Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
A Handbook for Changing Development Rules in Your Community Now Available

The Center for Watershed Protection is making its Better Site Design Handbook available as a free download in an effort to ensure that every community is equipped with the tools it needs to facilitate environmentally-friendly growth.

This offering completes the comprehensive suite of guidance documents on Better Site Design produced by the Center, which were offered as free downloads earlier this year.

The other publications include: "Consensus Agreement on Model Development Principles to Protect Our Streams, Lakes and Wetlands" booklet, outlining nationally recommended design principles; the "Redevelopment Roundtable Consensus" document, designed to promote more environmental-friendly redevelopment and infill projects; and nine consensus documents resulting from various local site planning roundtables held in the Chesapeake Bay area over the last five years.

The Better Site Design Handbook outlines 22 guidelines for more environmentally-friendly development: changes to subdivision and land development and zoning regulations that will better manage stormwater, preserve and enhance existing natural areas, and reduce pollution in local streams.

It provides detailed rationale for each principle, everything from basic engineering principles to actual vs. perceived barriers to implementing Better Site Design; examines practices in local communities; details the economic and environmental benefits of Better Site Design; and presents case studies from across the country.

Download all of the free resources at the Better Site Design webpage.


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