Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
November 11, 2019 Issue #802
* PA Environmental Defense Foundation Files Lawsuit Asking Court To Direct DCNR To Manage State Forests Consistent With Environmental Rights Amendment To Prevent Drilling Impacts

On November 5, the PA Environmental Defense Foundation filed a lawsuit in Commonwealth Court asking the Court to direct the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to manage State Forests consistent with its trustee responsibilities under the state constitution's Environmental Rights Amendment to protect them from drilling impacts.

* CBF Student Leaders Recognize Sen. Yaw For Eastern Hellbender Designation; But We’re Far, Far, Far From Done, We Need $324 Million This Year

Chesapeake Bay Foundation student leaders went to Williamsport recently to celebrate the salamander that is Pennsylvania’s new official state amphibian and to salute the state senator whose support was key to making it happen.

* Governor Signs Keystone Tree Fund Bill Into Law; Where’s The Rest Of The $324 Million We Need This Year?

On November 7, Gov. Tom Wolf signed into law House Bill 374 (Everett-R-Lycoming) to establish the Keystone Tree Fund (Act 78).  The bill allows driver and vehicle license owners to add $3.00 to those fees to support DCNR riparian buffer and tree planting programs starting in July 2020.

* DCNR Announces $2.2 Million Investment In Rivers Conservation & Riparian Forest Buffer Projects

On November 7, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources announced the investment of $2.2 million in 27 rivers conservation and riparian forest buffer projects.

* Trout Unlimited: PA's Unassessed Waters Initiative Reaches Milestone; Urge DEP To Protect Class A Trout Streams Immediately

By Rob Shane, Trout Unlimited Mid-Atlantic Organizer

* DCNR Good Natured Blog: Discovering Nature & Public Service In The PA Outdoor Corps - John Jimenez

By John Jimenez, Crew Member, Hazleton 6-Week Pennsylvania Outdoor Corps Crew

* Pike's Tick Borne Diseases Task Force Receives Environmental Partnership Award

The Pike County's Tick Borne Diseases Task Force received an Environmental Partnership Award from the Northeast Environmental Partners on October 24 during a dinner held at the Woodlands Inn and Resort, in Wilkes-Barre.

* Keep PA Beautiful Invites You To Take The Pledge - America Recycles Day Nov. 15

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful invites you to take part in America Recycles Day-- November 15-- and take the pledge to increase your recycling efforts.

* PUC Launches Prepare Now Campaign To Help At-Risk Consumers Address Winter Heating Expenses

On November 7, the Public Utility Commission launched its annual Prepare Now energy education program and is urging electric and natural gas utilities to identify and assist consumers who may struggle with cold-weather energy bills.

* Gov. Wolf Recognizes October 30 As Mine Rescue Day In Pennsylvania; 51,523 Fatalities Have Occurred In PA Mines Since The 1870s

On October 30, Gov. Tom Wolf issued a formal proclamation recognizing October 30, 2019 as Mine Rescue Day.

* Support Our Friend: Margaret Dunn Just Lost Her Husband, Mother To Illness

Margaret Dunn, who many know accepted the challenge of addressing abandoned mine land restoration and worked for decades on the issue, last week lost both her husband and mother to illness just a day apart.

* Bills On Governor's Desk

The following bills were given final approval by the Senate and House and are now on the Governor's desk for action--

* Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule[Updated]/Bills Introduced

Here are the Senate and House Calendars for the next voting session day and Committees scheduling action on bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced--

* November Joint Conservation Committee Newsletter Features Wellness Farm, Energy Water Use, Emerald Ash Borer, Lead Exposure, Ag Census

The November newsletter is now available from the Joint House-Senate Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee featuring these articles--

* EPA Now Accepting Applications For 2020 Environmental Education Grants

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is now accepting applications for 2020 Environmental Education Grants.  The deadline for applications is January 6.

* Environmental Quality Board Meets Nov. 19 To Consider Land Recycling, Coal Mining, Water Standards, Toxics Strategy Changes

The Environmental Quality Board is scheduled to meet on November 19 to consider four agenda items--

* DEP Citizens Advisory Council, Environmental Justice Advisory Board Hold Joint Meeting Nov. 19; Underground Coal Mining Impact Report On Agenda

On November 19, DEP’s Citizens Advisory Council and Environmental Justice Advisory Board hold what has become an annual joint meeting to review issues related to environmental justice in the Commonwealth from 10:00 a.m. to noon.

* DEP Our Common Wealth Blog: Drone's-Eye-View Of Acid Mine Drainage Treatment Plant Reveals Water's Transformation

By: Megan Lehman, Community Relations Coordinator, DEP Northcentral Regional Office

* Opportunity To Bid On DEP Mine Reclamation Project In Elk County

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of an opportunity to bid on a mine reclamation project in Elk County in the November 9 PA Bulletin.

* PECO Green Region Open Space Grant Program Now Accepting Bonus Round Applications For Tree Planting Projects

The PECO Green Region Open Space Grant Program is now accepting applications for a Bonus Round of Grants for tree planting projects in the PECO service territory.  Applications are due November 30.

* Berks Conservation District Held Riparian Buffer Tree Planting Event Nov. 9

The Berks County Conservation District hosted a riparian buffer tree planting event on November 9 to plant trees on property owned by the County of Berks by the 4-H Community Center, 1206 County Welfare Road in Leesport.

* Transource Energy, Alliance For Chesapeake Bay, DCNR Plant Over 300 Trees In Multi-Function Riparian Buffer In Franklin County

On November 6, Transource Energy, in partnership with the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and DCNR, planted 308 trees to install a multi-functional riparian buffer along the West Branch Conococheague Creek, a Class A wild trout stream in Franklin County.

* Conneaut Area Senior High School Students Take On Shoreline Litter Cleanup Of Pymatuning Reservoir In Crawford County

On October 29, 38 students from Conneaut Area Senior High School under the direction of teachers Eugene Bocan and Mike Vorisek headed out to pick up litter along the Pennsylvania shoreline of Pymatuning Reservoir in Crawford County.  

* Central PA Conservancy Seeking Volunteers For Cave Hill Park & Nature Preserve Cleanup/Invasive Species Removal Nov. 22 Cumberland County

The Central PA Conservancy and PA Natural Heritage Program are seeking volunteers to remove trash and invasive plants at the Cave Hill Park and Nature Preserve on November 22 in Cumberland County.

* Capital Area Greenbelt Seeks Volunteers For Restoration Area Trail Maintenance Nov. 23 & 24 In Dauphin County

The Capital Area Greenbelt Association is seeking volunteers for trail maintenance mulching and installing protective plant structures in a recently restored area along the Paxtang Parkway at the Penbrook Community Park access trail on November 23 and 24 in Dauphin County.

* PA Sea Grant, CRANE: Coastal Resiliency Funding To Benefit Erie Region

Pennsylvania’s Lake Erie coastal communities will benefit from $38,000 in funding to address extreme weather and climate change.

* POWR Webinar: Stream Redesignation Evaluations & Water Quality Designations Nov. 21

The PA Organization for Watersheds and Rivers is hosting a webinar November 21 on Stream Redesignation Evaluations and Water Quality Designations from Noon to 1:00.

* Penn State Names Andrew Warner To Lead New University-wide Initiative On Water

Andrew Warner has joined the Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment as the director of a new University-wide initiative designed to elevate Penn State’s prominence as a center of excellence in water.

* Latest Guardian Newsletter Now Available From Susquehanna River Basin Commission

The Fall issue of The Guardian newsletter is now available from the Susquehanna River Basin Commission featuring articles on--

* DEP Now Accepting Applications For Food Recovery Infrastructure Grants

The Department of Environmental Protection is now accepting applications for Food Recovery Infrastructure Grants.  The deadline for applications is April 24.  (formal notice)

* Changes In Store For Electronics Recycling In Centre County In 2020

On November 8, the Centre County Recycling & Refuse Authority announced changes to the list of acceptable items for recycling under the Electronics Recycling Program. If your electronic item is not found on the list below, the Authority cannot accept it for recycling at our facility and it can be put in your regular trash.

* DEP Hosts December 18 Hearing On Allen Road TCE Hazardous Waste Site Interim Response In Cumberland County

The Department of Environmental Protection has scheduled a hearing for December 18 to take comments on its interim response on its interim response to the Allen Road TCE Hazardous Waste Site  in South Middleton Township, Cumberland County (Nov. 9 PA Bulletin page 6765)

* Comments Invited On DEP Ozone Reduction Maintenance Plans For Erie, Franklin, Greene Counties; 3 Hearings Set [If Needed]

The Department of Environmental Protection published notices in the November 9 PA Bulletin inviting public comments on proposed State Air Quality Implementation Plan Revisions involving Ozone Reduction Maintenance Plans for Erie, Franklin and Greene Counties.

* PA Municipal League, DEP Hosting Nov. 22 Webinar On Community Resilience - Role Of The Building Energy Code

The PA Municipal League and the Department of Environmental Protection will host another in its series of webinars on the Role Of Energy Efficiency In Community Resilience on November 22 covering the Building Energy Code from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.

* PJM, Members Ready To Meet Winter Electricity Demands

On November 7, the PJM Interconnection and its members announced they are prepared to meet the forecasted winter electricity demand across 13 states and the District of Columbia.

* In Case You Missed It In October From PA Environmental Council Now Available

The PA Environmental Council’s In Case You Missed It In October is now available featuring these articles--

* PennFuture: A Call For Climate Action Educational Forum Nov. 20, Harrisburg

PennFuture and the Climate Reality Project will host an education forum on November 20 in Harrisburg for central Pennsylvanians who want to learn about steps they can take to reduce climate impacts on their communities.

* Shippensburg Center For Land Use & Sustainability: Climate Change Impacts On Forestry & Wildlife Nov. 13

Shippensburg University's Center for Land Use and Sustainability will host a Climate Change Impacts On Forestry and Wildlife Program on November 13 featuring a presentation by Benjamin Jones, the new President and CEO of the Ruffed Grouse Society & American Woodcock Society.

* Western PA Conservancy Acquires 390 More Acres To Expand West Branch French Creek Conservation Area In Erie County

On November 4, the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy announced the permanent protection of 390 acres in Erie County that have been added to the Conservancy’s West Branch French Creek Conservation Area, expanding the natural area to nearly 1,000 acres.

* 265 Acres Protected By Western PA Conservancy Near Bald Eagle State Forest In Centre County

On November 6, the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy announced the protection of 265 acres of forests and steep mountain ridgeline in Haines Township, Centre County.

* Natural Lands Now Accepting Applications For Force Of Nature Volunteer Program

The Natural Lands’ Force of Nature volunteer program is now accepting applications for its Class of 2020.  The deadline for applications is November 15.

* PA Land Trust Assn. Conservation Tools Website Adds Updated Liability Forms For Local Groups

The website by the PA Land Trust Association has added new resources to help local land trusts deal with liability issues.

* Nov. 8 Take Five Fridays With Pam, PA Parks & Forests Foundation

The November 8 Take Five Fridays With Pam is now available from the PA Parks & Forests Foundation featuring articles on--

* Fish & Boat Commission Now Accepting Applications For Boating Facility Grants

On November 4, the Fish and Boat Commission announced it is now accepting applications for Boating Facility Program Grants.  The deadline for applications is December 31.

* PPL Foundation Awards Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Grant For Head Start Program

Thanks to a $25,000 major grant from the PPL Foundation, Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Berks County is sharing outdoor education programming with more than 600 pre-school-aged children.

* Environment & Energy NewsClips

Here are NewsClips from around the state on all environmental topics, including General Environment, Budget, Marcellus Shale, Watershed Protection and much more.

* Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events

This section lists House and Senate Committee meetings, DEP and other public hearings and meetings and other interesting environmental events.

* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs.  NEW means new from last week.

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

Here are highlights of actions taken by agencies on environmental regulations, technical guidance and permits.

* CLICK HERE To View Or Print Entire PA Environment Digest

CLICK HERE to View or Print the 78 page PA Environment Digest.

* Stories Invited - About PA Environment Digest

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Sponsor Keystone Coldwater Conference Feb. 28-29 In State College

The PA Environment Digest is a proud sponsor of the 2020 Keystone Coldwater Conference February 28-29 in State College.  Click Here if you are interested in being a sponsor too.  Registration opening soon.

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

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