Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Weekly PA Environment Digest Newsletter
Crisci Associates Dec. 17, 2012
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* State Performance Report Shows Over 12 Point Drop In Environmental Compliance

Budget Secretary Charles B. Zogby Wednesday released the 2011-12 Report on State Performance.  The report reviews the activities of 30 Commonwealth agencies, providing details on their challenges and accomplishments as they work to improve the lives of Pennsylvania's citizens.

* Governor's Environmental Excellence Award Nominations Due Jan. 31

The Department of Environmental Protection is now accepting applications for the 2013 Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence.

* DEP Publishes Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule For 2013

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice on the 2013 meeting schedule for its advisory committees and boards on December 15 (PA Bulletin page 7608).  Included on the schedule are meeting dates for--

* Did You Know You Can Search 8 Years Of Digests On Any Topic?

Did you know you can search 8 years of back issues of the PA Environment Digest on dozens of topics, by county and on any key word you choose.  Just click on the search page.

* Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule

The General Assembly adjourned its two-year session sine die on November 30.  The Senate and House formally reorganizes and starts its new session on January 1.

* Energy Executive Issues Report On Natural Gas Gathering Lines With Recommendations

On December 11, Patrick Henderson, the Governor’s Energy Executive, issued a report on the 1,727.8 miles of natural gas gathering lines in the Commonwealth making 16 recommendations to tighten regulatory and other requirements over the lines.

* PA Housing Finance Agency Funds Marcellus Region Housing Projects

The Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency Thursday approved the recipients of funding for projects to improve the availability and affordability of housing in the Marcellus Shale region of the state.

* Dec. 18 Webinar On Managing Water Wells, Springs Near Gas Drilling

Bryan Swistock, a Water Resources Specialist with Penn State Extension in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management will present a 60-minute webinar on December 18 from noon to 1 p.m.

* Groundbreaking Held For Treatment System To Improve Little Conemaugh

Department of Environmental Protection Deputy Secretary for Active and Abandoned Mine Operations John Stefanko Tuesday toured the site where Rosebud Mining Co. is building a facility designed to eliminate a major source of acid mine drainage into the Little Conemaugh River in Cambria County.

* DEP Publishes Presque Isle Bay Delisting Comment/Response Document

The Department of Environmental Protection published a comment/response document on the proposed delisting of Presque Isle Bay in Erie as an Area of Concern December 15 in the PA Bulletin (page 7603). 

* Keep Up With Growing Greener Coalition On Social Media

You can now keep up with the Growing Greener Coalition, Pennsylvania’s largest environmental coalition, through Facebook and its Twitter feed.

* Penn State Extension: Tips On Buying Water Treatment Equipment

Do you have water treatment equipment in your home? Do you NEED water treatment equipment in your home? Surveys have found that about 60 percent of the homes in Pennsylvania served by a private water system such as a well, spring, or cistern, have some type of water treatment equipment.

* Delaware River Basin Commission 2011 Annual Report Available

The Delaware River Basin Commission this week released its Annual Report highlighting its accomplishments and challenges from 2011 and celebrating the Commission’s 50th Anniversary.

* PROP Invites Entries In 6th Annual Recycling Film Fest

The Professional Recyclers of PA's is seeking entries for its Sixth Annual Recycling Film Fest to be held in conjunction with our Annual Recycling & Organics conference that will be held at The Woodlands Inn & Resort in Wilkes-Barre, PA from July 24 - 26.

* Save The Date: PA Recycling Industries Congress To Be Held Jan. 22

The Pennsylvania Waste Industries Association and the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center will host the 2013 Pennsylvania Recycling Industries Congress on January 22 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the East Wing Rotunda of the State Capitol of Pennsylvania, in Harrisburg.

* Public Hearing Set On New Municipal Waste Landfill In Clearfield County

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of a January 22 public hearing on an application for a new 850 acre municipal waste landfill site in Boggs Township, Clearfield County.

* DEP Seeking Contractor For Energy Education Workshops

The Department of Environmental Protection Office of External Affairs, Environmental Education and Information Center is seeking the services of an experienced contractor to coordinate a statewide K-12 Energy Education Curriculum Integration Program.

* PEDA Webinar Jan. 23 On Best Data Sources For Economic Development Research

The PA Economic Development Association will hold a webinar on January 23 from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. entitled, Best Data Sources for Economic Development Research. 

* Delaware Valley Planning Commission To Help Municipalities Reduce Energy Costs

The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission will work directly with ten municipalities in southeastern Pennsylvania to reduce energy use in their government operations.

* FirstEnergy Sets Dec. 19 Webinar On Optimizing Demand Response Energy Programs

FirstEnergy will hold another in a series of webinars on December 19 starting at noon, this one on optimizing demand response programs to increase energy efficiency funding.   Click Here for more information and to register for this webinar.

* Doug Biden Stepping Down As EPGA President, Jake Smeltz Named As Successor

The Electric Power Generation Association announced Wednesday Douglas Biden, its President,  is stepping down at the end of 2012, bringing to a close nearly 35 years of continuous service to the electric power industry. 

* Exelon Responds To Federal Wind Subsidy Phase-Out Plan

Exelon Corporation Thursday released the following statement in response to the American Wind Energy Association’s proposal to phase out the wind production tax credit:

* Opinion: Energy Executive- Governor Has All Of The Above Energy Policy

Patrick Henderson, Gov. Corbett’s Energy Executive, this week responded to charges by PennFuture the Corbett Administration’s energy policy is “completely and totally reliant on fossil fuels to build the state’s economy.”

* PA Environmental Council Highlights 2012 Accomplishments

The Pennsylvania Environmental Council this week highlighted its record of accomplishment in 2012 emphasizing its Conservation through Cooperation approach to environmental policy and on-the-ground projects. 

* Calling All Student, Adult Wildlife Enthusiasts, Naturalists, Conservationists

The Wildlife Leadership Academy is now accepting applications for the 2013 Field Schools, a five day camp for Pennsylvania students ages 14-17 that will forever change the way they see the outdoors.

* Jennings Environmental Center PE Teachers Snowshoeing Workshop Feb. 15

The Jennings Environmental Education Center in Butler County will sponsor a workshop for teachers on February 15 on how physical education teachers can use outdoor activities like snowshoeing to improve student health and fitness.  Click Here for more information and to register.

* Pennsylvania Preserves Nearly 2,100 More Acres Of Farmland

Pennsylvania’s Agricultural Land Preservation Board Thursday safeguarded 2,064 additional acres on 22 farms in 17 counties through the state’s nationally renowned farmland preservation program.

* NRCS Protects 2,500 Acres Of Pennsylvania Farmland In 2012

Denise Coleman, Natural Resources Conservation Service State Conservationist, reports that NRCS has protected 2,500 acres of Pennsylvania farmland in fiscal year 2012.

* Video: Wildlands Conservancy Thanks Its Supporters

The Wildlands Conservancy this week offered a unique “thank you” to the supporters of its conservation efforts in the Lehigh Valley through a video highlighting its accomplishments throughout 2012 called, “Let Nature Sing.”  Click Here to watch the video.

* Foundation For Sustainable Forests Acquires Caldwell Creek Property

The Foundation for Sustainable Forests has purchased 85 acres of forested land along Caldwell Creek in Southwest Township, Warren County.

* Western PA Conservancy Winter eConserve Magazine Now Available

The Winter issue of eConserve magazine is now available from the Western PA Conservancy.  Stories included in this edition cover the status of regional conservation efforts, the impact of watershed health on the Chesapeake Bay and educational programs at Fallingwater.  Click Here to read a copy.

* Heritage Conservancy, The Conservancy Of Montgomery County Unite

The Heritage Conservancy announced Monday The Conservancy of Montgomery County will merge all of its programs and conservation easements with Heritage Conservancy, becoming an important strategic element in a larger, stronger organization.

* PEC: Philadelphia Bike Share Business Plan RFP

The Pennsylvania Environmental Council has issued a Request for Proposals for the creation of a strategic business plan, consulting and cost estimate services to create a strategic and business plan to lay the backbone for a bike sharing system in Philadelphia.

* ConserveLand Newsletter Highlights Land Trust Strategic Alliances In PA

The Fall 2012 issue of ConserveLand newsletter from the PA Land Trust Association highlights land trust strategic alliances in Pennsylvania.  Click Here to download your copy.

* In Memoriam: Land Conservation Leader Bill Sellers

H. William Sellers, 71, a deeply committed conservation professional and volunteer, died November 9 in West Chester the PA Land Trust Association announced recently.

* Your 2 Cents: Issues On Advisory Committee Agendas (2013 Meetings)

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of the 2013 meeting schedule for its advisory committees and boards on December 15 (PA Bulletin page 7608).  The NEW meetings noted here are the first meetings of the year for advisory committees taken from the December 15 notice.

* Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs.  NEW means new from last week.

* Budget/Quick Clips

Here's a selection of NewClips on environmental topics from around the state--

* Marcellus Shale NewsClips

Here are NewsClips on topics related to Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling---

* Flooding/Watershed NewsClips

Here are NewsClips on watershed topics from around the state--

* Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of the 2013 meeting schedule for its advisory committees and boards on December 15 (PA Bulletin page 7608).

* Calendar Of Events

Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars.  Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted.  NEW means new from last week.  Go to the online Calendar webpage.

* Stories Invited

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to:

* Supporting Member PA Outdoor Writers Assn/PA Trout Unlimited

PA Environment Digest is a supporting member of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Pennsylvania Council Trout Unlimited and the Doc Fritchey Chapter Trout Unlimited.

Previous PA Environment Digests