Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
August 30, 2021. Issue #893
* 27 New Stories - Real Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA

Here are 27 new stories in the PA Environment Digest about individuals, groups, local governments, farmers, businesses, watershed groups and many more working all across Pennsylvania to restore and protect the environment and show others the beauty that surrounds us.

* DCNR Celebrates Grand Opening Of Kury Point, Recognizing The Legacy Of PA's Environmental Rights Amendment At Shikellamy State Park

On August 26, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn celebrated the grand opening of the observation area on the Susquehanna River at Shikellamy State Park in Northumberland County now  called “Kury Point” to honor Franklin Kury, the legislator who authored the section of Pennsylvania’s Constitution popularly known as the Environmental Rights Amendment.

* All Articles & NewsClips In This Week’s Digest By Topic

Links to all the Articles and NewsClips in this week’s PA Environment Digest by topic in one place--

* Penn State Center For Dirt & Gravel Road Studies: Road Dumping Of Oil & Gas Wastewater To Control Dust Is Environmentally Unsound Practice

Experts from the Penn State Center for Dirt and Gravel Road Studies call the road dumping of oil and gas wastewater an “environmentally unsound practice” that can cause water pollution and even damage roads. 

* Environmental Groups Appeal Air Permit Extension For Proposed Liquefied Natural Gas Plant In Bradford County That Would Emit 1 Million Tons Of Greenhouse Gases A Year

PennFuture, Clean Air Council, and Sierra Club appealed a second extension of the air pollution permit the Department of Environmental Protectionissued for the Bradford County Real Estate Partners Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) facility proposed near the Susquehanna River in Wyalusing Township in Bradford County.

* DEP Proposes Policy On Prioritizing Review Of Oil & Gas Erosion & Sediment Control General Permits

The Department of Environmental Protection is inviting comments on proposed technical guidance Prioritizing the Review Process Under the Erosion and Sediment Control General Permit for Earth Disturbance Associated with Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Process or Treatment Operations or Transmission Facilities.  (formal notice)

* DEP Issues Final Guidance On Underground Coal Mining Adjacent To Unconventional Gas Wells

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the August 28 PA Bulletin of final technical guidance on Chain Pillar Development and Longwall Mining Adjacent to Unconventional Oil and Gas Wells.  (formal notice)

* IFO Report: Quarterly Natural Gas Production Increases 7.8%, Strongest Growth In Nearly 2 Years

On August 24, the Independent Fiscal Office issued a report on second quarter natural gas production which increased 7.8 percent from the second quarter in 2020, the strongest year-over-year growth for a quarter in nearly two years.

* DEP Chesapeake Bay Implementation: 7 Conservation Districts Awarded $2.98 Million In Conservation Excellence Grants; Juniata County Farm Wins Sustainability Award

DEP announced in its most recent Chesapeake Bay Implementation Program newsletter the State Conservation Commission awarded $2.98 million in Conservation Excellence Grants to seven counties-- Lancaster, York, Bedford, Centre, Cumberland, Franklin and Lebanon.

* Guest Essay: Deadline Looms For State, Federal Officials To Save PA And Chesapeake Bay

By Shannon Gority, PA Executive Director, Chesapeake Bay Foundation

* CBF Blog: What Is Regenerative Agriculture, And Why Is It Re-Emerging Now?

By Sudan Smith, Chesapeake Bay Foundation Communications Intern

* PA Environmental Council: Smarter Yards, Cleaner Streams

By Josh Raulerson, PA Environmental Council

* Appalachian Region Independent Power Producers Assn. Highlights Partnership With Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition

This article was first published in the August Catalyst newsletter of the Butler County-based Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition--

* New Sensor Can Detect Valuable Rare Earth Elements In Mine Drainage, Other Non-Traditional Sources

By Gail McCormick, Penn State News

* DEP Accepting Applications For Coastal Zone Grants Beginning August 30

The Department of Environmental Protection will begin accepting applications for FY 2022 Coastal Zone Grants on August 30.  The deadline for applications is October 18.  (formal notice)

* Environmental Quality Board Publishes Final Chapter 91 & 92 Water Quality Permit Fee Increase Regulation

On August 28, the Environmental Quality Board published the final regulation in the PA Bulletin increasing Chapters 91 and 92 Water Quality Permit fee increases which were made necessary by cuts in funding by the General Assembly.  (formal notice)

* Gov. Wolf Unveils State Forest Action Plan To Address Next 10 Years Of Strategic Initiatives In PA Forests; Shale Gas Development Promotes Forest Fragmentation

On August 24, Gov. Tom Wolf unveiled a State Forest Action Plan, which assesses the condition of Pennsylvania forests and sets a framework for strategies for long-term forest sustainability in the Commonwealth.

* PA Parks & Forests Foundation: Ready For Your Next Outdoor Adventure? There’s An App for That!

With 121 state parks and over 2 million acres of forest, there is a lot of opportunity to explore the outdoors in Pennsylvania!

* PA Environmental Council: A Walk In Someone Else's Shoes - TrailOff Stories

PEC works with partners in the Circuit Trails Coalition to create outdoor spaces that are inclusive and welcoming to all, a commitment that has led us to forge new partnerships and seek out creative approaches to engaging trail users.

* Aug. 27 Take Five Fridays With Pam Now Available From PA Parks & Forests Foundation

The August 27 Take Five Fridays With Pam is now available from the PA Parks & Forests Foundation.

* Susquehanna River Basin Commission River Walk 50th Anniversary Celebration Sept. 17

The Susquehanna River Basin Commission is hosting a River Walk September 17 to celebrate its 50th anniversary starting from their headquarters building at 4423 North Front Street in Harrisburg at 11:00 a.m.

* PA Environmental Professionals Now Accepting Nominations For Karl Mason & Walter Lyon Awards

The PA Association of Environmental Professionals is now accepting nominations for the 2021 Karl Mason and Walter Lyon Awards until September 17.

* Gov. Wolf Urges Public To Stop Costly, Unsightly Practice Of Littering, Illegal Dumping

On August 25, continuing the Commonwealth’s battle against litter as the summer travel season winds down, Gov. Tom Wolf highlighted agency efforts to clean up and cut down on this unsightly illegal activity.

* PA Resources Council: Household Chemical Collection Event Sept. 11 In Allegheny County

The PA Resources Council and its partners will host a Household Chemical Collection Event on September 11 at the South Park Wave Pool parking lot in Allegheny County from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

* Keep PA Beautiful Affiliates In Cambria, Huntingdon, Juniata, Mifflin, Perry Counties To Hold Special Collection Events

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful’s local affiliates Keep Cambria County Beautiful, Keep Huntingdon County Beautiful, Keep Juniata County Beautiful, PA CleanWays of Mifflin County and Keep Perry County Beautiful will be offering their residents a convenient and affordable option for disposing of their scrap tires.

* 10th Annual Free Book Swap At Wayne County Fairgrounds Sept. 16, 17, 18 & 19

SEEDS of Northeastern PA will host the 10th annual Free Book Swap on September 16, 17, 18 and 19 at the Wayne County Fairgrounds, Route 191 North, Honesdale.

* PA Resources Council Sets Schedule Of Western PA Backyard Composting, Rain Barrel, Recycling Workshops In September

The PA Resources Council will hold eight backyard composting, rain barrel and recycling workshops in September, both webinars and in-person in Allegheny and Washington counties.

* Crawford County Dairy Farmer Shares Ways To Control Energy Costs, Boost Efficiency In New Podcast

With energy costs often being overlooked on Pennsylvania dairy farms, Josh Waddell of Apple Shamrock Dairy Farm in Crawford County, Pennsylvania shared how an energy audit led to new opportunities and savings on his dairy operation.

* PPL Foundation Accepting Applications For Major Grants To Support Sustainable Communities, Advancing Diversity, More

The PPL Foundation is now accepting applications through its Major Grants Program to support nonprofit organizations working to improve the lives and well-being of residents by improving education; addressing diversity, equity and inclusion; and fostering the development of safe, strong and sustainable communities.

* PUC Seeking Additional Comments On Electric Storage Policies To Increase Reliability And Resiliency

The Public Utility Commission published notice in the August 28 PA Bulletin inviting additional comments on the issue of energy storage resources as electric distribution assets.  (formal notice)

* PUC: Strongly Encourages Consumers & Small Businesses To Contact Utilities About Options To Pay Past-Due Balances To Avoid Termination

The Public Utility Commission strongly encouraged consumers and small businesses who may still be experiencing financial difficulty to #CallUtilitiesNow to discuss the options to remain connected to vital utility services before some extended payment plan options expire at the end of September.

* Important Articles From Last Week

Important headline articles from this week’s PA Environment Digest--

* Interfaith Partners For The Chesapeake Bay Hosting Faithful Green Leaders Online Training Starting Oct. 14

The Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake Bay are hosting a three-part online Faithful Green Leaders Training sessions October 14, 21 and 28 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

* Rodale Institute, Kutztown University Sign Academic Research Agreement

On August 23, Kutztown University and Rodale Institute, Kutztown, Berks County, signed a five-year agreement of academic cooperation establishing a research affiliation for the mutual benefit of both institutions.

* Audubon Society Of Western PA: Free Backyard Habitats, Pollinator Gardens Available For Residents In McKeesport, Glassport, Wilkinsburg, Allegheny County

The Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania, in partnership with the Steel Rivers COG and Wilkinsburg Pollinator Garden Group, are offering free Certified Backyard Habitats with pollinator gardens for residents of McKeesport, Glassport, and Wilkinsburg in Allegheny County. 

* Penn State Extension Hosts Sept. 9 Webinar On Mystery Songbird Disease: Knowns, Unknowns And Actions To Take

Penn State Extension will host a September 9 webinar on the Mystery Songbird Disease - Knowns, Unknowns And Actions To Take from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

* PA Recreation & Park Society, Park Maintenance Institute Highlight Upcoming Education Programs

The PA Recreation & Park Society and the Park Maintenance Institute recently highlighted just some of the educational events they have scheduled in September and October.  They include--

* PA Conservative Energy Forum Hosts National Clean Energy Week Events: Next Program Sept. 16 In Cumberland County

The PA Conservative Energy Forum will host a number of events to help celebrate National Clean Energy Week and educate policymakers and consumers about clean energy solutions through the fall.  The events include--

* Penn State PA Technical Assistance Program/PECO Host Energy Efficiency Financial Assistance Webinar Sept. 16

The Penn State PA Technical Assistance Program and PECO will host a September 16 webinar starting at 11:00 a.m. to discuss financial incentives available for small to mid-sized manufacturers throughout Pennsylvania to improve the energy efficiency of their facilities and productivity of their businesses.

* Educational Opportunities For Students & Adults

Opportunities to learn more about environmental and energy issues affecting Pennsylvania for students and adults-- 

* News From PA House & Senate

The information you need to follow legislation in the House and Senate- starting with articles and NewsClips from last week--

* Farm Bureau, Solar Advocates Support Bipartisan Community Solar Legislation That Will Generate $1.8 Billion In Economic Benefits

The PA Farm Bureau and members of the PA Community Solar Economic Alliance told the House Consumer Affairs Committee Thursday legislation to authorize community solar projects will generate $1.8 billion in economic activity in the Commonwealth-- all at no cost to taxpayers.

* The Feds

Articles and NewsClips about federal actions impacting Pennsylvania--

* Gov. Wolf Calls On Federal Emergency Response Officials To Lower Thresholds For Flood Aid

As Pennsylvania experiences more localized short-duration high-intensity rainstorms that cause devastating flash flooding, Gov. Tom Wolf sent a letter August 25 urging the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to lower the federal damage assessment thresholds required for these events to qualify for federal aid.

* EPA Announces $755,000 Is Available To PA To Improve Drinking Water For Underserved, Disadvantaged Communities

On August 26, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the availability of $755,000 for Pennsylvania to improve drinking water for residents in small towns and underserved communities.

* EPA Accepting Nominations For 2022 Green Chemistry Challenge Awards

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is accepting nominations for the 2022 Green Chemistry Challenge Awards that recognize chemical technologies that incorporate the principles of green chemistry into chemical design, manufacture, and use.

* Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events

Click Here for a list of public participation opportunities and a calendar of events.

* Grants & Awards

Click Here for grants, awards, recognition programs and contest deadlines.

* PA Bulletin

Highlights of the environmental and energy notices in the latest PA Bulletin--

* Stories Invited - About PA Environment

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* PA Abandoned Mine Reclamation Conference - Oct. 27-28

PA Environment Digest is a proud sponsor of the 2021 Virtual PA Abandoned Mine Reclamation Conference to be held October 27-28.  Click Here to register.

* Supporting Member PA Organization For Watersheds & Rivers; PA Outdoor Writers Assn.; PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the PA Organization for Watersheds & Rivers, PA Outdoor Writers Association, PA Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

Previous PA Environment Digests