Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
Crisci Associates, Nov. 20, 2017 Issue #699
* Senate Passes Bill To Designate Hellbenders As PA’s State Amphibian And Symbol Of The Importance Of Clean Water

The Senate Wednesday overwhelmingly passed Senate Bill 658 (Yaw-R-Lycoming) 47 to 2 to designate the Eastern hellbender as Pennsylvania’s official state amphibian as a symbol of the importance of clean water in the Commonwealth.

* DEP Citizens Advisory Council Gets Update On Recycling Grants, Budget, Deep Mine Impacts, Ecological Offsets

DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell told the Citizens Advisory Council Tuesday grants to fund local recycling programs can now move forward thanks to reauthorization of the $2/ton Recycling Fee by the General Assembly in October.

* Nearly $1 Billion Budget Deficit Projected For Next Year, Legislature Has Surplus, Turzai Joins Race

It turns out it may have been a bit premature to think the revenue and borrowing package signed into law on October 30 would carry the state through 2018-- an election year-- without further revenue “enhancements.”

* Senate/House Bills Moving Last Week

The following bills of interest saw action last week in the House and Senate--

* Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule [Updated] /Gov’s Schedule

Here are the Senate and House Calendars for the next voting session day and Committees scheduling action on bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced--

* House Committee Held Hearing On Clean Transportation Infrastructure Bill

The House Transportation Committee Monday held a hearing on House Bill 1446 (M.Quinn-R- Montgomery) related to establishing a clean transportation infrastructure (sponsor summary).  The bill would:

* Electric Microgrids And Their Potential Benefits Topic Of House Hearing

The House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee Wednesday held a hearing on legislation-- House Bill 1412 (Barrar-R-Delaware)-- that proposes a regulatory framework to encourage energy storage and microgrids to improve electric grid resiliency during disaster emergencies and other circumstances.

* Senate Unanimously Approves Norman Kennard As PUC Commissioner

The Senate Tuesday voted to approve Norman Kennard from Dauphin County as a member of the Public Utility Commission.

* House Committee To Hold Hearing On Alternative Natural Gas, Electric Ratemaking Nov. 20

The House Consumer Affairs Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing November 20 on House Bill 1782 (Delozier-R-Cumberland) providing for alternative ratemaking for natural gas and electric distribution companies (sponsor summary).

* House Environmental Committee Meets Nov. 21 On Bill To Exempt Steel Slag From Waste Definition

The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee is scheduled to meet on November 21 to consider Senate Bill 497 (Vogel-R-Beaver) exempting steel slag from the definition of waste if it was not produced prior to January 1, 2007 or mixed with other waste (sponsor summary).

* $15.7 Million In Environmental Projects Funded By Act 13 Drilling Impact Fee

The Commonwealth Financing Authority Tuesday approved $15.7 million in environmental projects funded by the Act 13 drilling impact fee.  The approved funding included--

* Elk Creek Restoration In Centre County Highlights Precision Conservation Techniques

The Chesapeake Conservancy recently joined partners to install vegetation and structures to reduce nutrient and sediment runoff and improve water quality on a property on Elk Creek, a tributary of Penns Creek, in Centre County.

* Penn State AEC Teams Help Horse Farm Owners Meet Conservation Goals In Lancaster

Teams from Penn State Agriculture and Environment Center and its Chiques Creek partners help horse owners meet their conservation goals in Lancaster County.

* 70+ Attended Overcoming Barriers To Green Infrastructure Solutions Summit In October

Over 70 attended a Chesapeake Stormwater Summit on October 27 which highlighted Penn State research exploring the barriers to greater adoption of green infrastructure approaches to stormwater management, and discussed recommendations for overcoming them.

* Master Watershed Stewards Helping York County Meet Clean Water Goals

By Bill Ryan, Penn State Agriculture and Environment Center Intern

* Berks County Master Watershed Stewards Receive County Award

Penn State Extension’s Berks County Master Watershed Stewards have received the “Conservation Service Organization of the Year” award from the Berks County Conservation District.

* Volunteers Green The Lower Susquehanna This Fall, You Can Help!

From Lititz to Hershey, Greening the Lower Susquehanna volunteers planted hundreds of trees this fall to help improve water quality in priority watersheds in the Lower Susquehanna region.

* Wildlife For Everyone Hosts Visit To Tom Ridge & Julian Wetlands Restoration Project In Centre County

DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell and Northcentral Regional Director Marcus Kohl Friday visited the Tom Ridge and Julian Wetlands in Centre County to tour the site and discuss planned environmental recreation improvements with representatives from the Wildlife for Everyone Foundation.

* Reminder: Apply Now For DCNR Grants To Help Plant Trees Along Streams; And For Snowmobile/ATV Trails

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is still accepting applications for $1 million in PennVEST-funded grants to assist landowners with planting trees along streams in Pennsylvania to improve water quality.  Grants are also available for snowmobile/ATV trails.

* Accomplishments Of The PA Master Well Owner Network 2016-17

Penn State Extension’s Master Well Owner Network (MWON) now has 241 active volunteers in 55 counties across the state who spent 1,960 hours educating 4,309 private water supply owners in Pennsylvania.

* What Does The Delaware River Mean To You? Contest Gives Voice To River Experiences

The Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed will be accepting entries starting November 20 in the latest Delaware River Means Campaign-- this one Beauty.  The deadline for entries is January 20.

* DEP Invites Data To Help Evaluate Stream Classifications In Chester, Delaware Counties

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the November 18 PA Bulletin inviting individuals and groups to send in relevant water quality information to help evaluate the classification of streams in Chester and Delaware counties.

* 5th Grade Science Classes Get Hands-On Pond Education In Allegheny County

For the second year in a row, Susan Boser, an educator with Penn State Extension’s Water Team is working with the 5th grade science class at Winchester Thurston School in Allegheny County to teach them about local watersheds and ways to improve a pond habitat on the school campus.

* Watershed Winds Newsletter Now Available From Penn State Extension

The latest edition of the Watershed Winds newsletter is now available from Penn State Extension featuring articles on--

* November UpStream Newsletter Now Available From Stroud Water Research Center

The November edition of the UpStream newsletter is now available from the Stroud Water Research Center in Chester County featuring articles on--

* Penn State Ag & Environment Center Newsletter Now Available

The latest quarterly newsletter from the Penn State Agriculture and Environment Center is now available featuring articles on--

* Growing PA's Organic Farms Conference Dec. 12-13 In Harrisburg

Organic farmers from throughout the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast will have the opportunity to learn from internationally renowned organic and sustainable agriculture experts next month when the fourth annual Growing Pennsylvania’s Organic Farms Conference is held at the Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey December 12 - 13.

* PA Assn. For Sustainable Agriculture Future Of Farming Conference Feb. 7-10

The PA Association for Sustainable Agriculture will hold its 27th Annual Farming for the Future Conference February 7 to 10 at the Penn Stater Conference Center in State College, Centre County.

* DEP/Pittsburgh Water Authority Agreement Could Allow $1.8 Million Investment In Lead Line Replacement

Department of Environmental Protection and the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority Friday entered into a Consent Order and Agreement including a $2.4 million civil penalty assessment for violations related to lead level exceedances, partial lead service line replacements, and unauthorized changes to its water treatment.

* Susquehanna River Basin Commission Meets Dec. 8 On Access To Records Policy, Other Items

The Susquehanna River Basin Commission is scheduled to meet on December 8 on water withdrawal projects and to consider the Commission’s access to records [Right-To-Know] policy. (formal notice & agenda)

* Keep PA Beautiful Held Regional Waste And Recycling Roundtable In Meadville

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful hosted a regional Waste and Recycling Roundtable in Meadville, Crawford County for recycling coordinators, Keep America Beautiful Affiliates and other professionals on November 15-- America Recycles Day.

* Sustainable Pittsburgh Encourages Shopping At Sustainable Small Businesses Nov. 25

Small Business Saturday is November 25th, the Saturday after Thanksgiving. On that day and throughout this holiday season, Sustainable Pittsburgh invites you to Shop Small, AND Sustainable at your local sustainable small businesses!

* DEP Secretary Visits Nearly Complete Panda Hummel Natural Gas Power Plant In Snyder County

Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Patrick McDonnell and DEP Northcentral Regional Director Marcus Kohl Wednesday visited the construction site of the 1,124 MW Panda Hummel Station Power Project in Shamokin Dam, Snyder County to discuss the project with facility representatives and the media.

* CFA Approves Funding For Wyoming County Pipeline Project

Gov. Tom Wolf Tuesday announced the Commonwealth Financing Authority approved a new Pipeline Investment Program project in Wyoming County that will create up to 200 jobs and bring natural gas energy to more than 115 households, businesses, and other properties in Wyoming County.

* DEP Issues Water Quality Certification To Equitrans Pipeline Project In Allegheny, Beaver

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the November 18 PA Bulletin it has issued the final Section 401 Water Quality certification for the Equitrans, LP H-156 Pipeline Project in Allegheny and Beaver counties (PA Bulletin, page 7124).

* Gov. Wolf Holds Signing Ceremony For Solar Energy Credits Bill In Elizabethtown

Gov. Tom Wolf Monday joined state and local officials, and environmental advocates at Elizabethtown College to announce the expansion of the use of solar energy across the Commonwealth, while ensuring that the environmental and health benefits of solar energy are experienced in Pennsylvania.

* CFA OKs $1.1M Loan For 2 MW Solar Energy Array In Franklin County, Funding Applications Still Being Accepted

The Commonwealth Financing Authority Tuesday approved a $1.1 million loan for the installation of a 2.0-megawatt ground-mounted solar array at Mountain View Elementary School in the Tuscarora School District located in Mercersburg, Franklin County.

* DEP Secretary McDonnell Invests In Solar Energy For His Own Home, You Can Too

DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell recounts his decision to invest in solar energy for his own family’s home in this DEP Blog post--

* Philadelphia Invites Comments On Proposed Clean Energy, Low Carbon Vision For The City

The Philadelphia Office of Sustainability Tuesday released a draft Powering Our Future: A Clean Energy Vision for Philadelphia outlining strategies for reducing the city’s carbon footprint.

* Penn State Provides Hands-On Learning Experience At Philadelphia Navy Yard Energy Program

During the summer of 2017, 29 students representing six universities from across the country spent 13 weeks at Penn State at The Navy Yard in Philadelphia working to advance technologies in sustainable energy.

* Uniform Construction Code Review & Advisory Council Announces Meeting Schedule

The Department of Labor and Industry’s Uniform Construction Code Review and Advisory Council published notice in the November 18 PA Bulletin of its remaining meetings in 2017 and its 2018 meeting schedule.

* PJM Proposes Change To Electric Energy Price System To Help Baseload Power Plants Like Coal, Nuclear

The PJM Interconnection Wednesday released a proposal to ensure that its wholesale electricity market prices do the best possible job of reflecting the resources required to serve customers and of maintaining an optimal mix of resources in the long term.

* Officials Dedicate American Chestnut Tree Plantings At Anthracite Outdoor Adventure Area In Northumberland County

Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn Thursday joined officials of the Northumberland County Conservation District and Anthracite Outdoor Adventure Area in a dedication of American chestnut tree plantings in the AOAA’s conservation area.

* Bartram's Garden Receives Cultivating Healthy Communities Grant From Aetna Foundation

Bartram’s Garden in Philadelphia is one of just 25 organizations nationally that has been recognized by the Aetna Foundation’s Cultivating Healthy Communities program.

* State, Local Officials Tour Elizabethtown To Connect, Walkability, Quality Of Life, Health

State agency officials Friday joined local and Lancaster County officials on a one-mile walk in Elizabethtown to tour the borough’s efforts to improve community health by becoming more pedestrian and bicycle friendly.

* PA Horticultural Society, Penn State Extension Host 14 Tree Tender Training Webinars Starting In January

The PA Horticultural Society and Penn State Extension will host 14 webinar training sessions for tree tenders in January, February and March.  The webinars will be held--

* PEC: Public Meeting On Bensalem Greenway Ecological Assessment Study Nov. 29 In Philadelphia

The PA Environmental Council and its partners will hold a public meeting November 29 on the draft Bensalem Greenway Ecological Assessment and Prioritization Study at the Glen Foerd On The Delaware, Grant Avenue and Milnor Street in Philadelphia starting at 6:30 p.m.

* Nov. 15 Resource Newsletter Now Available From DCNR

The November 15 edition of the Resource newsletter is now available from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources featuring stories on--

* Fish & Boat Commission Accepting Comments On Proposed Wild Trout Streams, Wild Trout Waters

The Fish and Boat Commission published notices in the November 18 PA Bulletin on proposed additions and revisions to the Classification of Wild Trout Streams and proposed changes to the list of Class A Wild Trout Waters.

* Gov. Pinchot's Grey Towers Offers Holiday Programs, Decorated Mansion

Grey Towers National Historic Site, Milford, Pike County, will offer guided holiday tours of all three floors of the decorated mansion from December 4 through 20 at 1:00 and 3:00 p.m.

* Help Wanted: Western PA Conservancy Riparian Forestry Watershed Technician Harrisburg

The Western PA Conservancy, in conjunction with the DCNR Bureau of Forestry, is seeking an experienced and outgoing individual to assist with the advancement of riparian forest buffer implementation, restoration and maintenance in the Chesapeake Bay watershed in Pennsylvania.

* Help Wanted: Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA Senior Scientist

The Pennsylvania Office of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in Harrisburg is seeking qualified individuals for a Senior Scientist position.  Applications are due November 30.  Click Here for all the details.

* Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events

This section lists House and Senate Committee meetings, DEP and other public hearings and meetings and other interesting environmental events.

* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs.  NEW means new from last week.

* Environmental NewsClips - All Topics

Here are NewsClips from around the state on all environmental topics, including General Environment, Budget, Marcellus Shale, Watershed Protection and much more.

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

The Environmental Quality Board published final regulations making changes to a whole series of stream water quality standards and classifications in each of the river basins across the state.  Click Here for additional details under the June 2017 meeting of the EQB.

* CLICK HERE To View Or Print Entire PA Environment Digest

CLICK HERE to Print The Entire PA Environment Digest.  This Digest is 70 pages long.

* Stories Invited

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* 2018 Keystone Coldwater Conference Feb. 23-24 - Sponsorships Available

2018 Keystone Coldwater Conference February 23-24 in State College.  Join PA Environment Digest in sponsoring this worthwhile Conference.

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

Previous PA Environment Digests