Apply Now For USDA Rural Energy For America Renewable Energy, Efficiency Improvement Loans, Grants

The Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program can help rural businesses apply for USDA Rural Energy for American Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency loans and grants. The application deadline is March 31, 2023.

* PA Solar Center Webinar: Feb. 17 - Apply For USDA Rural Energy For America Program, G.E.T. Solar Programs To Reduce Your Energy Costs

The PA Solar Center will host a webinar on February 17 on how to apply for the USDA Rural Energy For America Program and the G.E.T. Solar Communities Programs.

* Apply For West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund Funding Opportunities

The West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund is now accepting applications for financial assistance from businesses and nonprofits to continue building its diversified portfolio of sustainable energy and energy efficiency investments in the West Penn Power service territory.

* DCNR: Mount Jewett To Kinzua Bridge Trail, McKean County Selected As PA’s 2023 Trail Of The Year

On January 31, Acting Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn announced the Mount Jewett to Kinzua Bridge (MJ2KB) Trail in McKean County has been named Pennsylvania’s 2023 Trail of the Year.

* PA Organization For Watersheds & Rivers Accepting Applications For River Sojourn Grants

The PA Organization for Watersheds and Rivers is now accepting applications for 2023 PA River Sojourn Grants.  The deadline for applications is March 31.

* POWR: Ohio Basin Access For Canoes, Kayaks Mini Grants Program Now Accepting Applications

The PA Organization for Watersheds and Rivers, in partnership with the Fish and Boat Commission, the Richard King Mellon Foundation and DCNR are now accepting applications for the Ohio Basin Access for Canoes and Kayaks Mini Grant Program.

* DCNR Hosts Feb. 14 Webinar On Strategies To Advance Park Equity In Rural Areas

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the Trust for Public Land are hosting the first of several webinars on February 14 on Strategies to Advance Park Equity In Rural Areas starting at 11:00 a.m.

* Feb. 3 Take Five Fridays With Pam From PA Parks & Forests Foundation

The February 3 Take Five Fridays With Pam is now available from the PA Parks & Forests Foundation--

* The Nature Conservancy Permanently Preserves 1,071 Acres In Pike County To Create A 43-Mile Corridor Of Protected State Game Lands

The Nature Conservancy in Pennsylvania and Delaware recently announced it has closed on the purchase of 1,071 acres in Pennsylvania’s Shohola Township, Pike County, linking two state game lands to create a 43-mile corridor of protected lands.

* Pocono Heritage Land Trust: A Cautionary Tale In Land Conservation - Why A Handshake Is No Longer Enough

By Carol Hillestad for the Pocono Heritage Land Trust

* Environment & Energy Educational Opportunities For Students & Adults

Opportunities to learn more about environmental and energy issues affecting Pennsylvania for students and adults--

* University Of Pittsburgh Hosts Feb. 6 Webinar: Reaping What We Spill, Leak And Spew

The University of Pittsburgh is hosting a webinar on February 6 on Reaping What We Spill, Leak and Spew from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m.

* NOAA Grant To Chesapeake Bay Foundation Will Boost Environmental Education In Harrisburg Region Intermediate Unit

Harrisburg area teachers and students will engage in hands-on learning around local environmental issues and solutions, and the unique nature of their communities thanks to a grant from the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), acquired by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.

* Pennsylvania Lake Erie Environmental Forum Feb. 21 - Education & Volunteerism In Pennsylvania

DEP and the Pennsylvania Sea Grant Program will hold the next Pennsylvania Lake Erie Environmental Forum online February 21 on Education and Volunteerism in Pennsylvania from 3:00 to 5:30 p.m.

* Protecting Clean Water Together: Where Does Your Water Come From?

By Carol Hillestad for Brodhead Watershed Association, Monroe County

* Nature At Risk: Are We Driving Out the Northern Leopard Frog?

By Carol Hillestad for Brodhead Watershed Association, Monroe County

* News From PA House & Senate

The information you need to follow legislation in the House and Senate- starting with articles and NewsClips from last week--

* Senate Appropriations Committee Sets Agency Budget Hearing Schedule

On January 31, the Senate Appropriations Committee posted the schedule of agency budget hearings starting March 20, after Gov. Shapiro’s March 7 budget address.  

* The Feds

Articles and NewsClips about federal actions impacting Pennsylvania--

* Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events

Click Here for a list of public participation opportunities and a calendar of events.

* Grants & Awards

Click Here for grants, awards, recognition programs and contest deadlines.

* PA Bulletin Public Notices

Highlights of the environmental and energy notices in the February 4 PA Bulletin--

* Stories Invited - About PA Environment Digest

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Supporting Member PA Organization For Watersheds & Rivers; PA Outdoor Writers Assn.; PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the PA Organization for Watersheds & Rivers, PA Outdoor Writers Association, PA Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

Previous PA Environment Digests