Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
March 14, 2005
PDF Version - PA Environment Digest 3/14/05
* Find a Workshop, Conference of Your Choice
If you can’t find a workshop, conference, training session or free seminar to go to in this issue of the Digest, you aren’t trying very hard!
* Senate Committee Sets Hearing on Environmental Hearing Board Nominee
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee scheduled a public hearing on the re-appointment of Bernard A. Labuskes, Jr. to the Environmental Hearing Board for March 15.
* Joint Conservation Committee Forum Features Energy Institute
The Joint Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee will hold another in its series of Environmental Issues Forums on March 14. The topic will be a presentation from Dr. Harold Schobert, Director of The Energy Institute of Penn State on the Institute’s project to turn coal into jet fuel and related projects on the use of coal by-products.
* Bruce Mansfield Power Plant to Upgrade Pollution Controls, Reuse Facilities
Sen. LaValle (D-Beaver) and Representatives Biancucci (D-Beaver) and Veon (D-Beaver) announced this week the Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority approved the financing of a $20 million bond to help fund the installation and expansion of pollution control systems at the Bruce Mansfield power plant in Shippingport, Beaver County.
* DEP Publishes Revised NOx Allocations for 2008-2012, Set Asides for 2005
The Department of Environmental Protection published two important notices this week related to its credit trading program for controlling nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from major sources.
* New Rule Announced to Reduce Interstate Air Pollution
Acting U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Steve Johnson this week signed the final Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) that will reduce air pollutions that moves across state boundaries in 28 eastern states, including Pennsylvania and its neighbors.
* Regional Electric Clearinghouse PJM Issues Report on Market Competition
The wholesale electricity markets operated by PJM Interconnection produced competitive results in 2004, according to the 2004 State of the Market Report released this week by the independent Market Monitoring Unit (MMU) of PJM.
* Less Than 30 Days Remain to Sign Up for Great PA Cleanup!
The PA Soft Drink Association is supporting the Great PA Cleanup! again this year and is encouraging groups to sign up before the April 15 deadline to help Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful.
* Forest Lands Beautification Program Yields 'Fab Five' Former Dump Sites
Turning its focus this year from a "Dirty Dozen" to a "Fab Five," the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources selected five former dumpsites in its state forests that demonstrate the success of the Forest Lands Beautification Program over the last five years.
* Local Governments Looking to Mentor Other Communities in Chesapeake Bay
With more than 1,650 local governments in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, cities, counties, towns and boroughs play a large role in protecting and restoring the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers.
* Want to Give Out $8 Million? EPA Seeks Partner Watershed Grants Program
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Chesapeake Bay Program is looking to team up with an organization to help award and administer nearly $8 million in targeted watershed grants to reduce non-point source nutrient pollution in the bay watershed.
* New Round of Wildlife Grants Offered by Fish & Boat Commission
The Fish and Boat Commission this week announced nearly $2 million in federal monies will be available soon for high-priority conservation projects for endangered, threatened and at-risk species across Pennsylvania through the State Wildlife Grants Program.
* Achor, Wenger Feeds, Chairs Businesses for the Bay
Bill Achor Becomes Chairperson of Businesses for the Bay
* Tank Committee Recommends Working to Avoid Fee Increases
DEP’s Storage Tank Advisory Committee this week unanimously agreed to send a letter to DEP Secretary Kathleen McGinty offering to work with her to find ways of avoiding significant increases in storage tank registration fees. (See 12/10/04 PaED)
* Three Companies Add Facilities to Environmental Performance Track in PA
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week announced 54 facilities from 25 states and Puerto Rico became new members in the National Environmental Performance Track Program, including three companies with facilities in Pennsylvania.
* Small Business Green Technology Grants Awarded, Next Round Due May 25
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this week awarded more than $2.6 million to 34 small companies under its Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program.
* DOE Now Offering Energy Savings Assessment, Technology Grants
The federal Department of Energy is offering two funding opportunities, one for larger companies interesting in assessing ways they can save energy and a second program for glass manufacturers to improve their environmental performance.
* Two PA Companies Recognized for Energy Efficiency, Greenhouse Gas Reductions
Gorell Enterprises Inc. of Indiana, PA and Giant Eagle, Inc. of Pittsburgh were among 50 businesses and organizations to win EPA and U.S. Department of Energy recognition for outstanding contributions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency.
* EPA to Develop Guidance on Diesel Idling, Upper Darby Addresses Issue
In an effort to create consistent laws across the country, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will host the first state/industry workshops to develop a model state or local idling law for heavy-duty trucks and buses.
* Special One Day Program on the Rewards of Energy Management, AAI Rule
On March 15 the Pennsylvania Chemical Industry Council, URS Corporation and Post & Schell are sponsoring a free seminar on implementing EPA’s new All Appropriate Inquiry Rule in connection with environmental assessments and the financial rewards of energy management.
* PA Bar Association Environmental Law Forum Set for April 6 & 7
The Pennsylvania Bar Association will hold its annual Environmental Law Forum in Harrisburg on April 6 and 7, marking the 10th anniversary of this special program.
* PA Chamber Spring Environmental Conference April 19 & 20
The Pennsylvania Chamber's 2005 Annual Environmental Laws and Regulations Conference and Trade Show will be held in Harrisburg on April 19 and 20 at the Radisson Penn Harris and Convention Center
* Greening Residential Developments Breakfast Program March 23
The Green Building Alliance in Pittsburgh is sponsoring a breakfast program on Greening Residential Developments on March 23 at the Engineers Society of Western Pennsylvania.
* Symposium Set on Susquehanna Riverfront Communities for June 8-10
The Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) has opened registration for the Riverfront Communities: A Susquehanna Symposium to be held June 8-10 in Harrisburg.
* Environmental Education Newsletter Available in Expanded Format
The Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education this week published its new, expanded newsletter EE Connections to keep the environmental education community informed of new opportunities and resources.
* 2004 Youth Hunter Essay Contest Winners Honored
Sara L. Morneweck and Meredith A. Odato are headed for summer school and unlike most youngsters facing that task, they just can't wait to get started.
* Help Wanted: Pennsylvania Game Commission Recruits 27th WCO Class
Pennsylvania Game Commission this week announced it is recruiting applicants for its 27th class of Wildlife Conservation Officer trainees.
* DEP Seeks Engineering Services for Small Drinking Water Systems Program
The Department of Environmental Protection is seeking proposals from consulting engineers interested in providing various engineering services to small drinking water systems across the state on an as-needed basis. Engineering services will include assistance with water treatment and compliance related issues and concerns.
* Watershed Feature: Trout Egg Planting Completes McIlvaine Run Restoration
By Shelby E. Chunko, Project Manager, LandStudies, Inc.
* Opinion: DEP Land Recycling Changes Will Spawn Litigation, Not Help Preserve Farmland
By Terry R. Bossert, Post & Schell
* Quick Clips
A sampling of NewsClips from around the state on a variety of issues
* Watershed NewsClips
NewsClips from around Pennsylvania on watershed issues
* Regulations
The Independent Regulatory Review Commission took action to deny an Environmental Quality Board final regulation on explosives. The Environmental Quality Board publishes a final regulation on incidential removal of coal.
* Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of changes to technical guidance related to surface coal mine bonding, deep mine safety enforcement and land maintenance guarantees for coal mine sites.
* Calendar of Events
Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other calendars
* Contributions Invited
Send your stories about environmental issues, programs and positive actions to PA Environment Digest - or go to .

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