Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
PA Resources Council To Honor Former DEP Secretary David Hess With The Fox Calhoun Award At Virtual Awards Celebration Oct. 14

The Pennsylvania Resources Council will present its most prestigious honor – the Fox Calhoun Award – to environmental trailblazer David Hess at its annual Awards Celebration held Thursday, October 14, in virtual format.

Mr. Hess, former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, was involved in the passage of every major piece of environmental legislation in Pennsylvania over a 20-year span, including those addressing watershed restoration, brownfields, municipal waste, recycling, hazardous site cleanup, safe drinking water and radiation protection.

“David has spent his career tirelessly serving the people of Pennsylvania and working to protect our environment,” said PRC Board President Winnie Branton.  “The board joins me in congratulating our friend David on being honored with the Fox Calhoun Award.”

The Fox Calhoun Award — named for two of PRC’s founders, Hilda Fox and Cynthia Calhoun — is presented to individuals who have demonstrated uncommon leadership and has only been awarded 14 times during PRC’s 82-year history.

Past recipients have included Pennsylvania governors, Secretaries of Pennsylvania DEP and DCNR, members of Congress, United States Cabinet members and nonprofit leaders.

“PRC presents its highest award to individuals who have made exceptional contributions toward the conservation of natural resources and environmental protection in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and David Hess is most deserving of this honor,” said PRC Executive Director Darren Spielman. “Throughout his distinguished career, David has worked to protect the environment through leadership, innovation and collaboration, and PRC was fortunate to benefit from his knowledge and insight during his many years as a member of the PRC Board of Directors.”

Currently, Mr. Hess is owner of PA Environment News LLC, which publishes the “PA Environment Digest” and other digital content.

The Pennsylvania Resources Council — a statewide nonprofit organization that is nationally recognized for its expertise in recycling and waste reduction — will honor Mr. Hess on Thursday, October 14, at 5:30 p.m. during an hour-long virtual awards celebration.

“The annual Awards Celebration raises funds critical for our waste reduction, recycling, education, watershed protection and advocacy efforts,” said Spielman.

The 2021 Awards Celebration is sponsored by A Friend of PRC, Howard Wein, Esq., Fox Rothschild LLP, Branton Strategies LLC, Blank Rome LLP, Aqua America, Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC, Eldredge, Inc., Monroe Energy, PECO and Post & Schell.

Visit PRC’s October 14 Awards Celebration webpage to purchase tickets, make a donation or become a sponsor.

For more information on programs, initiatives and special events, visit the PA Resources Council website.  Click Here to sign up for regular updates, follow PRC on Twitter or Like them on FacebookClick Here for PRC’s Events Calendar.  Click Here to support their work.

PRC is Pennsylvania’s oldest grassroots environmental organization founded in 1939.  PRC has worked to protect resources for future generations through environmental education, recycling, waste diversion programs, anti-litter campaigns and other initiatives.

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[Posted: September 21, 2021]


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