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PA Environmental Educators Issue Call For Presentation Proposals For 2023 Annual Conference; PAEE & MWEE Award Nominations Now Open

The PA Association of Environmental Educators has issued a call for presentation proposals for their 2023 Annual Conference to be held March 13-14 at Camp Hebron in Halifax, Dauphin County.

The theme of the Conference is-- Old Forests, New Lessons: Growing As Educators-- which celebrates what makes PAEE so special: our ability as passionate environmental educators to promote change through resiliency, diversity and engagement.

Presentations should incorporate experiences and activities from community events, school programs, advocacy work, staff trainings, etc.

The tracks for the Conference are--

-- JEDIA (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Access) Initiatives: Environmental Education is for everyone! How are we reaching new and diverse audiences, increasing accessibility of programs and spaces, how do we authentically engage with our communities, and how do we embrace and grow diversity of all kinds within our organizations?

-- New and Innovative Programming: Education is so often tasked with solving big real-world problems. How is your organization and programming meeting NGSS and new state standards, experimenting with new modes of program delivery, or branching out into new themes (such as climate change, environmental justice, social-emotional learning, and more)?

-- Unique Partnerships and Networking: We don’t need to go it alone. Share how your organization is working with new partners, including those perhaps not traditionally included in the environmental education umbrella. What unique partnerships have been cultivated in your neck of the woods? Guests from partner organizations are welcome as co-presenters!

Click Here to submit a proposal.  Deadline: November 11.

PAEE & MWEE Award Nominations

PAEE is accepting award nominations for two awards programs--

-- PAEE Annual Awards in seven different categories: The Keystone Award; Daisy S. Klinedinst Memorial Award; Outstanding Contribution to Environmental Education; Outstanding Environmental Educator; Outstanding Environmental Education Program; Business Partner Award; Government Partner Award.

Click Here for more information or to submit a nomination.  Deadline: December 2.

-- MWEE Meaningful Watershed Education Experience Awards: The MWEE Partner of Excellence and the MWEE School of Excellence Award are two annual awards intended to celebrate outstanding support of and/or implementation of the Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE) in PA.

MWEEs are learner-centered experiences that focus on student investigations into local environmental issues that lead to informed action and civic engagement.

Click Here for more information or to submit a nomination.  Deadline :December 2.

For more information on programs, initiatives, resources and other upcoming events, visit the PA Association of Environmental Educators website.  Click Here to sign up for the PAEE newsletter (bottom of page, left).  Click Here to become a member.  Click Here to support PAEE’s work.

The PAEE will hold its 2023 Virtual Annual Conference March 13-14.  The theme is - Old Forests, New Lessons: Growing As Educators.

Related Articles:

-- PA Assn. Of Environmental Educators Professional Development Webinar Oct. 18 - Setback Distances For Unconventional Shale Gas Well Pads - How Close Is Too Close?

-- PAEE Webinar Nov. 4 - Ecoart In Action - Arts-based Environmental Education

-- WeConservePA: DCNR Posts 3 Videos To Help Applicants Apply For Conservation Grants, Including Special Fall Grant Round, Watershed Forestry Grants  [PaEN]

[Posted: September 21, 2022]


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