Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs.  NEW means new from last week.

December 30-- Coca-Cola, Keep America Beautiful Public Spaces Recycling Bin Grants

December 31-- DEP County Act 101 Waste Planning, HHW, Education Grants

January 4-- Voting Ends For 2019 Pennsylvania River Of The Year

January 11-- DEP Class 8 Truck/Transit Bus Clean Vehicle Grants

January 11-- PennDOT Green Light-Go Program, LED Light Upgrades

January 11-- DEP Environmental Education Grants

January 11-- PA Solar Center Assistance To Nonprofits Converting To Solar Energy

January 11-- Small Farms, Big Impact Sustainable Farming Grants

January 16--  West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund Project Funding

January 18-- South Mountain Partnership Spirit Of South Mountain Award

January 18-- PA Land Trust Assn. Lifetime Achievement Award

January 25-- DEP Grants/Rebates Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

January 25-- Appalachian Audubon Hog Island Youth Education Scholarship

January 31-- NFWF Five Star & Urban Waters Restoration Grants

January 31-- EPA Brownfields Assessment, Cleanup and Multipurpose Grants

January 31-- NEW. Appalachian Trail Museum Hall Of Fame Nominations

February 4-- PA Environmental Professionals College Scholarships

February 8-- DEP FAST Act Alternative Fuels Corridor Infrastructure Grants

February 8-- Wildlife Leadership Academy Youth Conservation Ambassador

February 11-- PA Land Trust Assn. Government Leadership Award

February 15-- EPA Environmental Justice Small Grants

February 15-- Delaware River Basin Commission Winter Photo Contest

February 15-- Green Stormwater Infrastructure Partners Awards - Philly Area

February 20-- NOAA Chesapeake Bay Watershed Education & Training Grants

February 28-- PA Great Outdoors Visitors Bureau Winter Photo Contest

March 1-- PA Parks & Forests Foundation Wilderness Wheels Grants (Rolling Deadline)

March 1-- West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Investment Funding (Rolling Deadline)

March 4-- DCNR PA Outdoor Corps Young Adult Crews (At The Very Latest!)

March 15-- WPC TreeVitalize Pittsburgh, Allegheny County Tree Planting Grants

March 31-- DEP Level 2 Electric Charging Station Rebates (First-Come)

May 10-- DEP Class 8 Truck/Transit Bus Clean Vehicle Grants

July 15-- DEP Grants/Rebates Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

December 16-- DEP Grants/Rebates Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

March 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants

March 22-- DEP Act 101 Recycling Implementation Grants

June 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants

September 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants

September 23-- DEP Class 8 Truck/Transit Bus Clean Vehicle Grants

December 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants

-- Visit the DEP Grant, Loan and Rebate Programs webpage for more ideas on how to get financial assistance for environmental projects.

-- Visit the DCNR Apply for Grants webpage for a listing of financial assistance available from DCNR.


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