Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
PennDOT Approves Multimodal Transportation Funding, Including 4 Trail, Bike Projects

Gov. Tom Wolf Thursday announced 45 highway, bridge, bike and pedestrian, and ports and waterways projects will benefit communities in 22 counties through the Department of Transportation Multimodal Transportation Fund.

“Our multimodal investments support important projects that help residents and local economies,” said Gov. Wolf. “We are making possible improvements that will bring significant benefits to these communities.”

Trail-related funding includes these projects--

-- Allegheny County: Homestead Borough -- $100,000 for a one-mile trail and bike park to connect to the Great Allegheny Passage Bicycle Trail along Waterfront Drive enabling safe access to "The Avenues" Business District, which spans three municipalities (West Homestead, Homestead, and Munhall).

-- Cambria County: University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown – $500,000 to construct a trail and sidewalk to improve the pedestrian connection between the 8,000 people at the university, Penn Highlands Community College, and the Richland School District.

-- Philadelphia: Schuylkill River Development Corporation -- $183,750 to install enhancements to the new Bartram’s Mile trail and greenway, including installation of an irrigation system and maintenance facility and contextually sensitive additions to the site landscaping.

   -- City of Philadelphia -- $567,774 to purchase and install 21 additional bike share stations at strategic transit hubs within Central Philadelphia.

For more information on the program, visit PennDOT’s Multimodal Transportation webpage.


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[Posted: Feb. 8, 2018]


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