Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
Crisci Associates, Dec. 7, 2015 Issue #597
* UPDATED: Senate Moves Agreed-To Budget, Pension Reform Bills, Fate Uncertain In House

(Dec. 7 6:30 a.m.)-- By a vote of 25 to 1, the Senate Appropriations Committee amended Senate Bill 1073 (Browne-R-Lehigh) with the agreed-to General Fund budget framework and reported the bill to the full Senate late Sunday evening. A final vote will take place as early as Tuesday.  

* DEP Extends Comment Period On Draft Pipeline Infrastructure Task Force Report

The Department of Environmental Protection Wednesday announced it has extended the public comment period on the 184 recommendations in the draft Pipeline Infrastructure Task Force Report by 2 weeks to December 29.

* Feature: Alexandra Cousteau: Freshwater Issues The Greatest Crisis Of Our Time

On November 19, Stroud Water Research Center in Chester County, conferred the Stroud Award for Freshwater Excellence to Alexandra Cousteau during its annual Water’s Edge gala presented by Wilmington Trust at Longwood Gardens.

* PA Environment Digest Google+ Circle, Blogs, Twitter Feeds

PA Environment Digest now has a Google+ Circle called Green Works In PA.  Let us join your Circle.

* UPDATED: Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Gov’s Schedule/Bills Introduced

Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced--

* Senate/House Bills Moving

The following bills of interest saw action this week in the House and Senate--

* Senate Environmental Committee Sets Hearing On Sewage Facilities Act Dec. 8

The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee will hold a hearing on the Sewage Facilities Act (Act 537) on December 8 in Room 8E-B East Wing Capitol Building in Harrisburg starting at 9:30.

* CBF-PA Action Alert: Lower Susquehanna Needs To Be Listed As Impaired

From the Desk Of: Harry Campbell, PA Director Chesapeake Bay Foundation

* Carol Parenzan Named Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper For North, West Branches

The North and West Branches of the Susquehanna River have a new set of eyes watching it. The Waterkeeper Alliance Board of Directors has approved Carol Parenzan as the Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper.

* CBF-PA Urges Passage Of House Bill 1737 - Safe Destruction Of Prescription Drugs

Rep. John Maher (R-Allegheny), Majority Chair of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, is showing his support for clean water in Pennsylvania with the introduction of House Bill 1737 which would allow operators of some waste-to-energy plants in the Commonwealth to run programs offering free and safe disposal of pharmaceuticals, thereby preventing the contamination of surface and drinking waters.

* DEP Invites Data For Streams In Adams, Centre, Clinton, Lycoming and Union Counties

The Department of Environmental Protection published an invitation to submit water quality, instream habitat or biological technical data to be used as part of the process for re-evaluating certain stream classifications in Adams, Centre, Clinton, Lycoming and Union counties in the December 5 PA Bulletin.

* Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition 20th Anniversary Celebration

One day just wasn’t adequate to mark the 20-year anniversary of the Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition (in Butler County).  A celebration was held October 9-10 to highlight the remarkable work by the many dedicated individuals who have worked to address water quality issues impacting Slippery Rock Creek and its tributaries.

* LandStudies Presented Regional Approach To Flood Reduction In Lancaster Dec. 4

Municipal officials, developers and community stakeholders can learn about cost-effective solutions for flooding, stormwater compliance, pollutant removal, TMDL and MS4 issues in a presentation by Mark Gutshall from LandStudies in Lancaster December 4.

* Winslow Township Mine Reclamation Project Moving Forward In Jefferson County

The Department of Environmental Protection Tuesday announced it has selected P & N Coal Company, Inc. of Punxsutawney for a mine reclamation project in Winslow Township, Jefferson County.

* Only 1 Week Left To Vote For 2016 PA River Of The Year!

December 14 is the deadline for casting your vote for the 2016 PA River of the Year. Nominated rivers include the Kiski-Conemaugh River, Lackawanna River, Lehigh River, Ohio River and the Susquehanna River - North Branch.

* Nominations For Bayer CropScience Young Farmer Sustainability Award Due Jan. 15

Bayer CropScience is seeking young agricultural producers that demonstrate leadership and excellence in the areas of business and environmental sustainability through the 2016 Young Farmer Sustainability Award.

* Penn State Extension Rain To Drain Stormwater Curriculum Now Available

Rain to Drain - Slow the Flow is a hands-on stormwater education curriculum available from Penn State Extension and Pennsylvania 4-H.

* November Catalyst Newsletter Now Available From Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition

The November issue of The Catalyst newsletter is now available from the Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition in Butler County featuring articles on--

* December UpStream Newsletter Now Available From Stroud Water Research Center

The December issue of UpStream newsletter from the Stroud Water Research Center is now available featuring on--

* PA: Not That Far To Go To Meet EPA Clean Power Climate Plan Emission Limits

With the United Nations Climate Conference beginning in Paris this week, it might be a good time to review where Pennsylvania is in reducing climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions and how much more the state has to do to meet the EPA Clean Power Climate Plan.  Just consider--

* Report: PA Better Prepared For Climate-Driven Threats Than Most States reported Tuesday on a report showing Pennsylvania was among 5 states given an “A” grade on how prepared it is to meet climate-driven, weather-related threats.

* Philadelphia Releases First Climate Adaptation Report

The City of Philadelphia Tuesday released its first climate adaptation report, Growing Stronger: Toward a Climate-Ready Philadelphia.

* Academy Of Natural Sciences’ Carol Collier On Beginning Of The UN Climate Conference

Carol Collier, Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University’s Senior Watershed Policy Advisor and a Board Member of The Nature Conservancy in Pennsylvania, is attending the United Nations Climate Conference in Paris.

* Report: Another 3,048 MW Of Wind Power Could Be Built In PA, Offshore In Erie

Carbon pollution equal to that produced by as many as 309,464 cars could be eliminated by 2020 with a moderate growth in wind power in the state, a new report from PennEnvironment Research & Policy Center said Thursday.

* PUC Video: Do-It-Yourself Home Energy Audits, Tips On Saving Energy

The Public Utility Commission Tuesday released an educational video on home energy audits, offering tips for consumers to detect and correct issues in their home to save both energy and money this winter.

* Pittsburgh Green Workplace Challenge Highest Scoring Organizations Recognized

Sustainable Pittsburgh’s Green Workplace Challenge this week recognized the highest scoring organizations in the 2014-15 competition.

* Hershey Expands Sustainable Sourcing Efforts With New Deforestation Commitments

The Hershey Company Thursday made new commitments to help prevent deforestation in its supply chain by launching a comprehensive Pulp and Paper Policy and announcing an update on its efforts to trace its global palm oil supply chain.

* Weis Markets Becomes 2nd Food Retailer To Receive Grocery Stewardship Certification

Weis Markets Tuesday announced it has been recognized for incorporating sustainability practices into its day-to-day operations which have helped it conserve resources and reduce the overall environmental impact of its 163 stores, distribution center and manufacturing facilities.

* PEC Describes Its Work On Environmental Policy & Advocacy

John Walliser, PA Environmental Council Senior Vice President for Legal and Government Affairs, outlines PEC's recent policy initiatives, ranging from longwall mining and implementation of the EPA Clean Power Climate Plan to methane emissions in a new PEC video.

* PA Environmental Professionals Offer College Scholarships

The PA Association of Environmental Professionals is now accepting applications for two $1,000 college scholarships to students pursuing an environmental science or related major.

* Duquesne University’s Sustainability MBA Lands On Another Top 10 Listing

Duquesne University’s Sustainability MBA Program, recently named as one of the world’s top 10 MBA programs, has been selected by one of the most widely read websites on ethical, sustainable and profitable business, as one of the Top 10 Graduate Programs for Environmental Sustainability.

* Nominations For ULI Global Excellence Award For Real Estate Projects Now Open

The Urban Land Institute Tuesday announced it is now accepting entries for its Global Awards for Excellence, widely recognized as one of the land use industry’s most prestigious award programs.

* Keep PA Beautiful, Westmoreland County Land Bank Partner On Strategic Greening

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, in partnership with the Westmoreland County Land Bank, announced a Strategic Community Greening Partnership Pilot Program with a $2,000 seed grant to the “The Seeds of Change Project” for a community garden in Jeannette.

* Western PA Household Chemical Collection Events Collect 312,000 Pounds, More Coming

The PA Resources Council 2015 Household Chemical Collection Program was a huge success serving nearly 4,000 households and collecting more than 312,000 pounds of household chemicals!

* Keep PA Beautiful Surveillance Cameras Catch Dumpers In Erie County

For years, residents of Wesleyville Borough in Erie County and residents of nearby communities have used the Borough’s recycling center to leave old furniture, mattresses, tires, computers, even paint and hazardous chemicals.

* Center For Rural PA: Rural Pennsylvanians Recycling Less DEP Data Says

The Center for Rural Pennsylvania reported data from the Department of Environmental Protection shows from 2010 to 2013, rural recycling declined by 145,100 tons, or 12 percent.  Over the same period, urban recycling increased by 732,800 tons or 17 percent.

* PA Resources Council: Make Pumpkin Compost, Not Waste, Methane

It is the time of year when all things pumpkin are mainstream: lattes, soup, beer, pies and the list goes on. According to a 2014 study, by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it is estimated that, out of the 1.91 billions pounds of pumpkins that are produced in the United States, only a small fraction are actually composted or even consumed.

* Drone To Help Assess Beaver County Asbestos Superfund Site Dec. 7

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will conduct a routine inspection of the Ambler Asbestos Piles Superfund Site in Ambler, Beaver County on December 7 using a drone mounted with a camera.

* December e-PRC Newsletter Available From PA Resources Council

The December edition of the e-PRC newsletter is now available from the PA Resources Council featuring stories on--

* Pennsylvania Society To Help Fund $800,000 In Student Scholarships Over 4 Years

The Pennsylvania Society Monday announced a new scholarship program with the Maguire Foundation. The two organizations together are funding a new annual scholarship program to cultivate and retain Pennsylvania's best and brightest students.

* FirstEnergy Awards Science, Technology, Engineering, Math Grants To 17 PA Teachers

FirstEnergy Corp. has awarded Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) grants totaling more than $25,000 to 17 Pennsylvania teachers representing 15 educator-submitted projects. 

* Annual Christmas Trees For Troops Donation Weekend Dec. 4-6

Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding and Pennsylvania Adjutant General James Joseph Friday helped kick off the state’s 2015 Trees for Troops weekend.

* Natural Lands Trust: 114-Acre Farm Preserved In Warwick Twp., Chester County

Natural Lands Trust Friday announced the conservation of the Yoder Farm, a 114-acre property in Warwick Township, Chester County.

* Delaware & Lehigh Heritage Corridor Now Accepting Mini-Grant Applications

Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor is pleased to announce a call for applications for the 2016 Lehigh Valley Greenways Mini-Grant Program.  Applications will be accepted from December 4 to February 4.

* 2016 PA Environment Council Environment Ride June 3-5 Features New Route

The PA Environmental Council 2016 Environment Ride will be held June 3-5 and travel a scenic and education route from 30th Street Station in Philadelphia on a special bikes only regional rail car to the meeting point for the Ride in Doylestown, Bucks County.

* Brodhead Watershed Assn. Winter Stroll Along Brodhead Creek Dec. 13, Monroe County

Welcome winter with an easy, scenic stroll along Brodhead Creek, Stroud Township in Monroe County. The hike, leading from Brodhead Park to Pinebrook Park, will be held 1 to 4:30 p.m. December 13.

* Begin The New Year With 2 Hikes In The Poconos, Monroe County

Ring in the new year right with an outdoor adventure – either a casual morning stroll or a rugged trek.

* New Western PA Conservancy Video Reviews Highlights Of 2015

The Western PA Conservancy Tuesday released a new video highlighting its activities during 2015 to protect, restore, preserve and beautify some of Western Pennsylvania’s most exceptional places, including Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater in Fayette County.  Click Here to watch the video.

* Merrill Linn Conservancy Acquires Land Adjacent To Shikellamy State Park

The Merrill Linn Conservancy has purchased 36 acres of ecologically significant land on Shikellamy Bluffs next to Shikellamy State Park in Union and Northumberland counties.

* Urban Land Institute Now Accepting Nominations For Urban Open Space Award

The Urban Land Institute Tuesday announced it is now accepting entries for its Urban Open Space Award, an annual program that recognizes outstanding examples of successful large- and small-scale public spaces that have socially enriched and revitalized the economy of their surrounding communities.

* Wissahickon Watershed Assn. Welcomes New Environmental Planner

The Wissahickon Valley Watershed Association in Montgomery and Philadelphia counties Thursday announced Rea Monaghan has joined the organization as Environmental Planner. 

* PA Parks & Forests Foundation Appoints 5 New Board Members

The PA Parks and Forests Foundation, the only non-profit whose mission is Pennsylvania’s state parks and forests, Thursday announced the appointment of five new board members.

* Dec. 2 Resource Newsletter Now Available From DCNR

The December 2 Resource newsletter is now available from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources featuring articles on--

* UPDATED: Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events

This section lists House and Senate Committee meetings, DEP and other public hearings and meetings and other interesting environmental events.

* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs.  NEW means new from last week.

* Environmental NewsClips - All Topics

Here are NewsClips from around the state on all environmental topics, including General Environment, Budget, Marcellus Shale, Watershed Protection and much more--

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

No new regulations were published this week.  Pennsylvania Bulletin - December 5, 2015

* CLICK HERE To Print Entire PA Environment Digest

CLICK HERE to Print The Entire PA Environment Digest.

* Stories Invited

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout UnlimitedSponsor: 2016 Keystone Coldwater Conference, State College, Feb. 26-27.

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