Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
Crisci Associates, Feb. 1, 2016 Issue #605
* EQB Will Vote Feb. 3 On Whether To Update DEP’s Drilling Regulations

The PA Environmental Council has been active over the last 6 years seeking to toughen Pennsylvania’s laws and regulations on the oil and natural gas drilling industry.  With DEP’s Chapter 78 (conventional) and 78A (unconventional) regulations coming up for a critical vote February 3, PEC posted this statement on its blog marking this important milestone--

* Gov. Wolf: $28M DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Grants For 176 Projects

Standing near the site of a future trail linking the nationally acclaimed Great Allegheny Passage with the Borough of Homestead, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn Thursday announced an investment of $28 million for 176 projects across Pennsylvania that will create new recreational opportunities, conserve natural resources and help revitalize local communities.

* DEP Releases Climate Change Action Plan Update For Public Comment

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the January 30 PA Bulletin saying the next update to the Pennsylvania Climate Change Action Plan is now available for public review.  Comments are due March 30.

* Drilling Impact Fees Drop By $5,000 Per Well In 2015, Revenue Loss Could Be $34 Million

The Public Utility Commission published notice in the January 30 PA Bulletin that 2015 Act 13 drilling impact fees will drop by $5,000 per horizontal well, except for wells 3 years old.

* Independent Fiscal Office: Oil & Gas Lease Fund Revenues To Drop Nearly 40 Percent

The Independent Fiscal Office released its economic outlook and state revenue forecast on Wednesday adding more bad news to the state’s budget situation.  State revenues under the current structure will increase only 3.3 percent a year from FY 2015-16 to FY 2020-21, while expenditures will increase by 4.5 percent annually.

* Short Week In Harrisburg, But Still Long-Running Issues Dominated-- Budget, Kane

The snow might have shorted the legislative week in Harrisburg, but the state’s longest running dramas-- the budget impasse and what to do with indicted Attorney General Kathleen Kane-- still generated lots of heat.

* PA Environment Digest Google+ Circle, Blogs, Twitter Feeds

PA Environment Digest now has a Google+ Circle called Green Works In PA.  Let us join your Circle.

* Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Gov’s Schedule/ Bills Introduced

Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced--

* Bills On Governor's Desk

The following bills were given final approval by the Senate and House and are now on the Governor's desk for action--

* Senate/House Bills Moving

The following bills of interest saw action this week in the House and Senate--

* New Polls: Wolf Just As Popular As Corbett; Kane, Sestak, Clinton, Trump Leading

A new Franklin & Marshall Poll released Thursday found Gov. Wolf is just as popular as Gov. Corbett was-- 33 percent to 31 percent; Kane is leading the Democratic contest for Attorney General; Joe Sestak is leading the Democratic race for the state’s U.S. Senate seat; and Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are leading in the presidential race.

* PA Farm Bureau Urges Farmers To Fill Out Chesapeake Bay Conservation Survey

The PA Farm Bureau is urging farmers in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed to fill out a new survey that measures conservation practices implemented by farmers to improve water quality. 

* Jan. 26 Chesapeake Bay Journal News Now Available

The January 26 edition of Chesapeake Bay Journal News is now available featuring articles on--

* Op-Ed: York County Has Taken The Initiative To Address Clean Water Issues

By Harry Campbell, Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA

* Capital RC&D Video Series Life In The Soil On Farm Conservation Now Available

Agricultural producers have access to many on-farm and laboratory tests to understand the fertility, condition and even biological activity rates within their soil. Yet it is still difficult to envision the microscopic life that makes agricultural production possible.

* Open Space Institute Now Accepting Applications For Delaware Watershed Capital Grants

The Open Space Institute is now accepting applications for Capital Grants from the Delaware River Watershed Protection Fund. Applications are due March 18.

* Partnership For Delaware Estuary Looking For Mussel Volunteers

The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary needs your help locating streams with mussels, as well as those with no mussels at all.

* 4,200 Gallons Of Heating Oil Released To Land, Schuylkill River In Philadelphia

The Department of Environmental Protection Monday responded to the release of an estimated 4,200 gallons of heating oil located at 2400 Market Street in Philadelphia. DEP Emergency Response is on location to assess the situation and assist in mitigation of impact.

* DEP Awards Contract To Wayne County Company For Flood Control Project In Duryea

The Department of Environmental Protection Tuesday awarded Leeward Construction, Inc. of Honesdale a $1.5-million contract for a flood control project along a portion of the Lackawanna River in the borough of Duryea, Luzerne County.

* Delaware River Basin Commission Holds Feb. 10 Hearing, March 16 Business Meeting

The Delaware River Basin Commission will hold a hearing on February 10 and a business meeting on March 16 at Washington Crossing Historic Park Visitor Center, 1112 River Road, Washington Crossing, PA. (formal notice & agenda)

* Keep PA Beautiful: 590,500 Volunteers Removed 7.5 Million Pounds Of Trash In 2015

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, its local affiliates and partners, held cleanup events in 2015 resulting in removing over 7.5 million pounds of trash, 1.9 million pounds of electronics waste, over 53,000 tires and involved over 590,500 volunteers.

* 2016 Great American Cleanup Of PA Video Contest Now Accepting Entries

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, the PA Waste Industries Association, and the Department of Environmental Protection are again sponsoring the 2016 Great American Cleanup of PA Video Contest.  The deadline for entries is June 3.

* Computer Recycling, Asset Management Conference Feb. 19 Greensburg

On February 19 at 1:00 p.m., Commonwealth Computer Recycling will hold Western Pennsylvania’s first e-waste and asset management conference focused on the education sector. Held at the firm’s corporate headquarters in Greensburg, Westmoreland County.

* Vogel Waste Pays $682,500 Penalty, To Improve Facilities In Butler, Mercer Counties

The Department of Environmental Protection Tuesday said it reached agreements with five subsidiaries of Mars, Pennsylvania based Vogel Holdings, Inc. to resolve civil penalties and a permit appeal. 

* Energy-Efficient PECO Customers Saved $500 Million With PECO Smart Energy Ideas

PECO customers have saved more than half a billion dollars in energy, incentives and rebates with PECO Smart Ideas. Based on total energy savings, PECO Smart Ideas is the most successful suite of utility run energy efficiency programs in Pennsylvania.

* PUC Approves Actions To Accelerate PGW’s At-Risk Natural Gas Pipeline Replacement

The Public Utility Commission Thursday approved several actions to allow for faster replacement of Philadelphia Gas Works’ (PGW’s) at-risk pipelines.  The Commission voted 5-0 to:

* PennDOT Issues Driver Hours Exemption To Facilitate Heating Oil, Propane Deliveries

The Department of Transportation late Monday issued a driver hours of service exemption to facilitate the delivery of heating oil and propane affected by the recent winter storm. 

* Penn State: Odds Overwhelming Record Heat Due To Climate Change

Record-setting temperatures over the past century and a half are extremely unlikely to have occurred without human-caused climate change, but the odds of that happening are not quite as low as previously reported, according to an international team of meteorologists.

* DEP: Sunday Air Quality Action Day For 8 Eastern PA Counties

The Department of Environmental Protection and its regional air quality partnerships have forecast an Air Quality Action Day for Sunday January 31 in 8 Eastern PA counties: Berks, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Northampton and York Counties. Visit Here for all the details.

* PennFuture Files Intent To Sue DEP, EPA, U.S. Steel Over Clairton Coke Works

PennFuture Thursday filed a notice of its intent to file a citizen suit against U.S. Steel, the Allegheny County Health Department, Department of Environmental Protection, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency over continuing air pollution violations at the Clairton Coke Works.

* Video: DEP’s Quigley Speaks To Employees About 2015 Agency Accomplishments

DEP Secretary John Quigley Wednesday released a video report to employees of DEP summarizing the agency’s 2015 accomplishments.  Click Here to watch the video.  Click Here for a copy of DEP’s 2015 Accomplishments Report.

* POWR Now Accepting Applications For 2016 Sojourn Grants

The PA Organization for Watersheds and Rivers Friday announced it is now accepting applications for 2016 Pennsylvania River Sojourns Grants. Applications are due February 26.

* Environmental Education Capacity Meeting During PAEE Conference March 16

Part of the 2016 PA Association of Environmental Educators Conference March 14 - 16 will include an EE (Environmental Education) Capacity Workshop designed to promote diversity in educators (both formal and non-formal) and audiences to broaden environmental education opportunities in Pennsylvania.

* January EE Resources Newsletter Now Available From PA Environmental Educators

The January edition of the EE Resources newsletter is now available from the PA Association of Environmental Educators featuring articles on--

* Wildlands Conservancy Highlights February Education Programs In Lehigh County

The Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus, Lehigh County highlighted its lineup of educational programs for individuals of all ages in February at its Pool Wildlife Sanctuary and other locations.  Click Here for all the details.

* DCNR Officials Attend Groundbreaking At Laurel Mountain Ski Resort, Westmoreland

Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn Tuesday joined Seven Springs Mountain Resort Chairman Robert Nutting and Bureau of State Parks officials in a celebratory groundbreaking marking progress on major renovations under way at Laurel Mountain Ski Resort, Laurel Mountain State Park, near Ligonier, Westmoreland County.

* Get Outdoors Poconos: Feb. 27 Zimmer Wildlife Sanctuary Hike Monroe County

The Brodhead Creek Watershed Association is hosting another in its series of Get Outdoors Poconos hikes on February 27 at the Zimmer Wildlife Sanctuary in Barrett Township, Monroe County.

* Susquehanna Greenway Partnership January eConnections Newsletter Now Available

The January edition of the eConnections newsletter form the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership is now available featuring articles on--

* Mid-Atlantic Panel On Aquatic Invasive Species Requesting Grant Proposals

The Mid-Atlantic Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species (MAP) is offering a limited Grants Competition to encourage interested groups and individuals to submit proposals for possible funding.  Submissions are due March 25.

* Jan/Feb Currents Newsletter From Fish & Boat Commission Now Available

The January/February Currents newsletter from the Fish and Boat Commission is now available featuring stories on--

* Game Commission: Cameras To Help Protect Hibernating Bats From Intrusions At Caves

The Williams Pipeline Company recently donated $2,400 to the Game Commission to be used for camera-aided enforcement to protect bat caves from intrusions. The funds will go toward adding six new cameras in two new sites.

* Chesapeake Bay Foundation Board Elects Harry T. Lester Chairman

Chesapeake Bay Foundation President William C. Baker announced Tuesday CBF’s Board of Trustees has elected Harry T. Lester as its new Chairman. Mr. Lester, from Virginia Beach, Virginia, is President of the Slover Library Foundation and the retired President of Eastern Virginia Medical School.

* Help Wanted: Delaware Watershed Citizen Science Coordinator, Stroud

The Stroud Water Research Center in Chester County is searching for an individual to help coordinate a two-year, multi-disciplinary effort to engage the public in watershed/stream restoration and preservation science.

* Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events

This section lists House and Senate Committee meetings, DEP and other public hearings and meetings and other interesting environmental events.

* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs.  NEW means new from last week.

* Environmental NewsClips - All Topics

Here are NewsClips from around the state on all environmental topics, including General Environment, Budget, Marcellus Shale, Watershed Protection and much more--

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

No new regulations were published this week.  Pennsylvania Bulletin - January 30, 2016

* CLICK HERE To Print Entire PA Environment Digest

CLICK HERE to Print The Entire PA Environment Digest.

* Stories Invited

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout UnlimitedSponsor: 2016 Keystone Coldwater Conference, State College, Feb. 26-27.

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