Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
January 2, 2023 - Issue #963
* 25 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA

Here are 25 new stories in the PA Environment Digest about individuals, groups, local governments, farmers, businesses, watershed groups and many more working all across Pennsylvania to restore and protect the environment and show others the beauty that surrounds us.

* This Week’s Examples Of Going The WRONG WAY On Environmental, Energy Issues

While PA Environment Digest’s priority is to highlight positive examples of environmental and energy leadership, 2022 is an election year which demands accountability to voters.

* All Articles & NewsClips In This Week’s Digest By Topic

PA Environment Digest Is Putting The Best Links To Environment & Energy Articles and NewsClips Here.   Are You Telling Your Story?

* 3,190 New Stories In 2022 - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA

In 2022, PA Environment Digest included 3,190 articles and links to NewsClips in the “REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership” feature about individuals, groups, local governments, farmers, businesses, watershed groups and many more working all across Pennsylvania to restore and protect the environment and show others the beauty that surrounds us.

* PA Oil & Gas Industry Has Record Year: Cost, Criminal Convictions Up; $3.1 Million In Penalties Collected; Record Number Of Violations Issued; Major Compliance Issues Uncovered; Evidence Of Health Impacts Mounts

The oil and gas industry had a record 2022 in many ways-- natural gas prices increased over 94.7 percent and stock prices of drillers skyrocketed in Pennsylvania.  The industry generally had record LNG natural gas exports linking the U.S. to high-priced markets in Europe and Asia caused by Russia’s war in Ukraine.

* DEP Report Finds: Conventional Oil & Gas Drillers Routinely Abandon Wells; Fail To Report How Millions Of Gallons Of Waste Is Disposed; And Non-Compliance Is An ‘Acceptable Norm’

On December 29, the Department of Environmental Protection released the first-ever assessment of how well conventional oil and gas drillers comply with state environmental laws and concluded, “(the) conventional oil and gas industry’s recent record of compliance with Pennsylvania law is simply not good, particularly with regard to improper abandonment of wells.”

* Observer-Reporter: Explosion, Fire At Energy Transfer’s Revolution Natural Gas Cryogenic Plant Burned For Nearly 11 Hours On Christmas Day In Smith Twp., Washington County

On December 30, the Observer-Reporter newspaper reported an explosion and fire at Energy Transfer’s Revolution Cryogenic Natural Gas Processing Plant broke out about 7:30 a.m. on Christmas morning in Smith Township, Washington County.

* Pennsylvania Oil & Gas Weekly Compliance Dashboard - Dec. 24 to 30

From December 24 to 30, DEP’s Compliance Reporting Database shows oil and gas inspectors filed 223 inspection reports that included three major violations of environmental regulations at one unconventional shale gas drilling well pad.

* PA Oil & Gas Industrial Facilities: Permit Notices/Opportunities To Comment

The following DEP notices were published in the December 31 PA Bulletin related to oil and gas industry facilities.  Many of the notices offer the opportunity for public comments.

* Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, North American Electric Reliability Corp. To Open Joint Inquiry Into Winter Storm Elliott

On December 28, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and NERC’s Regional Entities announced they will open a joint inquiry into the operations of the bulk-power system during the extreme winter weather conditions that occurred during Winter Storm Elliott.

* Agriculture Secretary Releases Guidance For Farms And Rural Communities Considering Solar Energy Production

On December 29, Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding released guidance for landowners considering solar production on farmland and in rural communities in Pennsylvania.

* Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority Releases Stormwater Strategic Plan For Public Comment

On December 19, the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority released a proposed Stormwater Strategic Plan to the public for review and comment.

* Jim Thorpe Borough To Vote Jan. 12 On Allowing On-Lot Septic Sewage Systems Within 1,000 Feet Of Mauch Chunk Lake, A Drinking Water Source In Carbon County

On January 12, Jim Thorpe Borough Council is scheduled to vote on a proposal to approve on-lot septic sewage systems within 1,000 feet of Mauch Chunk Lake.

* DEP Accepting Applications For County Recycling Coordinator Grants Beginning Jan. 2

On December 30, Sen. Gene Yaw (R-Lycoming) announced the Department of Environmental Protection will be accepting applications beginning January 2, for County Recycling Coordinator Grants under Section 903 of Act 101.  (formal notice)

* Judicial Update: Limits To Environmental Hearing Board Authority To 'Cure' DEP Permit Actions

By Paul Bruder, Jr., Mette, Evans & Woodside

* PA Chapter American Planning Assn. Names 2022 Great Places In PA Award Winners

The PA Chapter of the American Planning Association is proud to announce the 2022 Great Places in PA Award winners in two categories-- Great Public Spaces and Great Greenway/Trails.

* Dec. 30 Take Five Fridays With Pam From PA Parks & Forests Foundation

The December 30 Take Five Fridays With Pam is now available from the PA Parks & Forests Foundation--

* Environment & Energy Educational Opportunities For Students & Adults

Opportunities to learn more about environmental and energy issues affecting Pennsylvania for students and adults--

* Wildlife For Everyone Now Accepting Applications For College Scholarship Program

The Wildlife for Everyone Foundation is now accepting applications for its College Scholarship Program.  The deadline to apply is February 10.

* Westminster Students Present Data Findings From DeSale Passive Mine Drainage Treatment Excursion

The December Catalyst newsletter from the Butler County-based Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition features an overview of a water sampling project at the DeSale Passive Mine Water Drainage Treatment project and an introduction of the Coalition’s newest intern Krista White.

* Dauphin County Parks & Recreation: Friends Of Wildwood 4-Part Winter Lecture Series On Planting Trees For Tomorrow

Dauphin County Parks and Recreation recently announced the Friends of Wildwood will host an in-person four-part Winter Lecture Series on Planting Trees For Tomorrow at the Olewine Nature Center at Wildwood Lake in Harrisburg.

* Penguin Court & Thomas Road Farm In Westmoreland County Are Hosting 5 Virtual Programs On Winter Adaptations Of Animals

The Brandywine Conservancy's Penguin Court & Thomas Road Farm in Westmoreland County is hosting five virtual "Winter Sleeps" programs on winter adaptations of animals in January and February.

* News From PA House & Senate

The Senate and House convene the new legislative session on January 3.  New members will be sworn in and other organizational tasks will be completed.

* The Feds

Articles and NewsClips about federal actions impacting Pennsylvania--

* Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events

Click Here for a list of public participation opportunities and a calendar of events.

* Grants & Awards

Click Here for grants, awards, recognition programs and contest deadlines.

* PA Bulletin Public Notices

Highlights of the environmental and energy notices in the December 31 PA Bulletin--

* Stories Invited - About PA Environment Digest

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Supporting Member PA Organization For Watersheds & Rivers; PA Outdoor Writers Assn.; PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the PA Organization for Watersheds & Rivers, PA Outdoor Writers Association, PA Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

Previous PA Environment Digests