Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Technical Guidance & Permits

The Department of Environmental Protection published draft guidance documents on mine drainage treatment trusts and for the Pennsylvania Clean Vehicles Program. Details below.

Draft: DEP ID: 560-5000-001. Mine Drainage Treatment Trust Real Property Disposition Guidelines. This guidance document describes the process to be followed when real property held in a mine drainage treatment trust is to be liquidated, including guidelines for the trustee and the Department to follow in the management and liquidation of real property assets in a treatment trust. Comments due: August 6.

Draft: DEP ID: 270-0810-005. Guidance Document for the Pennsylvania Clean Vehicles (PCV) Program. The PCV Program, 25 Pa. Code Chapter 126, Subchapter D (relating to Pennsylvania clean vehicles program), and requires that all new automobiles and light duty trucks (8,500 lbs GVWR or less)(collectively referred to herein as light-duty vehicles) for model year 2008, and subsequent model years, are those certified by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). Comments due: August 7.

For copies of Draft Technical Guidance (DEP website)

For copies of Final Technical Guidance (DEP website)


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