Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Adaptive Grazing Farm Tour Sept. 4-5 Tionesta

The Natural Resource Conservation Service and Headwaters RC&D Council are sponsoring an Adaptive Grazing Farm Tour September 4-5 at the Wilson Land and Cattle Company, 1532 Stitzinger Road, Tionesta, Forest County.

Participants will see a truly well-managed, authentic grass-based farm where attention to natural biological principles has improved the soil, lowered inputs and revived the enterprise.

There will be an evening pasture walk on Friday with operator Russ Wilson and Greg Brann, grazing and soil health advocate from Tennessee.  September 5th will feature a firsthand look at things Russ has accomplished using livestock as the driving force to improve the land and increase his earning potential.

A farm tour will feature and discuss grazing management, reducing inputs, improving soil health, manure recycling, multispecies grazing, grazing cover crops, fence considerations, water systems, forage varieties, cattle genetics, parasites, and much more.

Russ Wilson, along with his wife and two children operate Wilson Land & Cattle Co, a 220 acre farm in Forest County south of Tionesta, PA.   They raise cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, and poultry by actively applying adaptive management techniques to ensure economic viability. 

Intensive rotational grazing and higher stocking densities are among the more important practices used on the farm.  Livestock graze stockpiled pasture as long as weather permits in order to reduce inputs, improve soil health, maintain livestock health, and produce a high quality product. 

Multi-species cover crops are used to jump-start soil biology and improve productivity. 

Special guest for the events will be Greg Brann, NRCS Grazing Lands and Soil Health Specialist in addition to being a multi-species grazier from Tennessee, who farms 320 acres of pasture using beef cows, stockers, goats and hair sheep. 

Greg has authored and co-authored many publications including “Fencing for Serious Grazers” and “Meat Goats: Reproduction, Nutrition and Health” and has been featured on the television show “Out on the Land.”

For more information or to register before the August 25 deadline, visit the Adaptive Grazing Farm Tour webpage or contact the Headwaters RC&D Council, Attn: Brittany Dittemore at 109 N. Brady St. – 2nd Floor, DuBois, PA 15801, Phone # 814-503-8653 Ext 11.


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