Volunteers Turn Out All Over Pennsylvania to Make A Difference
Take a minute to look through the unusually large number of NewClips in this week's Digest to see how volunteers of all ages turned out for the Great PA Cleanup!, Earth Day activities and Envirothon events all across Pennsylvania.
On the Agenda in the Senate, House
The Senate and House return to session this week, here's what's on the agenda.
Environmental Synopsis, Next Environmental Issues Forum May 9
The Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee published the April edition of its Environmental Synopsis this week highlighting the Great PA Cleanup! and efforts to cleanup State Parks and Forests, micro fuel cells, Canadian energy efficiency, electronic waste and a review of recent Committee activities.
Special Section: Growing Greener Bond Question on May 17 Ballot
On election day May 17, voters will be asked to vote on the Growing Greener Bond Issue question on the ballot. To promote discussion of this issue, PA Environment Digest will set aside this special area for the next three weeks to highlight comments on the issue by a variety of groups.
On May 17 Voters Will Decide On Environmental Funding, By Rep. Art Hershey (R-Chester)
When residents go to the polls on May 17 for the Municipal Primary Election, they will be faced with deciding on a ballot question that will impact Pennsylvania's environmental future.
The Rivers Can't Vote, But You Can!, By Chesapeake Bay Foundation
The General Assembly has passed legislation that will put a question on the May 17 primary ballot asking Pennsylvanians to authorize a state bond to be used to fund environmental restoration and conservation projects.
Birds and Wildlife Can't Vote, But You Can, By Timothy D. Schaeffer, Ph.D,. Executive Director, Audubon Pennsylvania
Each May, Pennsylvania hosts the greatest number of bird species that pass through the Commonwealth all year. This awe-inspiring annual event of bird migration from Central and South America through Pennsylvania reminds us of the global significance of Pennsylvania's habitat. With its numerous mountain ridges, wetlands, and grasslands, millions of birds find temporary habitat within the borders of the Commonwealth.
Answers to Your Questions on Growing Greener Bond, Spread the Word Toolkit
The Pennsylvania Environmental Council has created an online Voters' Guide to May 17 Growing Greener Bond Issue to help answer questions about the bond issue. The site features a "Spread-the-Word" toolkit with emails, letters, flyers and articles individuals and groups can use to let others know the bond issue is on the ballot.
Finalists Announced for Western PA Environmental Awards
The Pennsylvania Environmental Council announced the finalists this week for the Western Pennsylvania Environmental Awards Program and the awards dinner which will be held on May 26 in Pittsburgh.
Cove Area Digester Project Receives State Planning Funds
The Cove Area Digester Project in Bedford and Blair counties received a $99,500 planning grant for the preparation of a business plan from the Commonwealth Financing Authority.
Healthy Lawn Care, Landscaping Education Campaign Launched
Region 3, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, launched its new "Healthy Yards, Healthy Lawns, Healthy Environment" (H3) lawn care campaign at Temple University's yearly "EarthFest 2005" to raise awareness of the issue and provide information and resources to educate the public.
Erie-Allegheny Earth Force Holds Annual Youth Summit
The Lake Erie-Allegheny Earth Force will hold its annual Youth Summit on May 4 at Presque Isle State Park in Erie.
2005 Pennsylvania Envirothon Coming up May 23-24
The 22nd Pennsylvania State Envirothon will take place at the Bloomsburg University, Columbia County, on May 23 and PPL Montour Preserve, Montour County, May 24.
Reminder: Water Works, Riverfront Communities Conferences Coming Up
Just a reminder that two important water conferences are coming up: May 3-5 PA- American Water Works Association Annual Conference in Hershey and the June 8-10 Susquehanna Riverfront Communities Symposium in Harrisburg (deadline for registration May 6).
Extension Sponsors Pond Management Workshop May 21
The Penn State Extension Service is sponsoring a Pond Management Workshop for May 21 in Mifflinburg. Registration deadline is May 13.
10 Final TMDLs Published for Watersheds in 10 Counties
The Department of Environmental Protection and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published 10 final Total Maximum Daily Load plans for watersheds in ten counties. They include:
$5 Million in Grants Available to Fund Truck Idling Reduction Projects
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is making available $5 million dollars in grants to states, nonprofits and academic institutions to demonstrate innovative idle reduction technologies for the trucking industry. Idle reduction conserves fuel and prevents air pollution.
DCNR Opens Conservation Partnership Grant Application Period
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources announced it will accept applications for its Conservation Partnership Grant Program through September 30.
EPA Adds 2, Proposes 1 New Site to Federal Superfund List in PA
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finalized the addition of two sites and proposed one new site to the federal Superfund list in Pennsylvania.
Green Technology: Microbial Fuel Cell Research at Penn State
Using a new electrically-assisted microbial fuel cell (MFC) that does not require oxygen, Penn State environmental engineers and a scientist at Ion Power Inc. have developed the first process that enables bacteria to coax four times as much hydrogen directly out of biomass than can be generated typically by fermentation alone.
Pittsburgh Falcon Eggs Hatch, HBG Falcon Banding Event Set for May 26
The pair of Peregrine Falcons nesting at the Gulf Tower nest in Pittsburgh are now the proud parents of three little ones. Their eggs hatched right on schedule on April 21 and 22.
Holtwood Environmental Preserve to Host ‘Return of the Bald Eagle’
Little more than two decades ago, the bald eagle had virtually disappeared from the Pennsylvania landscape. Pesticides, development and persecution had all but wiped out one of the nation’s most revered symbols of strength and freedom. Just two nesting pairs were known in the state. The outlook was bleak.
10 Year Anniversaries for Land Recycling, DEP Website
In May two significant programs in the Department of Environmental Protection celebrate their 10th anniversary—the Land Recycling Program and DEP’s website.
Discover Appalachia Interactive Map by National Geographic Highlights PA
National Geographic, state tourism officials and representatives of several regional agencies unveiled a new "Geotourism Map Guide to Appalachia" this week at the "Assets to Opportunities" Conference in Altoona.
Taking Positive Action: Funding Directed to Small Business Energy Efficiency, P2 Equipment Grants
The Department of Environmental Protection this week announced it was retargeting funding to help finance equipment purchases and process changes that reduce energy consumption and prevent pollution by small businesses, rather than funding more site assessments.
Energy Efficiency, P2 Assessment Grants Available Only Thru June 30
There is still time for small business owners to take advantage of $500,000 in site assessment grants from the Department of Environmental Protection, but the program closes on June 30.
Feature: Habitat Solutions, Inc. Restoring Native Plants, Wetlands & Streams
When Mike Mooney founded Habitat Solutions, Inc. he worked on lots of restoration projects, but didn’t have a lot of experience running his own business.
Community Water Systems and the EPA: Providing Safe, Clean Drinking Water, by Jon Capacasa, Region 3, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Our nation’s public water systems provide us with one of the safest supplies of drinking water in the world. This year marks an important milestone for public health protection in America: the 30th Anniversary of the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Watershed NewsClips
A sampling of NewsClips from around the state on watershed issues.
The Environmental Quality Board and the Coal and Clay Mine Subsidence Insurance Board published notices this week on several of their actions.
Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of changes to four guidance documents this week relating to names and addresses, municipal codes, storage tanks and community water systems. DEP also published notice of final general air quality permits for nonroad engines and two relating to diesel-fired engines.
Quick Clips
Solar Panels Offset Town’s Electric Bill
Calendar of Upcoming Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
Contributions Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - DHess@crisciassociates.com or go to www.PaEnvironmentDigest.com .