Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
October 19, 2020 Issue #851
* DEP Announces Winners Of 2020 Governor's Awards For Environmental Excellence; 2021 Nominations Open

On October 14, the Department of Environmental Protection announced the winners of the 2020 Governor’s Awards for Environmental Excellence.

* Draft Conowingo Dam Watershed Implementation Plan Calls For An Additional 6.41 Million Pounds Of Nitrogen Reductions In PA; Comment Period Open

A draft Conowingo Dam Watershed Implementation Plan released for public review on October 14 shows Pennsylvania offers the best, most effective opportunities for reducing an additional 6.41 million pounds of nitrogen needed to make up for the fact the Conowingo Dam is no longer trapping nutrients and sediment before they can get into the Chesapeake Bay (page 36).

* Steinman Foundation: Largest Chesapeake Bay-Related Stream Restoration Project In Lancaster County Moves Forward In Little Conestoga Creek Watershed

The Steinman Foundation in Lancaster County is spearheading a $14 million Little Conestoga Creek Blue/Green Corridor Project to restore major sections of the creek and add a recreational trail.

* PA Farm Bureau, 45 Other Hunting, Angler, Business, Environmental, Watershed Groups Urge Senate, House To Pass On-Farm Conservation Funding Bill This Year

The Pennsylvania Farm Bureau and 45 other hunting, angler, wildlife, business, environmental and watershed groups from across Pennsylvania sent a letter to all Senate and House members urging them to pass legislation before the end of the year that would fund on-farm conservation practices to reduce nutrient and sediment pollution.

* PA Conservation Districts Ask Lawmakers To Keep Same Funding For Their Vital Services As They Finalize FY 2020-21 State Budget

The PA Association of Conservation Districts asks Senate and House members for level-funded budgets for the vital services provided by Pennsylvania’s 66 conservation districts.

* DEP Works Thru Pandemic: 548 More Permits, 1,228 More Inspections Since Last Week

From March 16 to October 13, Department of Environmental Protection employees have been teleworking and using COVID-19 mitigation measures to continue to fulfill its mission.  DEP staff have--

* House Republican COVID Economic Stimulus Package Includes A ‘Deemed Approved’ Environmental Permit Approval Process

On October 14, House Republicans introduced a COVID Comeback legislative package which would establish special zones to provide taxpayer funded subsidies to encourage manufacturing through state and local tax abatement along with a variety of tax credits to incentivize job development.

* Penn State’s 70-MW Solar Projects Now Producing Power In Franklin County, Saving Money, Lowering Greenhouse Gas Emissions

By Penn State News

* Spotlight PA: Are We Prepared? Mariner East Pipelines’ Emergency Plans Left Many In The Dark; Still The Senate, House Take No Action On Bipartisan Pipeline Safety Bills

Last week Spotlight PA published a two-part series about how emergency response plans for the Mariner East natural gas liquid pipelines left many communities in the dark about what to do in case of an accident.  It was called-- Are We Prepared?

* State Parks Continue To Break Visitor Records In September: 4.7 Million Visitors, Up 31 percent Over Last Year

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources reports September visitors again broke all records increasing 31 percent over last year-- 4.7 million compared to 3.6 million last year-- an over 1.1 million increase.

* Op-Ed: Now Is The Time To Invest In Parks, Not Cut Them

By Larry Williamson

* Op-Ed: As Life Moves Outdoors During COVID-19, Lean On PA’s Special Strength - Our Open Space

By Matthew Galluzzo, Riverlife in Pittsburgh

* DCNR Awards $7.6 Million For 41 Trail Planning, Construction, Rehab Projects, Including ATV, Snowmobile Trails

On October 15, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources announced the investment of $7.6 million in 41 trail planning, construction and rehabilitation projects, including ATV and snowmobile trails.

* DCNR Good Natured Pennsylvanians: Lesli Barnett & Dave Saidoo

Lesli Barnett and Dave Saidoo are two kayakers with a passion for bobber gobbling. What is bobber gobbling?

* DCNR’s 4th Fall Foliage Report Shows Fall Colors Blazing All Across PA

On October 15, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources issued its fourth  weekly Fall Foliage Report for October 15 to 21 which shows fall colors blazing all across Pennsylvania.

* PA Capitol & COVID Weekly Report: Senate, House Coming Back To Harrisburg With Little Progress On Major Issues

[ Because In Politics Everything Is Connected To Everything Else ] The Senate and House are coming back to Harrisburg October 19, 20 and 21 for the last three scheduled voting days before the election after making little progress last week on the big issues they face.

* Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced

Here are the Senate and House Calendars for the next voting session day and Committees scheduling action on bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced--

* CANCELED: House Environmental Committee Meets Oct. 20 On Bill Redefining Water Pollution, Letting Companies Decide When They Report Spills

CANCELED: The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee is scheduled to hold a meeting October 20 on Senate Bill 619 (Yaw-R-Lycoming) making fundamental changes to the definition of water pollution under the state Clean Streams Law effectively making most spills and discharges to rivers and streams no longer pollution.

* Still Time To Register! Virtual Chesapeake Bay Watershed Forum Oct. 29-30

Climate Resiliency In A Changing Chesapeake Bay Watershed is the theme of this year’s virtual Chesapeake Watershed Forum to be held October 29-30 and is organized by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay.

* Op-Ed: Chesapeake Bay Foundation Suing EPA Will Benefit Pennsylvanians And Other Others Who Value Clean Water

By Shannon Gority, Executive Director, Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA

* Water Cooler Talk: Sustainable Agriculture Nutrient Recovery And Upcycling Webinar Oct. 28

Penn State Extension is hosting another in a series of Water Cooler Webinar Talks, this time on Sustainable Agriculture Nutrient Recovery and Upcycling October 28 from Noon to 1:00 p.m.

* Reminder: PA State Assn. Of Township Supervisors Virtual Stormwater Conference Oct. 20 & 21, Oct. 27 & 28

The PA State Association of Township Supervisors is hosting a virtual MS4 Great Ideas Stormwater Conference on October 20 & 21 (Policy Track) and October 27& 28 (Technical Track).

* American Rivers, Stroud Center Delaware River Webinar Oct. 22: Cities To Suburbs To Farms: How Innovative Water Management Helps River Health

American Rivers and the Stroud Water Research Center in Chester County will host a Delaware River Webinar-- Cities To Suburbs To Farms: How Innovative Water Management Helps River Health-- on October 22 starting at 11:30 a.m.

* Stroud Center: Schuylkill River Community Scientist Monitoring Project Now Underway

The Schuylkill River Greenways, in partnership with Berks Nature, Bartram’s Garden, The Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education, Stroud Water Research Center, and Princeton Hydro, kicked off a Water Quality Monitoring Project for the Schuylkill River on World Habitat Day, October 5.

* Schuylkill Action Network To Hold Virtual Annual Meeting Nov. 13

The Schuylkill Action Network will hold a virtual Annual Meeting on November 13 from 10:00 a.m. to Noon.

* National Assn. Of Conservation Districts Accepting Applications For Conservation District Grants

On October 15, the National Association of Conservation Districts announced the launch of its 2021 application period for the Friends of NACD District Grants Program.  The deadline for applications is November 30.

* DEP Our Common Wealth Blog: Check Your Heating Oil Tanks To Prevent Costly Leaks And Spills

By Tim Slack, Bureau of Environmental Cleanup and Brownfields

* Susquehanna River Basin Commission Hearing Nov. 5, Business Meeting Dec. 11

The Susquehanna River Basin Commission is scheduled to hold a telephonic hearing November 5 to accept comments on water withdrawal projects. (formal notice)

* Keep PA Beautiful: Clean Up Your Neighborhood With The Help Of Pick Up Pennsylvania

Litter affects the health and safety of humans and wildlife, is visually unpleasant and sends a message that no one cares. Once it reaches our waterways, it transports chemical pollutants, threatens aquatic life, and interferes with river, marine and coastal environments.

* PRC Hosts Household Chemical Collection Event Oct. 31 In Allegheny County

The PA Resources Council will hold a Household Chemical Collection event on October 31 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the North Park Swimming Pool parking lot in Allegheny County.  All participants must pre-register.

* PA Resources Council: National Prescription Drug Take Back Day Oct. 24

The federal Drug Enforcement Administration October 24 National Prescription Drug Take Back Day provides a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of medications.

* PRC Online Wild & Scenic Film Festival Now Available On Demand Thru Oct. 20

There’s still time to enjoy the PA Resources Council’sWild & Scenic Film Festival” – which this year became a virtual fundraiser to benefit the Commonwealth’s oldest grassroots environmental organization.

* DEP: Westmoreland Landfill To Pay $59,000 Penalty To Address Multiple Violations

On October 14, the Department of Environmental Protection announced it has executed a consent order and agreement (COA) with Westmoreland Sanitary Landfill, LLC, a residual/municipal waste landfill located in Rostraver Township, Westmoreland County.

* Hazelwood Green Brownfield Site Receives $300,000 Grant For Asbestos, Lead Paint Abatement At Mill 19 In Allegheny County

On October 13, Gov. Tom Wolf announced the approval of new funding through the Industrial Sites Reuse Program to the Regional Industrial Development Corporation to perform environmental remediation on the three main bay cranes located at Mill 19 at the Hazelwood Green brownfield site in Allegheny County.

* UGI Natural Gas Launches Emergency Relief Program For Customers Impacted By Pandemic

UGI Utilities, Inc. has launched an Emergency Relief Program (ERP) to assist its Pennsylvania natural gas customers who have been economically affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

* PUC Seeks Nominations For PA One Call Underground Utility Damage Prevention Committee

On October 13, the Public Utility Commission reminded stakeholders and concerned citizens across the state about the search for individuals to serve on the PUC’s Damage Prevention Committee, which is a key element of enhanced efforts to safeguard underground utilities.

* Penn State Study Finds Passing Bills To Authorize Community Solar Would Support 12,000 Jobs, Generate $1.8 Billion In Economic Impact For PA

A new study conducted by Penn State found construction of new community solar facilities would generate an estimated $1.8 billion in economic impact, create over $793 million in labor income, and support over 11,000 jobs in various sectors across Pennsylvania.

* PA Sustainable Agriculture: Oct. 21 Listening Session: On-Farm Commercial Solar Energy

The PA Association for Sustainable Agriculture will host an online Listening Session - On-Farm Solar Energy October 21 from Noon to 1:00 p.m.

* State Treasurer Torsella Establishes Keystone Green Bank Partnership To Support Clean Energy Projects

On October 13, State Treasurer Joe Torsella announced the establishment of the Keystone Green Bank Partnership, in coordination with the Department of Environmental Protection to provide attractive financing to projects that support clean and alternative energy sources, non-fossil fuel transportation, and other similar projects.

* Appalachian Regional Commission Awards $15 Million+ For Trails, Job Training, Broadband In PA Communities Impacted By Slowdown In Coal; RGGI Could Help More

On October 14, the Appalachian Regional Commission awarded more than $15 million for trails, ecosystem improvements, broadband and job training projects in Pennsylvania as part of the Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization (POWER) Initiative.

* HealthFirstPA Oct. 20 Webinar: Methane Pollution - What Health Experts Say About Climate Change And Public Health

HealthFirstPA will host an October 20 webinar on Methane Pollution - What Health Experts Say About Climate Change and Public Health from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

* DEP Invites Comments On Air Permit For 2 Natural Gas-Fired Power Blocks At Renovo Energy Center, Clinton County

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the October 17 PA Bulletin inviting comments on an Air Quality Permit for two natural gas-fired power blocks generating 1,240 MW at the Renovo Energy Center in Renovo Borough, Clinton County (Page 5772).

* Allegheny Land Trust Receives $1 Million Grant For Churchill Valley Greenway Preservation Project

On October 14, the Allegheny Land Trust announced it had received a $1 million grant from DCNR to help permanently preserve the meadows, woodlands and paved trails of the defunct

* Penn State Extension: 9-Part Woods In Your Backyard Webinar Series Starts Jan. 27

Penn State Extension will host a 9-part Woods In Your Backyard Webinar series starting January 27 and running through March 24.

* PA Parks & Forests Foundation Wildfires Lunch & Learn Presentation Available On Demand

The PA Parks and Forests Foundation hosted another in its series of Lunch & Learn programs October 15 about Pennsylvania Wildfires starting at Noon.

* DCNR Invites Comments On Proposed Exchange Of Oil & Gas Rights In Elk And Susquehannock State Forests, Potter County

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is inviting comments on a proposed oil, gas and mineral interest exchange with REA-Young, LLC, and related entities and individuals in Potter County.  (formal notice)

* Oct. 16 Take Five Fridays With Pam, PA Parks & Forests Foundation

The October 16 Take Five Fridays With Pam and now available from the PA Parks & Forests Foundation featuring articles on--

* Latest Penn’s Stewards Newsletter: Staycation Ideas, Parks Used Like Never Before, Graffiti Removal, Volunteers Make It Happen

The fall issue of the Penn’s Stewards newsletter from the PA Parks and Forests Foundation featuring articles on--

* Gifford Pinchot's Grey Towers Ends 2020 Season; Edgar Allan Poe, Holiday Tours Postponed To 2021

On October 14, Gifford Pinchot’s Grey Towers National Historic Site in Milford, Pike County announced it will conclude its 2020 season on October 31.

* DCNR Good Natured Blog: Cooperation Is Key To Managing Chronic Wasting Disease In PA

A big part of Pennsylvania’s outdoor heritage is hunting. All 20 of Pennsylvania’s state forests, totaling 2.2 million acres, and 97 of the 121 state parks are open to hunting during established hunting seasons.

* Hawk Mountain Sanctuary: Fall Migration In Full Swing; Hosts Virtual Programs On Lead Exposure In Raptors, Climate Change Impact On Raptors

The annual fall migration of raptors is in full swing at the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Berks County with trails and viewing areas open to the public.

* Help Wanted: PennTAP Eastern, Western PA Industrial Relations Coordinator Technical Advisers

Penn State's PA Technical Assistance Program is seeking qualified candidates for three Industrial Relations Coordinator Technical Adviser Positions in Erie, Lehigh and Mercer counties.

* Environment & Energy NewsClips

Click Here: Week’s Worth Of PA Environment & Energy NewsClips

* Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events

Click Here for a list of public participation opportunities and a calendar of events.

* Grants & Awards

Click Here for grants, awards, recognition programs and contest deadlines.

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

Here are highlights of actions taken by agencies on environmental regulations, technical guidance and permits.

* CLICK HERE To View Or Print Entire PA Environment Digest

CLICK HERE to View or Print the 86 page PA Environment Digest.

* Stories Invited - About PA Environment Digest

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Virtual! PA Forestry Assn. Exploring Change In Penn’s Woods Symposium Oct. 26-30

The PA Environment Digest is a proud sponsor of the PA Forestry Association’s 2020 Exploring Change in Penn's Woods Symposium October 26-30.  Click Here to register.

* Virtual! PA Abandoned Mine Reclamation Conference Oct. 28-29

The PA Environment Digest is a proud sponsor of the virtual 2020 PA Abandoned Mine Reclamation Conference to be held on October 28-29.   Click Here to register.

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

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