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DCNR Held Feb. 9 Meeting On Study Of ATV Connecting Trail In Clinton County

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources held the first stakeholder meeting on February 9 to review a study under way in Sproul State Forest to address feasibility of closing a trail gap and determining the best way to connect the Bloody Skillet and Whiskey Springs ATV trail systems, near Renovo, Clinton County.

To ensure a successful project, the bureau intends to conduct open meetings with various stakeholder groups affected by this effort. Additional public meetings to gather further input also will be scheduled in the upcoming months.

The first stakeholder meeting will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday at Durrwachter Alumni Conference Center on Lock Haven University campus, Lock Haven. Because of time and space constraints, this session is primarily for invited stakeholders.

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ Bureau of Forestry has engaged Larson Design Group to study connecting the two trails.

The feasibility study will examine possible connector trail corridors between the Bloody Skillet trail system and the town of Renovo, Clinton County; as well as from Renovo to the Whiskey Springs ATV trail system, near Snow Shoe in Clinton and Centre counties.

Long a proponent of expanded ATV riding opportunities in the state, Rep. Mike Hanna (D-Clinton) hailed the expansion possibilities:

“This study is imperative for the growth of economic and recreational opportunities in our region.” Rep. Hanna said. “As these meetings are held, I look forward to the public’s input on this exciting project. The more public comment, the better.”

Safety and sustainability of the two ATV trail systems also will be examined, and suggestions for improvement provided. Field studies will continue through the summer with recommendations following in early 2018.

One of 11 designated, state forestland ATV riding trails across the state, Bloody Skillet now offers 38 miles of trails to riders. It is off Route 144, about 19 miles north of the Snow Shoe Exit of Route 80.

When combined with the recent reopening of the nearby Whiskey Springs ATV Trail System in Clinton County after extensive mine reclamation work, the trails now offer more than 120 miles for ATV riding within an hour of Renovo.

In addition to Whiskey Springs and Bloody Skillet, riders visiting the region also are encouraged to try the Denton Hill ATV Trail System and the Haneyville ATV Trail.

Copies of maps and other ATV riding information is available on DCNR’s ATV Places To Ride webpage.

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[Posted: Feb. 7, 2017]


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