Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
Crisci Associates, Sept. 1, 2014
* Chesapeake Bay Foundation Launches Clean Water For The Keystone State Campaign

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA has launched an exciting statewide campaign-- Clean Water Counts-- urging Pennsylvania officials to make clean water a priority throughout the Keystone State, and to commit the needed funding to ensure that all 83,000 miles of waterways in the state are clean.

* DEP Lists Water Supplies Damaged, High Hydrogen Sulfide Emissions From Gas Drilling

The Department of Environmental Protection Thursday released a table listing the 248 water supplies found by DEP to be contaminated by oil and natural gas drilling from 2008 to 2014, about 1.2 percent of new wells drilled during that time period.

* Add Us To Your Google+ Circle

PA Environment Digest now has a Google+ Circle called Green Works In PA.  Just go to your Google+ page and search for, the email for the Digest Editor David Hess,  and let us join your Circle.

* Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced

Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced--

* Brodhead Watershed Assn To Celebrate 25th Anniversary, Receives PPL Grant

The Brodhead Watershed Association received a timely donation this month supporting its Adopt-a-Stream Site Program and 25th Annual Dinner Celebration on October 2.

* Penn State Extension: Riparian Buffer Message Delivered At County Fairs

Penn State Extension Water Resources Extension Educator, Jim Clark, put together a riparian buffer water message that he is displaying at the county fairs in Northcentral Pennsylvania this summer. The message is simple, “Find a Stream and Plant a Tree.”

* Opinion: Our Susquehanna River Is Sick

By Douglas E Fessler, Sunbury, PA

* Allegheny River Cleanup Events Sept. 6, 8, 12

The Friends of Allegheny Wilderness are hosting cleanup events along the Allegheny River September 6, 8 and 12.  Click Here for all the details.

* Summer Issue Of Estuary News Now Available From Partnership For Delaware Estuary

The Summer edition of Estuary News is now available from the Partnership For The Delaware Estuary featuring articles on--

* PA American Water Works Assn. Offers Fall Training Schedule

The PA Section-American Water Works Association recently posted its fall training schedule.  Click Here for a list of available training opportunities.

* DEP Assesses $250,000 Penalty Against 4 Gas, Oil Services Companies

The Department of Environmental Protection Tuesday  announced a Consent Order and Agreement with William C. Henderson, Titusville Oil & Gas Associates Inc., Eagle Line Corporation, and Olympia Oil Services Inc., which includes $250,000 in civil penalties.

* UPDATED: Tribune Review: Hilcorp Withdraws Forced Pooling Application

UPDATE: The Tribune Review Saturday reported the Hilcorp Energy Company has withdrawan its application for forced pooling to develop natural gas from some landowners it has not leased under a 1961 state law. A spokesperson for DEP said they would be cancelling the hearings on the application scheduled earlier in the week.

* Attorney General Issues Subpoenas On Gas Well Royalty Payments reported late Tuesday and Thursday Attorney General Kathleen Kane has issued administrative subpoenas to Marcellus Shale drilling companies across the state as part of her Office’s review of gas well royalty payment issues.

* Environmental Groups Respond To Auditor General Report On Marcellus Shale Drilling

Environmental and citizen organizations sent Department of Environmental Protection Secretary, Chris Abruzzo a letter Thursday challenging the agency’s response to issues raised in Auditor General Eugene DePasquale’s DEP Performance Audit, released on July 22.

* Third Round Of Act 13 Natural Gas Vehicle Grants Opens Aug. 30

Gov. Tom Corbett and the Department of Environmental Protection Thursday announced the third round of Natural Gas Vehicle Grants will open on August 30 and will provide an estimated $6 million to help pay for the incremental purchase and conversion costs of heavy-duty natural gas fleet vehicles. (formal notice)

* DEP New Stanton District Mining Office Opens Replacing Greensburg, Uniontown

The Department of Environmental Protection Greensburg and Uniontown district offices will begin operating out of a new location beginning on September 2.

* EPA Presents President’s Environmental Youth, Environmental Ed Awards To 2 In PA

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Wednesday presented the President’s Environmental Youth Award to May Wang from Bucks County and the President’s Innovations in Environmental Education Award to David Andrews of Butler County.

* Sustainable Food Project 2014 Students For Sustainability Challenge

The Sustainable Food Project is excited to announce the Students For Sustainability Challenge, a competition open to all high school and undergraduate college students.

* Outdoor Celebration For Military Families Highlights Special Recreation Event Sept. 6

Military service members, veterans and their families are invited to a free day of recreation at Gifford Pinchot State Park on September 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. with the PA Parks and Forests Foundation.

* Natural Lands Trust Green Hills Preserve Now Open To Public In Berks County

Natural Lands Trust Wednesday announced its 168-acre Green Hill Preserve in Robeson Township, Berks County, is now open to the public.

* Valley Green Bank Lead Sponsor Of Friends Of The Wissahickon’s 90th Anniversary

Friends of the Wissahickon Friday announced Valley Green Bank will be the lead sponsor of its 90th anniversary celebration and gala, which will take place on October 25 at the Valley Green Inn.

* Live Bald Eagle To Visit Hawk Mountain Sanctuary August 30

Visit Hawk Mountain Sanctuary on “Bald Eagle Migration Day,” August 30, and see a live bald eagle up close and personal during two free presentations at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. by Carbon County Environmental Center. Eagle programs will be held in the outdoor amphitheater, or indoors in the event of rain.

* Wild About Wildlife And Our Home Program, Bucks/Montgomery Sept. 6

The Indian Valley Public Library in Telford, Bucks/Montgomery counties will hold a special Wild About Wildlife And Our Home Program September 6 starting at 10:00 a.m.

* U.S. House Committee Holds Hearing On Northern Long Eared Bat Sept. 8 In Harrisburg

The U.S. House Natural Resources Committee will hold a full Committee field hearing in Harrisburg on September 8 on “The Northern Long Eared Bat: The Federal Endangered Species Act and the Impacts of a Listing on Pennsylvania and 37 Other States.” 

* Historic Marker Placed For Game Commission Conservation Training School

The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Friday placed a marker recognizing the country’s first-ever training school for conservation officers.

* Opportunity To Bid On DEP Gas Well Plugging Project In Warren County

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of an opportunity to bid on a gas well plugging project in Warren County.

* Help Wanted: Part-Time Administrator, PA Chapter American Chestnut Foundation

The PA Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation is accepting applications for a part-time administrator based at Penn State University in State College.  The deadline for applications is September 1.  Click Here to apply for Job Number 53133.

* Your 2 Cents: Issues On Advisory Committee Agendas

This section gives you a continuously updated thumbnail sketch of issues to be considered in upcoming advisory committee meetings where the agendas have been released

* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs.  NEW means new from last week.

* Budget/Quick NewsClips

Here's a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state--

* Marcellus Shale NewsClips

Here are NewsClips on topics related to Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling---

* Flooding/Watershed NewsClips

Here are NewsClips on watershed topics from around the state--

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

The Environmental Quality Board published notices covering several actions: non-acceptance of the petition for rulemaking by Ashley Funk setting carbon dioxide emission limits; accepting for study a petition to upgrade the classification of several streams in Monroe County; and accepting for study a petition to upgrade the classification of a stream in Delaware County.

* Calendar Of Events

Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars.  Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted.  NEW means new from last week.  Go to the online Calendar webpage.

* CLICK HERE To Print Entire PA Environment Digest

CLICK HERE to Print The Entire PA Environment Digest.

* Stories Invited

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

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