Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Perkiomen Trout Unlimited Leads Restoration Project On Namesake Creek

By Thomas W. Smith, Perkiomen Valley TU President

The Perkiomen Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited partnered with Sundance Creek Consulting, the Montgomery County Conservation District, Penn State Master Watershed Stewards and Upper Perkiomen High School for a stream restoration project on Perkiomen Creek, which was carried out over five days in mid-October.

Designed by Karl Lutz, a retiree from the PA Fish and Boat Commission, included stabilization of the stream banks, enhancement of the riparian buffer, restoration of a natural, stable stream channel and the creation of aquatic habitat along the property of the American Legion, Post 192, in Palm.

These project included embedded logs and root balls, as well as the placement of two large rock deflectors along the opposite stream bank. Numerous large boulders were positioned midstream to help break up the uniform water flow and add habitat.

Volunteers from PVTU and MCCD provided the manual labor for the removal of invasive species and the disturbed areas were then planted with native seed and covered with straw matting, to aid in the restoration. The work required extensive use of heavy equipment provided by Dave Schneck, Inc.

The planting of live stakes and container trees will conclude this spring.

(Reprinted from the Winter 2018 PA Council Of Trout Unlimited newsletter.  Click Here to sign up for your own copy.)

[Posted: Feb. 15, 2018]


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