Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
Crisci Associates, Nov. 30, 2015 Issue #596
* PA Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Challenge To Use Of Oil & Gas Fund Monies

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported Thursday the PA Supreme Court has agreed to hear an appeal of a January 7 Commonwealth Court decision upholding the right of the General Assembly and the governor to transfer monies from DCNR’s Oil and Gas Fund to the General Fund and the use of those funds for DCNR State Park and State Forest Operations.

* DEP Pipeline Infrastructure Task Force Schedules Dec. 16 Meeting

The DEP Pipeline Infrastructure Task Force has scheduled an additional meeting on December 16 to review the 184 recommendations in the draft Task Force Report released on November 9.

* State Budget Twists, Turns, Cliffhangers, But No Happy Ending... Yet

This week’s actions surrounding the state budget had as many twists and turns as a holiday blockbuster.

* PA Environment Digest Google+ Circle, Blogs, Twitter Feeds

PA Environment Digest now has a Google+ Circle called Green Works In PA.  Let us join your Circle.

* Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule [Updated] /Gov’s Schedule

Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced--

* Senate Environmental Committee Sets Hearing On Sewage Facilities Act Dec. 8

The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee will hold a hearing on the Sewage Facilities Act (Act 537) on December 8 in Room 8E-B East Wing Capitol Building in Harrisburg starting at 9:30.

* Lehigh, Northampton Master Watershed Steward Program Accepting Applications

The Penn State Extension Lehigh & Northampton County offices are now accepting applications for the 2016 Master Watershed Steward Program.   Applications are due by January 8.

* CBF Program To Help Farmers Improve Grazing, Water Quality To Expand

An innovative program that helps livestock farmers increase per-animal profits while also reducing agricultural pollution will expand in three states, thanks to a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and its partners.

* Chesapeake Bay Trust RFP For Technical Assistance On Meeting Bay Agreement Goals

The Chesapeake Bay Trust has issued a request for proposals for assistance on 11 specific technical assistance projects that will assist with implementation across the outcomes defined in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement.  Proposals are due January 7.  Click Here for more information on how to apply.

* PSU Extension Water Team Receives International Lake Management Society Award

Penn State Extension Educator, Jim Clark, accepted the 2015 Outreach and Education Award from the North American Lake Management Society Award on November 19 on behalf of the Penn State Extension Water Resources Team for their work in pond and lake management education in Pennsylvania.

* CBF-PA: Presence Of Pharmaceuticals In PA Waters Double Dose Of Reality

By Harry Campbell, Executive Director PA Office, Chesapeake Bay Foundation

* DEP Awards $9.3 Million Contract To Extinguish Carbon County Mine Fire

The Department of Environmental Protection Tuesday announced it has awarded Hazleton Shaft Corporation a $9.3 million contract to isolate and extinguish the Jeanesville mine fire near the village of Tresckow in Banks Township, Carbon County.

* Nov. 23 Watershed Winds Newsletter Now Available From Penn State Extension

The November 23 edition of the Watershed Winds newsletter is now available from Penn State Extension featuring articles on--

* Latest E-News From Chesapeake Bay Journal Now Available

The November 23 E-News from the Chesapeake Bay Journal is not available featuring stories on--

* PA American Water Treatment Plant Completes 3rd Phase Of Partnership For Safe Water

Pennsylvania American’s Water Rock Run Treatment Plant in Chester County recently completed the third phase of the Partnership for Safe Water program, a voluntary effort to provide safe drinking water.

* Susquehanna River Basin Commission Business Meeting Dec. 4

The Susquehanna River Basin Commission is conducting its quarterly business meeting December 4 at 9:00 a.m., State Capitol Complex, North Office Building, Hearing Room 1 in Harrisburg.  The meeting is open to the public.

* DEP: Chesapeake Appalachia Fined $1.4 M For Drill Pad Landslide In Greene County

The Department of Environmental Protection Monday announced Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC has agreed to a Consent Order and Agreement and will pay a fine of $1.4 million for violations of Pennsylvania’s Oil and Gas Act, Clean Streams Law and Dam Safety and Encroachments Act. 

* Nov. 25 DEP News Now Available

The November 25 edition of DEP News is now available from the Department of Environmental Protection featuring articles on--

* Bradford Commissioners Set Dec. 2 Forum On Proposed Chesapeake Royalty Settlement

The Bradford County Commissioners have scheduled a public forum for December 2 to provide a platform for discussion of the proposed class action royalty settlement with Chesapeake Energy.

* Electric Power Research Institute Briefing On EPA Clean Power Climate Plan Dec. 17

The Public Utility Commission is hosting a briefing on the EPA Clean Power Climate Plan by the Electric Power Research Institute, a nonprofit research group, on December 17 starting at 1:00 in Hearing Room 1 of the Keystone Building in Harrisburg. (formal notice)

* PUC Offers Black Friday Top 5 Tips For Energy Shopping, Savings

The Public Utility Commission Tuesday offered consumers a “Top Five” list of Black Friday tips for energy savings and shopping:

* DEP Air Quality Committee To Discuss Repeal Of Low-RVP Gasoline In Pittsburgh

At its December 10 meeting, DEP’s Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee is scheduled to discuss the repeal of the low-RVP (Reid Vapor Pressure) gasoline requirement that applied to only the seven county Pittsburgh Region during the summer ozone season.

* PA Environmental Council Outlines Work On Trails, Greenways

All across the state, the PA Environmental Council is improving and expanding networks of recreational trails.

* PA Land Trust Assn. Seeks Conservation, Government Leadership Award Nominations

The PA Land Trust Association seeks nominations for its Lifetime Conservation Leadership and Government Conservation Leadership Awards. 

* Fish Commission Opens Comment Period On Draft Trout Management Plan

The Fish and Boat Commission announced Friday it has opened a public comment period for individuals to submit comments on the agency’s draft 2016-17 Trout Management Plan.

* Wolf Signs Executive Order Creating Hunting, Fishing, Conservation Advisory Councils

Gov. Tom Wolf Tuesday announced he has signed Executive Order 2015-13 to formally establish both the Governor’s Advisory Council for Hunting, Fishing and Conservation and the Governor’s Youth Council for Hunting, Fishing and Conservation.

* DCNR Interactive Website Offers Hunters Wealth Of Information

Timed for Monday’s opening of Pennsylvania’s traditional deer season, the DCNR Bureau of Forestry is offering a revamped, interactive website offering a wealth of maps, statistics and other information designed to make a hunter’s search more enjoyable and rewarding.

* Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events

This section lists House and Senate Committee meetings, DEP and other public hearings and meetings and other interesting environmental events.

* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs.  NEW means new from last week.

* Environmental NewsClips - All Topics

Here are NewsClips from around the state on all environmental topics, including General Environment, Budget, Marcellus Shale, Watershed Protection and much more--

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

The Department of Labor and Industry published notice in the November 28 PA Bulletin of final-omitted rulemaking making changes to the Uniform Construction Code.

* CLICK HERE To Print Entire PA Environment Digest

CLICK HERE to Print The Entire PA Environment Digest.

* Stories Invited

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout UnlimitedSponsor: 2016 Keystone Coldwater Conference, State College, Feb. 26-27.

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