Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
The Nature Conservancy: U.S. Senate Takes First Steps Toward Reauthorizing Federal Land & Water Conservation Fund

The Nature Conservancy reported February 5 the U.S. Senate voted 99-1 in a preliminary action to reauthorize the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund as part of a larger public lands package in Senate 47.

Amendments to the bill are expected to be considered and final action by the U.S. Senate could come as early as the week of February 11.

The U.S. House voted to permanently reauthorize the Fund as part of an U.S. Dept. of Interior Appropriations Bill aimed at ending the government shutdown on January 11.  But it was never taken up by the Senate.

For the latest on reauthorization, visit the Save the Land & Water Conservation Fund website.

For more on the impact of the Land and Water Conservation Fund in Pennsylvania, visit the PA Environmental Council website.

Visit The Nature Conservancy-PA webpage to learn more about programs, initiatives and events in Pennsylvania.


Op-Ed: Federal Land & Water Conservation Fund Needs To Be Reauthorized - DCNR Secretary Dunn

National Parks Struggle With Up To $11 Million In Revenue Loss From Shutdown

[Posted: Feb. 7, 2019]


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