Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Game Commission - LBFC Report Supports Need for Increased Revenues

Game Commission Executive Director Carl G. Roe said this week his agency agrees with most of the findings in the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee's report of the agency's adherence to its strategic plan and the need to address the financial condition of the Commission.

Roe noted that he believes the report provides the proof the General Assembly needs to act on legislation that addresses the agency's funding limitations, which currently impede the agency's ability to fulfill its mission to manage and conserve the state's 465 species of wild birds and mammals, as well as their habitats, for all Pennsylvanians.

One of the LBFC's key findings pointed out: "While the PGC has continued to experience problems in operationalizing its Strategic Plan, the agency's financial condition represents its most significant near-term challenge. Despite expenditure cuts and ongoing cost-containment measures, the Commission is in need of a substantial revenue augmentation in order to stem the decline in the Game Fund balance and avoid further reductions in programs, services, and staff."

Roe emphasized that the agency has attempted to follow its strategic plan, which was developed in 2003. However, limited financial resources has forced cuts in programs, projects and staff, thereby reducing the agency's ability to move forward.

"This report clearly notes that our efforts to implement a strategic plan is directly impacted by our ability to fund programs and projects that benefit wildlife and their habitats," Roe said. "Our current Strategic Plan includes a measurement system and we have collected two years of measurements from program areas. However, we have not been able to achieve the full implementation of the plan, because of financial constraints.

"During the 2005-06 fiscal year budget preparations, we developed our initial budget using a zero-based concept. This approach was designed to tie the budgeting process to the strategic plan. All operational plans are resource driven and, unfortunately, the cost-cutting measures we implemented to keep our expenditures in line with revenues have compromised our ability to continue the measurement system throughout the budget year."

Roe also noted that he concurs with the LBFC recommendation for the agency to fill the position of Strategic Planner, which has been vacant since early 2003, as soon as possible.

"We have no choice but to leave the strategic planner position vacant until we receive additional revenues," Roe said. "In fact, we have implemented a hiring freeze on all new positions and we are back-filling only positions that are critical to our mission."

The LBFC also recommended Roe issue an agency-wide directive clarifying the status of the Commission's strategic planning process and the role the plan plays in agency operations and budgeting.

"Not only do I agree with this recommendation, but we already have made progress in communicating the importance of the Game Commission's strategic plan," Roe said. "I have a strong commitment to the planning process and have informed staff that strategic planning will be incorporated into day-to-day operations. Bureau and Regional budgets will be linked to the Strategic Plan and performance reports will be an integral part of the implementation."

For a copy of the report, visit the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee's report webpage.


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