Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Walter N. Heine, First Director Of OSM, Recognized For 34 Years Of Service To DEP’s Citizens Advisory Council

Walter N. Heine attended his last Citizens Advisory Council meeting at DEP on Tuesday after serving on the Council for 34 years.

Heine was first appointed to Council in August of 1983.  The experience he brought to discussions was shaped by his background as a registered professional engineer and President and CEO of Walter N. Heine Associates, Inc. and as a former West Pennsboro Township Supervisor in Newville, Cumberland County.

From 1955 to 1970, Heine worked for the Pennsylvania Department of Health, serving as a staff engineer, operations engineer, regional sanitary engineer, and Chief of the Division of Mine Drainage Control.

Heine played a key role in shaping environmental policy in the regulation of mining operations in Pennsylvania as the Associate Deputy Secretary For Mines and Land Protection in DER from 1971 to 1977.

In 1977 President Jimmy Carter nominated Heine as the first Director of the federal Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement after the passage of the first federal law to comprehensively regulate coal mining operations-- the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act-- that same year. 

Heine assisted in the drafting of the federal law whose provisions were based largely on Pennsylvania’s own mining program.

The new law established a comprehensive regulatory program for the coal mining industry, in cooperation with states, and provided funding for the reclamation of abandoned mine lands through enactment of a per ton mine reclamation fee.

During his nearly 3 years as Director of OSM, he oversaw the development and implementation of the first federal regulations covering coal mining and laid the foundation of today’s modern mining and reclamation programs.

If there is a father of federal coal mine regulation program, Walter N. Heine is it.

At the CAC meeting Heine reflected on his service on the Council saying, “It has been quite an experience” noting when he first started “just cleaning up a stream in those early days was a big deal.”

“Walter Heine’s career represents the leadership role Pennsylvania has had in shaping environmental programs that make sense not only for the Commonwealth, but also the nation,” said David E. Hess, former Secretary of DEP.  “I have very much appreciated the education Walter has given me over the years and benefited from his experience both in public service and the private sector.  I wish him well and thank him for his service to the people of Pennsylvania.”

During his tenure on Council he has served as Chairman from June 2004 through September 2006 and before that as Vice Chair.

He was elected to be one of Council’s representatives on the Environmental Quality Board, the board that adopts all of DEP’s regulations, and to the Mining and Reclamation Advisory Board. He was also a member of the Environmental Standards and Water Committees of Council.

For more information, visit DEP’s Citizens Advisory Council webpage or contact Lee Ann Murray, Executive Director of the Citizens Advisory Council, by calling 717-787-8171 or send email to:


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[Posted: Sept. 22, 2017]


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