Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
Crisci Associates, July 1, 2013
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* UPDATED: Senate, House Republicans, Governor Reach Agreement On Budget

Saturday evening, Senate and House Republicans and Gov. Corbett announced they reached agreement on a $28.3 billion state spending plan, slightly less than the Governor’s $28.4 billion proposed budget.  The agreed-to budget represents a 2.3 percent increase in spending over the current year budget.

* House Committee OKs Transportation Funding Plan

The House Transportation Committee Thursday voted to amend and send Senate Bill 1 (Rafferty-R- Montgomery) to the full House for debate, said Rep. Dick Hess (R-Bedford), Majority Chair of the Committee.

* CBF: Bradford's Lovegreen Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation Tuesday honored the leadership and conservation achievements of Bradford County Conservation District Manager Mike Lovegreen by recognizing his lifetime achievements with the CBF 2013 Conservationist of the Year Award.

* Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced

Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced--

* Bills On Governor's Desk

The following bills were given final approval by the Senate and House and are now on the Governor's desk for action--

* Senate/House Bills Moving

The following bills of interest saw action this week in the House and Senate--

* Marcellus Shale Health Advisory Panel Bill Clears Senate Committee

On Friday, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee amended and reported out Senate Bill 555 (Scarnati-R-Jefferson) which would establish a Health Advisory Panel on Shale Gas Extraction and Natural Gas Use.

* Senate Environmental Committee Holds Hearing On Royalty Cost Transparency

The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee Thursday held a public hearing to discuss issues related to natural gas royalty payments from Marcellus Shale development, according to Sen. Gene Yaw (R-Lycoming), Majority Chair of the Committee.

* Corbett Urges Delaware River Basin Commission To Finalize Drilling Rules

On Thursday, Gov. Tom Corbett wrote to the Delaware River Basin Commission expressing his "frustration and disappointment" over the failure of the Commission to finalize its regulations on Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling.

* SRBC Approves 21 Water Withdrawals, New Water Program Fees

The Susquehanna River Basin Commission Monday held its quarterly business meeting in Harrisburg, Pa. Among its actions, SRBC:

* Shell Announces 6 Month Extension Of Beaver Cracking Plant Option

Gov. Tom Corbett Friday issued the following statement in response to the announcement Horsehead Corporation has extended its land-option agreement with Shell Chemical LP for a site near Monaca, Beaver County, for a period of six months.

* EQB To Consider Proposed Chapter 78 Well Drilling Fee Regulations July 16

The Environmental Quality Board is scheduled to consider proposed changes to Chapter 78 oil and gas well drilling fee regulations at its July 16 meeting.  It is the only regulation on the agenda.

* Registration Opens June 28, July 1 For Ohio River Watershed Celebration

Registration for the 12th Annual Ohio River Watershed Celebration will open on July 1 for the Network Cruise and June 28 for the Imagination Cruise for students.  The Celebration will be held on September 19.

* HB 1565 Would Eliminate Riparian Buffers As Cost-Effective Sedimentation Control

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation Thursday wrote to the Chairs of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee to oppose House Bill 1565 (Hahn-R-Northampton) which would eliminate riparian buffers as one method of complying with regulations designed to protect High Quality and Exceptional Value streams.

* LandStudies Opens Healthy Watersheds Tour Webpage

LandStudies, Inc. from Lititz, Lancaster County, opened a new webpage on its Healthy Watersheds Tour initiative.

* Tillage Survey Underway In Chesapeake Bay Watershed

Data collection for a survey of cropland, in the Chesapeake Bay watershed of Pennsylvania, to determine the extent of conservation tillage practices, is almost complete.

* Vote Now For Philadelphia SpokesDogs To Take A Bite Out Of Pollution

The polls are now open to vote for your favorite spokesdogs to become Philadelphia’s only spokesanimals-- excluding Swoop, the Phillie Phanatic, and Barkevious the turkey, of course.

* DEP Alerts Crystal Spring Vended Water Customers Of Drinking Water Violations

The Department of Environmental Protection Thursday notified the public that Crystal Spring, a Berks County water vendor, is selling drinking water that has not been monitored for contaminants and poses a potential health risk to those who consume it.

* Corbett Visits Flood-Damaged Areas In Western PA

Gov. Tom Corbett Friday visited DuBois, Clearfield County and flew over several neighboring western Pennsylvania communities in Jefferson and Clinton counties that were damaged by Thursday's serious storms.

* DEP Citizens Advisory Council To Hear About Review Of Oil And Gas Program

The Citizens Advisory Council to the Department of Environmental Protection will hear a presentation on a recent review of Pennsylvania’s Oil and Gas Management Program by the STRONGER group (State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulations) at its July 16 meeting.

* Deadline Extended For Northeast Environmental Partnership Award Nominations

The Northeast PA Environmental Partnership is now accepting nominations for its 2013 Partnership Awards, the Nineteenth Annual Thomas P. Shelburne Environmental Leadership Award and the 2013 Emerging Environmental Leader Award until July 15.  Click Here for details on how to make nominations.

* Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Awards Surveillance Camera Grants

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful has awarded surveillance cameras to six western Pennsylvania organizations to aid in their efforts to curb illegal dumping.  Grant recipients are in Allegheny, Armstrong, Blair, Clearfield, and Elk Counties.

* Keep America Beautiful Offering Graffiti Hurts Grants

Keep America Beautiful and Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful announced the availability of the 2013 Graffiti Hurts Grant Program, designed to assist communities in augmenting their local graffiti prevention activities.

* DEP Awards $1.65 Million In Mine Mapping Grants

Gov. Tom Corbett Friday announced the Department of Environmental Protection has awarded $1.65 million in Mine Map Grants to seven recipients, including six of the state’s universities.

* FirstEnergy Accepting Applications For Education Grants

FirstEnergy Corp. is offering education grants of up to $500 for creative classroom projects planned for the 2013-2014 school year.  Applications are due September 16.

* Nearly $3 Million In PA Solar Rebates Still Available

Gov. Tom Corbett and the Department of Environmental Protection Tuesday reminded residents and small businesses of the nearly $3 million in rebates remaining before the agency’s Sunshine Solar Program ends December 31 or when funds are exhausted.    

* $3,000 Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebates Still Available

Gov. Tom Corbett and the Department of Environmental Protection reminded residents Thursday $3,000 rebates are still available for the purchase of large-battery system plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and battery-electric vehicles (EVs).

* Corbett Reacts To Obama Climate Change Plan

Gov. Tom Corbett issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s climate change announcement:

* Covanta Energy Applauds Obama Climate Change Plan

Covanta Energy Corporation, a world leader in sustainable waste management and renewable energy, congratulates President Barack Obama and his administration on the announced Climate Action Plan.

* Western PA Conservancy Issues 2012 Annual Report

The 2012 Annual Report from the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy is now available.  Click Here to read your copy.

* Game Commission Launches Interactive Mapping Center

Looking to spend some time outdoors, but don't know where to go?  A new offering from the Game Commission might hold the answer.

* Independence Day July 4th Marks Second Fish-for-Free Day

Families and friends visiting Pennsylvania’s popular outdoor spots over the July 4 holiday can enjoy a day of free fishing, thanks to the Fish and Boat Commission.

* Free Outdoor Education Programs Highlight Hawk Mountain Celebration July 13

Visit Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Berks County, on July 13 and enjoy a full day of free education programs in honor of the grand re-opening of the not-for-profit’s newly expanded Irma Broun-Kahn Education Building.

* Profile: Ellen Ferretti, Acting Secretary Of DCNR

DCNR Deputy Secretary for Parks and Forestry Ellen Ferretti will serve as the acting secretary of the department following the resignation of Rick Allan June 13.

* Opportunity To Bid On DCNR Project In Bedford County

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources published notice of an opportunity to bid on a project in Blue Knob State Park in Bedford County (PA Bulletin page 3517).

* Your 2 Cents: Issues On Advisory Committee Agendas

This section gives you a continuously updated thumbnail sketch of issues to be considered in upcoming advisory committee meetings where the agendas have been released

* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs.  NEW means new from last week.

* Budget/Quick Clips

Here's a selection of NewClips on environmental topics from around the state--

* Marcellus Shale NewsClips

Here are NewsClips on topics related to Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling---

* Flooding/Watershed NewsClips

Here are NewsClips on watershed topics from around the state--

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

No new regulations were published this week. Pennsylvania Bulletin - June 29, 2013

* Calendar Of Events

Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars.  Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted.  NEW means new from last week.  Go to the online Calendar webpage.

* Stories Invited

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn./PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

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