Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Game Commission Mentored Youth Hunting Program Takes Effect July 22

Joined by a coalition of sportsmen, the Game Commission and Sen. Bob Robbins (R-Mercer) this week announced that experienced hunters, who have historically helped pass along the state's rich hunting heritage, now have another way to introduce youths to hunting by serving as a mentor in the new Mentored Youth Hunting Program (MYHP)

The program officially begins July 22.

"Pennsylvania's hunters, this Saturday, will have an unprecedented opportunity to introduce those under the age of 12 to hunting," said Carl Roe, Executive Director of the Game Commission. "The Mentored Youth Hunting Program will require one interested adult for every young person yearning to become a hunter. Hunting is deeply woven into the cultural fabric that is Pennsylvania, and it is important that we recruit new hunters to carry on this tradition."

On June 6, the Board of Game Commissioners unanimously approved regulations to establish the MYHP. However, the final regulations are scheduled for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on July 22, which means the program will be officially underway and mentors will be able to begin taking youth hunting.

As part of a nationwide effort, Pennsylvania was the first state to pass legislation designed to encourage more young people to take up hunting to increase hunter numbers. The measure was part of a national Families Afield campaign promoted by the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance, the National Shooting Sports Foundation and the National Wild Turkey Federation. In Pennsylvania, the state's leading sportsmen's organizations formed a coalition to promote the measure.

"In Pennsylvania, hunting and trapping have an annual $4.8 billion economic impact and are responsible for supporting more than 45,000 jobs," said Sen. Robbins, who sponsored the enabling legislation for the Mentored Youth Hunting Program. "As such, it is important that we not only work to retain hunters, but to attract the next generation in Pennsylvania. That is what the Mentored Youth Hunting Program is all about."

Representatives of those organizations who served on the MYHP ad hoc committee and joined in the announcement were: Ron Fretts, National Wild Turkey Federation; Greg Caldwell and Jon Pries, Pennsylvania Chapter of the NWTF; Melody Zullinger, the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs; Jen Sager, the United Bowhunters of Pennsylvania; Patrick Domico, Central Counties Concerned Sportsmen; Tom Baldrige and Kory Enck, National Rifle Association; and John Kline and Monica Kline of Kline Associates. Those committee members unable to attend today's event were: Kip Adams, Quality Deer Management Association; and Rob Sexton, U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance.

For more information, visit the "Mentored Youth FAQs" section of the Game Commission’s webpage.


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