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Effort To Refer Severance Tax Bill To House Committee Fails By One Vote, 1 Week Of Session Left

On Monday, a motion by Rep. Matt Gabler (R-Clearfield) to refer the natural gas severance tax bill-- House Bill 1401 (DiGirolamo-R-Bucks)-- to the House Environmental Committee failed by a vote of 93 to 94.

An effort was made to amend the bill twice more on Monday.

Rep. Stephen Bloom (R-Cumberland) offered A04292 that would have invalidated the minimum royalty payment provisions of the bill, but the amendment was withdrawn after a lengthy debate.  This was the second day he offered the amendment.

[Note: Rep. Bloom is running for Congress in the 11th District now represented by Lou Barletta.  This district includes Columbia, Montour, and Wyoming counties, along with parts of Carbon, Cumberland, Dauphin, Luzerne, Northumberland, and Perry counties.]

Rep. Eli Evankovich (R-Allegheny) offered A04432, that would have required natural gas distribution companies to put the names of the Governor, Senate and House member voting for the severance tax on each customer’s bill, was defeated 53 to 134, again after lengthy debate.

A motion to force an immediate final vote on the bill by Rep. James Santora (R-Delaware) failed for lack of members to second the motion.  He got 14 seconds and needed 20.

The House took no further action on the bill Tuesday or Wednesday and it remains on the House Calendar for when the House returns December 11.

It is likely there will be another effort to refer the bill to the House Environmental Committee, if and when the House takes up the bill again.

As a reminder, there is no funding in this bill for any environmental programs.

Click Here for a summary of amendments made to the bill November 20 & 21.

What’s Next?

The House and Senate both dropped the week of December 18 from their voting schedule making December 11, 12 and 13 the last voting days of the year for both chambers.

The Senate and House next return to Harrisburg on January 2 to formally open the second half of the 2017-18 legislative session.

The real work will start on January 22 and the Governor’s budget address a 2 weeks later on February 6 when the state will start the year with a budget already $1 billion in the hole.


Cusick/Meyer: Severance Tax Could Be Close, But It Doesn’t Mean What It Used To

Editorial: Polluting Politics: Evankovich’s Petty Idea For Line Item On Gas Bills

Editorial: Natural Gas Severance Tax Issue Severed From True Debate

Related Story:

House Leaves Town Without Finishing Debate On Natural Gas Severance Tax Bill

[Posted: Dec. 7, 2017]


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