Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
August 8 & 15, 2005
* Your Opinion Counts! Let’s Hear From You! - PDF of This Digest
This week’s Digest is again filled with stories about businesses, watershed groups, and individuals taking positive action to restore and protect Pennsylvania’s environment.
* On the Hill - Bills Introduced
Here in the “dog days” of summer, there’s not much activity on Capitol Hill, but here are some bills that were recently introduced.
* New Plant Will Turn Thousands of Tons of Scrubber Sludge Into Wall Board
United States Gypsum Co. announced it will construct a new 600,000-square-foot gypsum board manufacturing facility on 190 acres of land adjacent to PPL Corporation’s existing generating station in Washingtonville, Montour County.
* Federal-Mogul in Boyertown Eliminates Lead Solder In Its Operations
The Federal-Mogul facility in Boyertown, Berks County has taken the initiative to eliminate the use of lead in their soldering processes as part of its participation in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Partnership for Environmental Priorities Program.
* Dry Cleaner Reduces Energy Bill and Waste
In the fall of 2002, the owner of Prestige Dry Cleaners of Bethlehem, Northampton County, decided to implement an energy efficiency and pollution prevention project at its dry cleaning facility.
* Northeastern Pollution Prevention Roundtable Partners with Env. Professionals
The Northeastern Pennsylvania Pollution Prevention Roundtable is partnering with the Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Professionals to promote energy efficiency and pollution prevention activities.
* EPA's National Environmental Performance Track Program Offers Incentives
The Department of Environmental Protection announced companies that are hazardous waste generators and regulated by the federal Clean Air Act can take advantage of special simplified regulatory provisions if they are participants in the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Environmental Performance Track Program.
* Conference on Sustainability in York County September 23
The Watershed Alliance of York, Inc., and other partners are sponsoring the “Pigs, Parks & Superstores: A Conference on the Sustainability of York County” on September 23 from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, at the Heritage Hills Conference Center in York.
* Is there a Market for Green? Green Building Alliance Breakfast
Marketing Green is the topic of a special breakfast on August 24 sponsored by the Green Building Alliance in Pittsburgh to discuss the principles behind marketing green to consumers.
* Kettle Creek Celebrates Completion of Mine Reclamation, Treatment Projects
Trout Unlimited and the Kettle Creek Watershed Association this week celebrated completion of a large abandoned mine reclamation project and construction of four passive mine drainage treatment systems that significantly reduce the flow and severity of mine discharges into the Kettle Creek watershed in Sproul State Forest, Clinton County.
* Plan to Restore Youghiogheny River Tributary Approved
The Chestnut Ridge Chapter of Trout Unlimited was given approval by the Department of Environmental Protection to restore a four-mile stretch of Morgan Run in Dunbar Township, Fayette County that is badly degraded by acid mine discharges.
* TU Magazine Features Stories of Four PA Projects and People
This summer’s Trout Unlimited magazine features stores about four Pennsylvania projects and people who are working in positive ways to restore watersheds.
* Conservation Districts Receive Dirt and Gravel Road, Bay Mini-Grants
The State Conservation Commission awarded more than $3.52 million in Dirt and Gravel Road Program grants to 61 county conservation districts and the PA Association of Conservation Districts awarded about $100,000 in Educational Mini-Grants for local projects to improve water quality and prevent pollution.
* Fish and Wildlife Foundation's Bring Back the Natives Grants Available
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S.D.A. Forest Service, and Trout Unlimited, is requesting pre-proposals for the Bring Back the Natives Program.
* Coastal Zone Grant Applications October 24
The Department of Environmental Protection is accepting applications for 2006 Coastal Zone grant from August 29 through October 24.
* Reminder: Special Canaan Valley Institute Grants Due August 26
The Canaan Valley Institute is soliciting applications for its Special Projects Grants Program from organizations it has had a working relationship with for at least one year.
* POWR Plans Sojourn Congress, Watershed Workshops
September 23 in Bellefonte will be a busy day. The PA Organization of Watersheds and Rivers will be holding a Sojourn Congress to begin planning for the 2006 season along with workshops for watershed groups.
* 2005 PA Mine Water Treatment Conference Set for August 16
It’s not too late to take advantage of the great resources that will be available at the Pennsylvania Mine Water Treatment Technology Conference August 16-18 in Pittsburgh.
* DEP Conducting Water Quality Review of Streams in Carbon, Chester, Monroe
The Department of Environmental Protection announced this week it was conducting a reevaluation of the water quality classification of three streams in Carbon, Chester and Monroe counties in response to rulemaking petitions.
* Nearly 50 Attend Stream Health Workshops, New Web Tool Online
Nearly 50 people attended workshops in April and May to learn about a Stream Health and Runoff Potential tool designed to estimate stream health and peak stormwater runoff, according to Prof. Toby Carlson who led the workshops.
* TreeVitalize Sets Workshops on Planting Trees for Fall
TreeVitalize, a partnership to restore tree cover in the five-county region in Southeastern Pennsylvania, will offer classes this fall to educate residents about planting and caring for trees starting September 14.
* DEP Takes More Steps to Implement Chesapeake Bay Tributary Strategy
The Department of Environmental Protection announced new monitoring requirements for significant sewage and industrial dischargers to help implement its Chesapeake Bay Tributary Strategy.
* What’s 28 Feet Long and Eats Trash In the Waters Around Pittsburgh?
In 2003, PA CleanWays of Allegheny County, other non-profit groups, private sponsors and volunteers got together to create The Tireless Project to clean up tires and other debris in the rivers running through and around Pittsburgh.
* Controller Recommends RecycleBank Program to Boost Recycling in Philadelphia
The Philadelphia City Controller this week recommended the pilot single stream recycling program run by RecycleBank be expanded to the whole city if its success continues. The report said the program could save Philadelphia $17 million in disposal and other costs annually.
* U.S. Composting Council Accepting Award Nominations Thru November 30
The U. S. Composting Council is now accepting nominations for a variety of awards to recognize companies, communities and individuals involved in composting.
* Philadelphia Program to Cleanup Vacant Lots Lauded
A program to cleanup vacant lots and turn them into a source run by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society was given kudos recently by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
* Discarded Equipment Containing Mercury Now Managed as Universal Waste
A final rule that classifies mercury-containing equipment as universal waste will help eliminate mercury in the environment and encourage mercury recovery and improved, safe management of mercury waste.
* PPL to Add Scrubbers to Brunner Island Power Station
PPL Corporation plans to increase its investment in pollution control equipment over the next five years, adding a “scrubber” for two additional generating units at its Brunner Island Power Plant in York County.
* August Edition of EE Connections Newsletter Now Available
The Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education's August newsletter, EE Connections, is now available online. This month’s edition features—
* Game Commission Posts Deer Hunting Information Website
Hunters looking for new antlerless deer hunting opportunities are encouraged to review the list of Deer Management Assistance Program properties available on the Pennsylvania Game Commission's website.
* Mowery Named President of PA Parks and Forests Foundation
Marci Mowery has been named the new president of the Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation, the statewide nonprofit organization that supports 117 state parks and 2.1 million acres of forest.
* Recreation, Historical, Environmental Projects Funded by Specter, Santorum
Pennsylvania’s two U.S. Senators Arlen Specter and Rick Santorum announced this year’s Interior Appropriations budget includes funding for a variety of recreation, historical and environmental projects in the state.
* Penn State to Host U.S. DOE Regional Climate Center
How energy production and use influences climate and environment will be the focus of Penn State's newly awarded grant for the Northeastern Regional Center of the U.S. Department of Energy's National Institute for Climatic Change Research.
* HELP WANTED: Waterways Engineering, Outreach Educator
The Department of Environmental Protection is looking for a new Director of the Bureau of Waterways Engineering and Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve has an opening for an outreach educator.
* Opinion: Cut Mercury Emissions in Ways that Make a Real Difference and Without Threatening Our Jobs
By Edward D. Yankovich, Jr., International Vice President, District 2, United Mine Workers of America, George Ellis, President, Pennsylvania Coal Association, Donald C. Siegel, International Vice President, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Douglas L. Biden, President, Electric Power Generation Association
* Student Interns Talk About Their Summer Experiences
Students from Lycoming College spent their summer working on projects for the college’s Clean Water Institute and another student from Slippery Rock University worked with a nonprofit group on watershed projects. Send us your stories of how you spent your summer internship so we can feature them here!
* Quick Clips
Here's a sampling of NewsClips from around the state on environmental issues
* Watershed NewsClips
Here are NewsClips from around Pennsylvania on watershed issues
* Regulations
The Environmental Quality Board meets on August 16 to consider DEP’s report on a petition setting mercury limits on power plants and laboratory accreditation regulations. Notices were also published by the Department of Environmental Protection on water quality standards review and by the IRRC commenting on regulations.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published a series of notices on general permit changes, sewer and drinking water priority list revisions and on technical guidance changes. Here’s a rundown.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
* Stories Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .

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